
1) What one incident most changed your life?

2) Write about an opportunity you wish you had (not) taken.

3) If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be? Why?

4) What did you do for the fourth of July?

5) If you had 24 hours left to live, how would you spend the time?

6) Describe a first time experience that didn't go as you imagined it would.

7) If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

8) Write about a piece or pieces of art at the Fine Arts building. This may be creative or analytical.

9) Tell me about your favorite bands, music, songs, and so forth. You might discuss particular memories and associations.

10) You are now the governor of Florida. Make three new laws. Get rid of three laws. Don't pick anything about drugs or drinking.

11) If you were exiled from America for one year, where would you go? What would you do?

12) Compose two lists. The first list is a list of your three favorite people to be around; put three people on this list and explain why each person is on it. The second list is a list of your three least favorite people to be around; put three people on this list and explain why each person is on it.

13) If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would you have seen and why?

14) Design your own reality TV show.

15) What magazines do you read? Why? Design your own magazine.

16) What were your impressions of F.S.U. and college before you came here? What are they now?

17) Describe your ideal weekend.

18) Describe your happiest memory.

19) Write down an original journal topic or question.

20) Write about that topic.