Three Books I Would Risk My Life For
What would you do if you woke up one morning and wanted to read a book, but realized there were no books to read? In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury wrote about the future without any books. Guy Montag burnt books for a living. What would you do if your job was to burn books for a living?  The three books I would save would be the Bible, To Kill a Mockingbird, and My Book About Me.
The first book I would keep would be the Bible. I would keep the Bible because I believe it is the most important book a person should have. The Bible is about stories when Jesus was alive and dead. There are all kinds of different stories of the Bible. People say the Bible is not even real. Having the Bible with me at all times will bring me closer to God.
The second book I would keep would be To Kill A Mockingbird. I would keep this book because it taught me three valuable lessons in my life. It taught me about prejudice, justice, and human dignity. The book was about a lawyer who was defending a black man, who was said to have raped a little girl. This book was the best book I have ever read in my life.
The third book I would keep is My Book About Me. I would keep this book because it is the story of my young childhood that I did not want to let go. This book had everything from my childhood days. The book had the first day I walked; the first day I learned how to ride a bike, and my first vacation. I think everybody should have a book that tells them about their childhood.
The books I believe are the most important to keep in my childhood are the Bible, To Kill A Mockingbird, and My Book About Me. The Bible would bring me closer to God. To Kill A Mockingbird taught me lessons to help me in my life. My Book About Me reminded me of my childhood. Therefore, if you have these books it will be a part of you for the rest of your life.
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