

This essay on cloning is a much attenuated version, so some parts may not flow as I had originally intended (although I have attempted to make it as readable as possible).

More importantly, I am concerned about the possibility of plagarism (hopefully, my readers would never do such a thing). Cloning is a hot topic and I know some people might be tempted to just copy this essay and pass it off as their own. However, there are many important facets of the controversy I have not covered. For example, I did not cover the history of the biological techniques which led up to the creation of Dolly. I also didn't go into great detail about the controversy over whether Dolly was a true clone. And, I didn't write anything much about theologian arguments. In my original essay, I discussed a lot about the socio-political implications of cloning (e.g. political events/polices in the USA and Canada), but the attenuated version I have provided does not include much of what I wrote on those issues.

Below, I have provided the full list of references from my original version so that anyone may follow up on some of the issues for their own work. There are several good books on the subject (for anyone doing an essay on the topic, trust me, it would be better to read these than to plagarize from my own interpretation). Here are a few books and interesting websites on cloning that I recommend:

Books (may be ordered from

  1. Gregory Pence (1998) Who's Afraid of Human Cloning? Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.: Oxford.

  2. . Lee Silver (1997) Remaking Eden, Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World. Avon Books: New York.

  3. Gina Bari Kolata (1999) Clone the Road to Dolly, and the Path Ahead : The Road to Dolly, and the Path Ahead.

  4. Humber, J.M. and Almeder, R.F. (eds.) (1998) Biomedical Ethics Reviews: Human Cloning. Humana Press: New Jersey.

Website Articles:

  1. National Bioethics Advisory Commission [NBAC] (1997) Executive Summary.

  2. NBAC (1997) Cloning Human Beings: Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. (click the "reports" link to get cloning information)

  3. Dingwell, D. (1996) New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies: Setting Boundaries, Enhancing Health. Health Canada Online. http://www.hc-sc.gc/english/nrgt/index.htm

  4. Lewontin, R.C. (1997) The Confusion Over Cloning. The New York Review of Books.

  5. Watson, J. (1971) Moving Towards the Clonal Man. The Atlantic Monthly.

Cloning Websites:

  1. The Roslin Institute.

  2. Clonaid.

  3. HCF.

  4. MATCH.

Click here for a full list of references from my original essay.

Click here for the CLONING ESSAY.



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