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Imagine that you are sitting in your living room watching three wall TVs without a care in the world. Imagine that there is a war and you do not even know what it is about. Imagine that the entire world is not allowed to read a single book, and there is not a book even if you wanted one. Well, that is what Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451 is about. Montag is the main character in the book with Mildred his wife. They are like I just told you to imagine, but something happened and Montag started wanting to read and find out about the past. He started saving books from being burned. Now if you had a chance, what books would you save? I know at least three that I would. They are Romeo and Juliet, an Environmental Magazine like Earth Times, and the Bible
Romeo and Juliet is written by Shakespeare. In Romeo and Juliet two star-crossed lovers are hiding their love from their parents. They meet on one day, the make vows the next day, they get married on the third day, and they both kill themselves on the fourth day. It teaches a many good lessons and it shows that we had some sort of entertainment now. Also it would be very important to the rebuilding of a new society.
Earth Times is an Environmental Magazine which is written by selected authors and published by a couple of different companies. It shows about what our world goes through and what our present day world issues are. Earth Times explains in every issue in very much detail what happened and what future predictions might be. It shows the problems people and nature are having. Also it shows the great effect humans are having on the planet. This would be a very great magazine to save. It would help with restoration of our world and tech us not to make the some mistakes that were made in the past. It would show us how to act to our neighbors and how to treat the environment.
The Bible is written by many of writers who supposedly got inspired by God. It is collection of stories, prophecies, and teachings from the past. It would be a very great addition to my collection because it would show the people that there was religion in the past. I know there are many of other books with religion, but I would not force anyone to read or learn from the Bible. I would just tell them that it’s here and if they want something else to believe in, go ahead, but I am sticking with the Bible.
Romeo and Juliet, a copy of the magazine Earth Times, and the Bible are three very important books that I would save and teach the people with. If they did not believe me they could read it for themselves. There would be entertainment, history, and religion from these three great selections. It would make a good solid foundation for a new society. So those three books would be very important to me. Now it’s your turn. WHAT ARE YOUR SELECTIONS?