All About Me
What's up ladies and gentlemen.  My name is Wray.  I'm a 22 year old Senior at Wake Forest University, majoring in Political Science.  I'm currently taking a semester or two off and attempting to head back to where I was most comfortable and to look for an internship.
I enjoy a lot of things...anywhere from music, to writing, to hanging out with friends, to basically anything new.  Anything new I'll try once, twice if I like it, three times if I love it. 

Color:  Blue
Number:  5
Bands:  Lifehouse, Alabama, Trapt, DMB, Diamond Rio, and Linkin Park
Singers:  Hank Williams Jr
Nascar: Kasey Kahne and Dale Jr.
Teams:  New York Yankees, Carolina Hurricanes, Carolina Tarheels, and Carolina Panthers
Picture taken early January 2003
The Reverend's 2 Cents:

Politics... politics you say...
What should I care about the Government... they don't do nothing for me?  If someone were to ask you this right here... chances are, 9 times out of 10, they are not a registered voter.  Why not though... they don't have time to do so.  Then what gives them the right to complain if they can't even take 30 minutes out of their day on November 2nd to choose who they want to be in the White House, in Congress... hell, even in their local city halls.  That's right America... I'm saying because it seems that today's youth doesn't understand it...
If you want your representative to run your district or city or even your state... then get out there and vote... it makes a difference... it takes away from the other candiates votes... the more then merrier...
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WCUWrayBear and WCUsNextBigThing

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