Robert Duchamp
Ms. Gravel
English 10 CAI
28 February 2003
                          Two Important Men
The two men, being Julius Caesar and Martin Luther King Jr., are very powerful men in different ways. One, being Julius Caesar, did not fear death, he kind of approached it as if he wanted to die. On the other hand, Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of his words. He stood up for what he wanted and got it in the end, but he had to pay the price of death for it. Martin Luther King Jr., like Julius Caesar did not fear death, he even told his wife the night before he was shot that he knew he would be shot and killed for what he stood for, freedom and equality.  As Julius Caesar said in the play, “I was constant Cimber should be banish'd/And constant do remain to keep him so.” ( 3.1.72). In This up and coming paper I will talk about the things that people accomplished and why they were murdered. Is it because of what the believed in or what someone didn’t?
Julius Caesar was a very powerful man in many different ways. He chose to kill him self for a reason that I am un sure of. Julius Caesar one said, “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but one.”(2.2.23). What he means by this is that people that are afraid of dying are cowards in a way because they can’t take death and that the strong people don’t fear death and are willing to die if they really have to. I believe that Julius Caesar was a strong person, and for that he showed that when he killed him self for the reasons that are undetermined. I also think that Julius Caesar chose to kill himself because of his situation in his life, he was a very powerful man, and I don’t think that he really wanted to be at that point in his life.
Julius Caesar was a noble man that took pride in what he did. When he died, he died because he knew it was right for him to die, and it was right for him to die.So Blah and more blah broski. He died in his time at a great play buddy i don't know i didn't finish writing this so yeah buddy.
Martin Luther King Jr., was a very important man that did many important things during his life time. When martin Luther King Jr., was shot in , many people were completely devastated over the fact that their leader, the man they have looked up to and followed, was dead and was never coming back. Some people took their anger to the streets, but that’s not what Martin Luther King Jr., was all about, he was more of a, I do this without violence kind of guy that was looked up to for that.
  During His life time, Martin Luther King Jr.  accomplished many different important achievements that people now know him for today. For a start in naming some of the many achievements that he accomplished, I will name the Martin Luther King Jr. Award, which was an award that was established by the Fellowship of Reconciliation in 1979 to recognize unheralded persons or groups working in the United States in the
tradition of Martin Luther King, Jr. The purpose of the award is to recognize and support those who receive it, but all who are working to keep his dream alive.
When Martin Luther King Jr. died, his family was as disappointed as the rest of the world, and they thought why him, why the one man that helped millions around the world. Before Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed, he did tell his wife that he had a feeling that he was going to get shot today, and that if it were a good cause he was willing to die. By saying that, his family should have been proud of him in a way because of the fact that he helped many people and died for a good cause, freedom. Overall, the two important men, Martin Luther King Jr. and Julius Caesar were unique in different ways. One Being a leader of a civil rights movement, and then other being a leader of a big empire. They both had a lot of responsibilities and if they failed to complete these responsibilities the world we live in now, would not be the same as it is. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of his words, he spoke what he meant, and meant what he said. When he died many people were terrified at the fact that their leader wasn’t going to be there anymore for them to look to. Julius Caesar was a noble man that took pride in what he did. For the most part, I do not know why he was stabbed over and over by grown men. If I were to say something about the two men, it would be that they worked for what they wanted and got it eventually, whether living or not living. They both played a big roll in how our world is today and I thank them for what the contributed for the society.