Dreams Come True Pt3

May 2, 2000
Louisville, Ky Coyote’s

How to start this one... Ette came in form Cali to see the show with me in Louisville!
When she got here we were so pumped we couldn’t wait! We planed for weeks on what a
good time we were going to have! We made up some flyers and took them to different
places and handed em out (this is the first time they have been close enough to me to do
that!) .

The day of the show, the Limo pulls up to the house to get us. We haul all our shit in and
pose for a zillion pics lol. (we really think we’re da’shit at this point! lmao)We pile in and
get ready to have the time of our lives!! Our first stop? where the hell else would we go in
a limo.. but .. WALMART... yeah that’s right..Ette for got to get a purse to match her
shoes so we go to walmart. As if we didn’t get enough looks at Walmart lmao.. we
decided to stop for breakfast at Mc Donalds (yes we have pics of us eating freggin hash
browns and breakfast burritos in the limo).  *Hangs head in shame*  Then were off to
LOUISVILLE!!! We get to the club on time.. but Bam is late. We talked to Paul for bout
45 mins to an hour. He’s so cool!  Gotta love Paul. We decided to give up on Bam for a
few and we took off to ride around town in the limo. When we got back Bam was there
and they were doing sound check. He came back to the bar (when he finally seen us) *it’s
about time we’re here?!!?!?!?* and talked to us. Bam was in a great mood that day lol. He
was funny as hell! *And YES I’ll send ya one!* He tried to talk us into going on the bus
before the show. I thought Ette was going to kill me but I said no. Bam was like,  “yeah i
know you wanna be right up front.” lol. I met LUVGAYLE and her boyfriends band as
they were setting up. Gayle was really sweet. Bam was pickin on me and she had no clue
who he was so she was giving him shit. I was LMAO saying Gayle..this is BAM BAM.
We went on up to the front of the stage and Bam went to get some food. We were
standing there to wait for the show to start and gayle would come up on the stage to see if
we needed anything. She was so sweet. Thanks Gayle!

When the opening act Screaming through Dec came out we were all ready to see a real
rock show. The band was good. The guitarist, bassest and the drummer had shit under
control and were having lots of fun. It kinda seemed like the singer had a bit much to drink
before the show and was two interested in seeing girls tits then singing. That may be good
for some people but that just ain’t my thing. I looked over to the side of the stage and seen
Bam standing there stretching out getting ready for the show. so I snapped a couple pics.
The security guy infront of me was real cool. He was like is that him!? lol I told him it was
the drummer Bam Bam!

When sebastian and the guys came out I knew it was going to be one hell of a night! The
energy level was so high and all the guys were 100% fuking ON!!! It was the most
AWESOME SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! Sebastian, Bam, Paul, Richie, and even
Larry were all fukin smiling at one point! I was blown away!  Sebastian was so into it!
They were all having so much fun and that fed into the crowd!  Ette and I got to witness
the “Twirling Mic of Death” up close and personal twice! We also got the “Bas spit” a
few times! lol was funny as hell! Along with Bas and Paul sweat lol from them head
banging infront of us! The crowd was so into it in Louisville (sold out crowd!) that it was
unreal!! Even the people in the back were head banging and cheerin!! Bout the 4th or 5th
song into the set Ette said Bas seen me lol. She said he smiled real big and pointed at me.
(I was taking a pic of Richie at the time) A few mins later i feel him tappin on my
shoulder. He slapped my hand and I gave him the thumbs up sign. Shit started gettin funky
then cause a new security guy came up front.. (what is it with me and security?) The guy
was pushin ette around pretty good and yellin at her. She was yellin back. I was thinkin at
that point that she was gonna get hurt. After a bunch of yellin and bitchin the guy finally
let her infront of me right up next to the stage. I was thinkin cool now I don’t have to
keep an eye on her .. LMFAO.. all I had to do was make sure she didn’t get squished! lol..
Which was kinda awkward at times lmao. Anyway.. back to the show.. The guys were so
kik ass!! They even played some covers that I hadn’t heard em do before!  Ever once in a
while, when I’d look over toward Paul, he stick his tongue out at me! I was lmao! I was
snappin a pic and I felt someone tuggin at the Boa around my neck.. (which was hung in
the awesome spiked collar Ette gave me!) I looked around and ette was like Richie was
tryin ta get your Boa! lol I took it off (finally!) and gave it too him when he came back
over to my side.  A girl behind me I guess motioned for bas to hand her some water.. lol
he did.. after pouring half the nice icy cold bottle down my back! I was rotf!  During one
song Bas had a problem with his ear mic and while the crew was trying to fix it Paul was
doing his “dance” in a circle around the stage and accidentally kiked his mic stand over.
When Bas got his mic fixed he came back to the center of the stage and Paul motioned for
him to do it. Bas laughed and done a lil’ “dance”, walked over to Paul’s mic and kiked it
over!!! lmao.. then gave a lil head gesture as if to say “hummph, there, I did it!” lol You
could tell how well the band was loving the crowd so as they were playing their last song
Bas said he was gonna stay and sign autographs after the show.

