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Your Name :   Alicia
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Location (City, Country) :   UK
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Comments :   I would like to congratulate you on your nice guestbook and keep up
Your Name :   Britney Spears
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Location (City, Country) :   Austria
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Comments :   Very nice site i recommend it
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Location (City, Country) :   Portugal
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Comments :   Hi this is very nice site you have
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Location (City, Country) :   UK
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Comments :   Hi. Visted the site and its all very nice but regular update is super.
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Location (City, Country) :   USA
Favorite Link :   Germany
Comments :   Your site is realy very interesting.
Your Name :   Jenifer Lopez
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Location (City, Country) :   Russia
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Comments :   Perfect websites you have. Get more updates going.
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Location (City, Country) :   Russia
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Comments :   I like your pages but please add more information for us users. thanks.
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Location (City, Country) :   Spain
Favorite Link :   Portugal
Comments :   Excellent site. please post more updates and it can be even better.
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Location (City, Country) :   Portugal
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Comments :   You have Nice site. I just wanted to give a warm hello.
Your Name :   Britney Spears
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Location (City, Country) :   Germany
Favorite Link :   France
Comments :   Excellent Site. Just wanted to say hi.
Your Name :   Phentermine
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Location (City, Country) :   Phentermine
Favorite Link :   Phentermine
Comments :   No doubt, its one of the most interesting sites Ive been at. Thanks! :) -------------------------- Jimmy from *\/*
Your Name :   Luis
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Location (City, Country) :   Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Comments :   Sebastian, I did like you site! I was looking at some good review about pollen tube growth, and I found it! Best, Luis
Your Name :   Jenny LeFevre
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Location (City, Country) :   London,UK
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Comments :   Really helpful as I am currently studying Applied Behavioural Science and Welfare and my assignment is Evolution of the Cell.
Your Name :   Mark Watson
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Location (City, Country) :   Tampa
Favorite Link :   Tampa
Comments :   Congratulations on the new layout. Keep it up to date as a celebrity :)
Your Name :   Alex Mayers
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Location (City, Country) :   San Diego
Favorite Link :   San Diego
Comments :   Where are the updates? i cant seem to find them. But anyway, nice job.
Your Name :   James Beckett
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Location (City, Country) :   Miami
Favorite Link :   Miami
Comments :   really good one, but i would stick more with updating and fresh data. this will help a lot to play.
Your Name :   Elite Thadea
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Location (City, Country) :   Iowa City, Iowa
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Comments :   You have a fantastic web site! I enjoyed reading the article about microbial genetics. Your web site really needs more exposure. Have you thought of entering it in a web site competition? The Golden Elite is a fun, friendly, competition community. It c
Your Name :   Kyle Janison
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Location (City, Country) :   Iowa
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Comments :   Theres a great new astrobiology blog, run by newspaper editor Rob Bignell, at It includes roundups of the latest news from the various scientific fields that form astrobiology and information about SETI.
Your Name :   nicholas
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Comments :   Nice Site!!
Your Name :   Nate
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Location (City, Country) :   USA
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Comments :   Evolution doesnt have any facts to support it. The reason people twist things around to support their claim is because they refuse to believe that God could exist. The evidence against Evolution is out there for the people who search for it.
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Location (City, Country) :   PANAMA DOOR OF HEAVENS
Favorite Link :   YOUR
Your Name :   Kyle Janison
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Location (City, Country) :   Iowa, United States
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Comments :   Theres a great new astrobiology blog, run by newspaper editor Rob Bignell, at Bignell is a staunch defender of evolutionary theory.
Your Name :   John D. Callahan
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Location (City, Country) :   Sun Valley
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Comments :   Evolution and Common Sense Its just common sense: 1. The scientific community would not accept evolution unless it were soundly proved. As a theory, evolution (Darwin) is on par with plate tectonics and the Big Bang. If origins of species were not u
Your Name :   Michelle
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Location (City, Country) :   vancouver canada
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Comments :   dude, you have some freeaky comments here !! must be good entertainment!
Your Name :   Claude Revelation
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Location (City, Country) :   USA
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Comments :   Hi, You have a great website! 14 Forbidden Books and 32 Amazing Videos reveal Forbidden Knowledge. Learn the deepest secrets concerning: UFOs and Aliens in the Bible, Yahweh, YHWH, YHVH, YaHVaH, The Elohim gods, The Anunnaki, See the lies, additions, d
Your Name :   Homer Doh
Your URL :   n/a
Your Email :   trecomo at yahoo dot com
Location (City, Country) :   USA
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Comments :   Congregation for competitive sexual selection can evolve into congregation as competitive sexual selection. All traits conducive to congregation (i.e. socialization/enculturation) thus become subject to the evolutionary influence of competitive sexual sel
Your Name :   Frank G.
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Location (City, Country) :   Vancouver
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Comments :   Hi there Mr. Molnar. Cool site!! You look like a pretty good salsa dancer.........maybe you can teach me a few moves sometime???
Your Name :   Louie Buren
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Location (City, Country) :   Calif.
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Comments :   Evolution has absolutely no facts to support it,its simply a religion. Some athiests imagined it and tried to pass it off as fact. But science has already completely refuted evolution.
Your Name :   Rosee
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Location (City, Country) :   you know...
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Comments :   so... why exactly were you getting blisters on your hands? the rest of your autobiography was boring. well, except for the pictures. love that salsa flair! and hey, why isnt your best friend andrew in your autobiography? hes got to be more interesting tha
Your Name :   Ghulam Sediq Aasef
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Location (City, Country) :   centralia , Il , USA
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Comments :   I want to stay up-dated on the question of evolution. Thanks. Ghulam Sediq Aasef, M.P.H.,M.Ed., Ph.D
Your Name :   Dickie Attenborough
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Comments :   Please have a look at my website, folks, ... I have made amazing discoveries abotu mans origins - and although I believe in Darwin and his theories are true, they are also quite wrong in places. But I have foun
Your Name :   KoldKadavr
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Location (City, Country) :   33/topeka, ks usa
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Comments :   Being head-injured, coma almost 3 weeks, I found out: We have this Teeny-Weeny-Lifetime to prepare for Utopia; Declarations can never fully exclaim how extraordinary and far-superior Heaven is to anything we sinful mortals possess in our Finite Existence
Your Name :   Mr. Dibbley
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Location (City, Country) :   Red Dwarf (somewhere lost in space)
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Comments :   Who is Mowchuck?
Your Name :   Robert James Panetta
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Location (City, Country) :   Montreal, Canada
Favorite Link :   Most creationist and flat-earth sites make me laugh
Comments :   Very nice site.
Your Name :   Rikako
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Location (City, Country) :   Tokyo
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Comments :   DNA is Macro-Module. DNA seems MACRO-MODULE for me. But, who programed DNA? Here we show the final answers. What is DNA? What is life? What is evolution? But, I don't know who programed DNA. Producti
Your Name :   Sebastian
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Location (City, Country) :   Toronto, Canada
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Comments :   This is a test for my new guestbook...
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