Dreams Come True Pt2

Feb 24, 2000
Branson, Mo Planet Branson

After a long drive to Branson we arrived at the hotel. We checked in and decided to rest a
few before heading off to the club to meet up with Bam Bam. The phone rang and it was
the guy at the front desk tellin me that michelle (babyblue) was there, and was it ok if she
came up. I was scream like an idiot YES OF COURSE!! lol.. got to the door like 10 mins
before she and Fred got to the room. They were so cool!! We talked for a couple mins
then decided to head on over to the club.

We went inside and met up with Bam, who was getting ready to do sound check. We sat
down to listen to the guys “tune up” and got to hear Richie sing a couple songs! It was
awesome! Paul was tuning up and I seen the most awesome guitar in the world! It’s like
clear red glass! Too cool! After a few minuets of Paul ripping out some killer riffs Bam
climbed behind the kit to do one of the best warm ups I have ever heard! Bam was with it
100%!! When Bam was done my brother looks over at me and goes, “Damn that guy is
good!.” To hear my brother say that a musician is GOOD is like getting the stamp of
approval from the Pope! When sound check was done Bam came down and introduced us
to their new security/Merch guy Matt. Matt was way cool. BB, my brother and I sat in the
club and talked  while Fred took Bam and Matt some where. Paul walked through to go
play pool and I looked at him. He looked back at me and goes, “Your lookin at me like I
know you.” I was LMAO.. I explained who I was and he asked if I came all the way from
Nh to see the show. After explaining that i lived in Ky not Nh lol.. He talked to my brother
and I for a few and took some pics with us. (Thanks Paul!!)

Just before the doors to the club were ready to open I made BB force her food down like
a mad woman cause I wanted to get front and center for the show!! We got down front,
there were already a few people there waiting. (A couple of people from sebastian’s
message board. Forgive me but I can’t remember the names! :o(  )  We talked for a few
minuets and Bam walked up and talked to us again. He is so sweet. Ya gotta love Bam. I
snapped a couple pics of Bam with his awesome jacket on! He went up on stage and got
behind his kit and played for a second, walked out to the edge of the stage and handed me
a set of drum sticks! :-) *THANKS BAM for the sticks which are now hanging on my
wall!*  The night is already an awesome one!

Bout an hour or so later the opening band (Erotic Suicide I think) came out. They were an
ok band. They, as most opening bands do, had a hard time getting the fans into it. When
they were done... they crew was setting up for Bas and the boys. The crew they have is so
awesome. The guys are cool as hell and do one hell of a job setting up for da’boys! A few
minuets later the lights go down and they announce Sebastian Bach and Friends.. THE
CROWD GOES MAD!!!  Sebastian rips across the stage screaming Slave to the Grind !!
after the first couple songs Sebastian walked up to the front of the stage and kissed my
hand! I was stunned to say the least lol. The show was Killer!! BB and myself were
snapping Pics like mad women!! and the guys were all posing for us! It was so cool!! Then
I look over at BB trying to change film and her camera was so messed up.. she lost all her
pics. This crowd was unbelievably rough! I have been to a lot of shows but this one was
kinda bad lol. All the sudden this asshole security guy grabs me and trys to shove my ass
back to the back of the crowd then he starts shovin bb around! What an ASSHOLE! Poor
BB gets shoved all the way back and I’m fighting with the stupid fuker cause he has my
purse with bams sticks in it, hung behind his arm. I’m screamin at the guy your fukin
hanging me let go and I’ll move! Does he? noooo oh no.. The guy shoves me even harder,
knocks my fuking cane outta my hand and gets in my face. (note my back at this point is
fuking KILLING me anyway and this asshole bout done me in!) I guess Sebastian seen the
guy fukin with me and looked at me and asked “Where do you think your going?” at this
point I think I would’a kiked the security guy in the nuts if it hadn’t been to crowded for
my to move my legs. I pointed at the security prick and Bas was like ,” I don’t think so
put her back where she was.” *THANKS SEBASTIAN!*  The guy starts yelling fuk you
and says something like, fuk this I don’t need this shit.. as he started walking off I done
my best to trip the fuker. I don’t know if I made it or not :-)  The band kicks into another
song and I feel this tap on my shoulder.. BB is behind me waving Bu Bye!!! I’m like what
the fuk!??!!?  All I heard at that point is We gotta go. I had no clue why. :-(  I watch BB
leave and then turn back to the show. During one of the songs Paul walked over towards
where I was standing  and handed me a Pic! *THANKS PAUL!*  I’m  having like the
TIME OF MY LIFE at this show !!! Thinking it just can’t get any better! The show
continues on with some of the KILLER tunes like counter punch, rock n roll, ect. Bas
picks up a rose and tries to hand it to me.. dits I am i totally miss it lmao. During the next
song he grabbed another rose and handed it to me. (YEAH I got my shit together that
time and got it lmao) I was so flattered! :-) During the last song of the set Sebastian ripped
the set list from the amp and handed it to me! :-) *THANKS AGAIN SEBASTIAN!*
The girls standing beside of me at that point were like.. “and who did you have to do to
get all the attention!?”  I was happy in my own little world!! :-)

When the show was over.. People begin to clear out, this girl had lost her shoe  so a
security guy crawled under the stage to get it.. I was yelling.. get my cane too.. your
asshole friend  kiked under there! lol.. *i wasn’t to nice :-)* My Brother walked up to me
and I was like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO BB AND FRED!? He explained that
Fred got kiked out. (When I got back home I got the scoop from BB, Fred got really
drunk that night and ended up getting thrown out.)  Anyway.. Just as I thought the night
couldn’t get any better, I bumped into T-rod and he told me ta go get on the bus.
*THANKS T-ROD!*  lol.. I went out back and waited for the guys to come out. There
was a guy standing there who looked at me and goes “ wow you mean you don’t have a
key to the bus to just walk on. You seem to get everything else.” at that point I was rotf..
I was like you just don’t get it do ya. THEY FUKING LIVE IN THAT BUS! Why would
people just open the door and walk into your house!?!?  He got my point I think lmao.
About then Paul came out and had Matt put me on.  *THANKS AGAIN PAUL AND
MATT!* (notice a pattern of thanks here? lol)

When I got on the bus, I sat there a couple a minuets then got the surprise of my life!
Maria was there! It was a honor to get the chance to meet her. She is really so sweet! and
while I’m on a roll *THANKS MARIA FOR BEING SO SWEET!* lol. I was really
blown away by how down to earth she was and how nice she was. I have said before and
will say again, she is one hell of a lady to be able to deal with having a husband on the
road all the time! She is genuinely a beautiful person. I am always honored to get to talk to
any of the band be it in person or on the net but that night was really nice. I got to see the
people I admire so much in such a relaxed setting and was able to talk to them. Seeing
Sebastian with Maria just blew me away. They look so in love and so damn cute together!
Next thing I know Paul, Bam and Bas are singing “Wildchild” by WASP.  It was so cool
lol.. Paul on air guitar, Bam doing air drums, and Sebastian singing!

When I got back to my hotel I couldn’t believe the night had really happened! When Nae
and I went to the show in NH she was my reality check! I felt like I just dreamed all of it!!
All I can say, once again is THANK YOU! You guys really do make DREAMS COME
TRUE even for someone like me!!