When the guys left the stage we went straight for WATER lol. Then I went over to set
down by my brother and waited for the guys to get done. Ette went to go fix her makeup.
My brother and I talked for a while and the cool security guy at the club waked by and
shook my hand. He said something like thanks for doin that. (when he needed by Ette and
I would step back no problems. At one point I think he even applauded us and said way to
hustle or some shit lol) and I thanked him for not being an asshole! :-) Then Paul walked
by looking for his friend. He gave me a hug and i told him how great the show was! He
was kinda like .. yeah you were really havin a good time weren’t ya!? lol I was having a
BLAST!!! We sat and waited for a while longer then bam came out. He talked to us for a
few but spent most of the time in the club talking to fans. Then we went on the bus and sat
for a while.

There were a lot of cool people on the bus in Louisville lol.  I sat down next to the lil
kitchen area and was watching Richie and a friend make coffee. Richie was like Hey
thanks for the Boa! His friend looked and me and asked if I was me lol. Come to find out
it was Scarlethaze from the board! BB had sent her a pic of me so she would know who I
was!  She was so sweet! I was really glad to meet her! Then a few minuets later Paul
comes on the bus kinda crawlin up the steps. We didn’t know what was goin on and he
stands up and goes “I been drinkin!” or some shit like that. We all cracked up!  He was
wobbling all over lol. It’s been along time since I seen someone drink that wasn’t use to
drinkin! Bas introduced me to most of  the people on the bus but for the life of me I am
still so floored the guy even remembers my name, that i don’t remember who he was
introducing me to! lol So for those of you who go to bas’s Message board.. E-MAIL ME
lol . We had a blast talking about shit. There was another “Bas collector” there that I was
honored to meet lol. Nice to meet people who are as into collecting stuff as you are!!
(note: Professor Bas teaching class on the other side of the bus at this point LMAO) Bas
seen the ring ette gave me last year and he freaked! lol  Then he asked me how my brother
was and I pointed to my brother on the other side of the bus. Bas was like No way!! lol
they highfived and talked for a min. Next thing I know Paul like jumps up out of his seat
and all ya hear is “ARRRRRRRRRRRR” and he jumps on my brother with all fours to
wrestle! lmfao!!! You gotta understand my brother is a really big guy and alot bigger then
Paul so it was just so funny!   Paul goes, “wow your a big guy, and a strong one too!”
Bam was like Paul may think he’s seein double but that’s all one guy!” lmao Paul set down
in the front seat again and all the sudden “ARRRRRRRRRRR” again lol we look over and
Pauls right back on Terry! lmao.

The bus was clearing out and we were lucky enough to get to ride again. Bas stood up
and asked me if I wanted to hear something sick. I’m thinkn at this point ummmmm i
don’t know lol but I said sure! He walked up to the CD player and asked if I was sure I
wanted to hear something sick. At this point i’m dyin lol I was like YES!! He kiked in this
cd and starts Singing the Jekyll & Hyde songs!!! I was so blown away!!! He was acting
and all!! He sat down next to me and my God it was so fuking intense. He was like nose
to nose with me , looking me dead in the eyes singing his heart out! What an unexpected
surprise!! I never wanted it to end! He was so passionate about what he was singng and
packed so much emotion into the songs that it was like you were watching the whole Play!
I could not believe he was sharing that with us! He even done the scene where he turns
from Jekyll to Hyde! I was moved almost to tears! When he was done I don’t think he
understood how much i really loved it and how emotional and heart felt that it was for me.
I still can’t believe the man even knows my name and he shares this with me?!  He will
never know who much that meant to me!  He was starting to lose his voice at this point
and we’re getting ready to leave. He looks over at me and says “ you shouldn’t let me do
that.” I was like what?! lol.. He said “sing like that after I just done a show.” I was lol! So
he starts tellin us how he got the part and all and this one note he hit and he starts to sing
that note. I look at him and go “Sebastian SHUT UP!” he laughed, high fived me and said
“There ya go!!” lmao!! We took a few pics with bas (which didn’t come out btw.. ) and
went out to call a cab back to our hotel. While we were waiting Richie and scarlethaze
came out and Richie thanked me for the Boa again and was kind enough to pose for some
pics with us! He is not only very talented but one hell of a nice guy as well!

How do I even sum this one up other then to say that the band sebastian has now is the
best band I have heard in YEARS and I hope they stay together forever! The new songs
kik ass and I hope all their dreams keep coming true!

To Sebastian, Bam Bam, Paul, Richie and Larry:

You will never know what you have done for your fans. Being so cool to people and
singing autographs, making dreams come true everynight. We as fans could never repay
you for all you do. I for one am for ever grateful and am honored to call myself a FAN.
Thank you again for making my dreams come true. Never in a million years did I think
that someone like me would be able to hang with people of your talent and charm.
