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- Behe, M.J. (1996) Darwin's Black Box. New York: The Free Press.
- Brooks, D.R. and Wiley, E.O. (1986) Evolution as Entropy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
- Darwin, C. (1959) On the Origin of Species: a facsimile of the first edition. Intro. by Ernst Mayr (1998). London: Harvard University Press.
- Dawkins, R. (1998) Unweaving the Rainbow. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
- Dawkins, R. (1989) The Selfish Gene. Reprinted from 1976 edt. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dawkins, R. (1989) The Extended Phenotype. Reprinted from 1982 edt. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dawkins, R. (1986) The Blind Watchmaker. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Day, W. (1979) Genesis on Planet Earth, The Search for Life's Beginning. Michigan: The House of Talos Publishers.
- de Duve, C. (1991) Blueprint for a Cell. Burlington: Neil Patterson Publishers.
- Dennett, D. (1995) Darwin's Dangerous Idea: evolution and the meanings of life. New York: Simon & Schuster.
- Edey, M.A. and Johanson, D.C. (1990) Blueprints, solving the mystery of evolution. Penguin Books, New York.
- Gesteland, R.F. and Atkins, J.F. (ed.s)(1993) The RNA World. USA: Cold Spring Laboratory Press.
- Gordon, M.S. and Olson, E.C. (1995) Invasions of the Land: the transitions of organisms from aquatic to terrestrial life. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Hawking, S.W. (1988) A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam Books.
- Hawking, S.W. (1993) Black Holes and Baby Universes and other essays. New York: Bantam Books.
- Hoyle, F. and Wickramasinghe, C. (1997) Life on Mars? A Case for a Cosmic Heritage. UK: Clinical Press, Ltd.
- Joseph, L.E. (1990) Gaia: The Growth of an Idea. New York: St. Martin's Press.
- Kimura, M. (1983) The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Lorenz, K. (1966) On Aggression. San Diego: Harcourt Brace and Company.
- Margulis, L. and Sagan, D. (1997) Microcosmos : four billion years of evolution from our microbial ancestors. Berkeley : University of California Press.
- Monod, J. (1971) Chance and Necessity. New York: Vintage Books.
- Morris, D (1967) The Naked Ape. London: Jonathan Cape.
- Pollard, J.W.(ed) (1984) Evolutionary Theory: Paths into the Future. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
- Shermer, M. (1997) Why People Believe Weird Things: pseudoscience, superstition, and other confusions of our time. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company.
- Wilson, E.O. (1998) Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc.
- Young, W. (1985) Fallacies of Creationism. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.
- Alberts, B. Bray, D. Lewis, J. Raff, M. Roberts, K. and Watson, J.D. (1994) Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd edt. New York: Garland Publishing.
- Begon, M. Harper, J.L. and Townsend, C.R. (1996) Ecology, 3rd edt. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd.
- Futuyma, D. (1998) Evolutionary Biology, 3rd edt. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc.
- Griffths, A.J.F. Miller, J.H. Suzuki, D.T. Lewontin, R.C. and Gelbart, W.M. (1996) An introduction to Genetic Analysis, 6th edt. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company.
- Lewin, B. (1997) Genes, 6th. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Raven, P.H. Evert, R.F. and Eichhorn, S.E. (1992) Biology of plants, 5th edt. New York: Worth Publishers.
- Singer, M. and Berg, P. (1991) Genes and Genomes. California: University Sicence Books.
For Journal articles, I have simply included them at the bottom of the relevant pages (as with my essays on Gaia Theory and on Chloroplast Genetics).