My Burning Sensation Tribute Page
Hi, my name is Cindy and I love Burning Sensation!!! Those guyz rock!!  All the kidz at my school love them.  My favorite is Pete, he looks like Tom Green only he's way cooler (and hotter!!!).  I went 2 my first BS gig two years ago, when I was 14.  They were so great.  I tried 2 meet the band backstage afterwards but I think there were 2 many other girls who got there sooner than me. 

As u probably know BS are back on the road now and have a show in Washington DC soon.  Even tho I'll have to get my Dad to drive us down from Jersey me and my friendz are soooo excited coz all the kidz are saying that this time the band is gonna do some crazy stuff!!  I hope they play some of my favorite songs.  Maybe something by Christina Aguilera or even some old stuff like Bon Jovi.

I also heard that the band now has a girl in it.  I wish it could have been me.

Hey if any1 out there has a copy of the U Street Concert bootleg from BS's last tour, please let me know where you got it!!! it would make me the coolest girl in school.
This is me at the last Burning Sensation show!  I'm totally sure John smiled at me when he saw my hot pants.
1.  Burning Sensation (yeah!)
2.  AC/DC (I think these dudes definitely influence Burning Sensation's sound)
3.  Bon Jovi (my mom loved them when she was a teenager in the 80s. I still like them)
4.  Christina Aguilera (I wanna be Dirrty too)
5.  Burning Sensation (woooo!  they get 2 votes coz they are the greatest ever)
Here are some of my favorite web sites.  U can link to my page 2 if u like.
Please email me at:  Especially any cute guyz and Pete lookalikes!!!  :-)
Click the graphic below to see where the
next Burning Sensation show is gonna be!!
Venue for the next BS show!!