Plant Biology and Evolution Index

(Updated: February 17, 2004)

This section is devoted to plant biology and evolution. Most people I meet don't care much about plants over and above including such things like lettuce and parlsey as part of someone's daily food consumption. I just have to say that plants can be an interesting group to study too! Don't worry, this is all good stuff -- some excellent examples about how evolution works can be seen from the plant world.

  1. Plant Evolution: introduction.

  2. Chloroplast Genetics and Endosymbiosis.

  3. Chromosome Doubling Mechanisms.

  4. The Evolution of Polyploidy.

  5. Summary: Polyploid Evolution.

  6. Plant Systematics.

  7. Angiosperm Origins and Evolution.

  8. Plant Reproductive Systems

  9. The Male Function Hypothesis.

  10. Frequencies of Sexual Morphs in Sagittaria latifolia Populations

  11. Sex Allocation in Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisifolia).

  12. Plant Insect Resistance.

  13. Programmed Cell Death in Plants.

  14. Root Hair Mutants.



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