September 23rd, 2008
FYI I will not be updating this website, as I have moved on to other projects. It is possible I might come back to this at some point in the future. For the time being, I do hope that some of you will find the information in these pages useful. Please reference appropriately!
December 7th, 2005.
Howdy Folks! Well, it's been over a year since I last updated my website. The reason is I have put my energies elsewhere. I have hesitated to put my thesis online due to publication issues. It is possible that I will post excerpts of my thesis sometime in the near future, however, that may be a while from now as I am currently dealing with other projects.
Although I have not updated my website recently, much of the info is still valid with respect to the facts presented within each topic. Details of the theories may very well have changed as new information has been collected over time within each field of study, but I hope that my website will prove useful as a reference source to those with an interest in the topics I've covered.
Let's allow science to progress onwards and upwards...without being held back by religious dogma perpetuated by creationists and the like!
To those who have been dedicated readers, I want to say thank you for taking the time to go through my website. To the newcomers, I say happy reading!
August 16, 2004.
Woo-hoo!! I am done. That is right -- on August 12th, I sucessfully defended my MSc. At long last, I am finally done! I'm still recovering from the post-defense partying. Within the coming days, I will probably post my MSc thesis on my Microbial Genetics and Evolution website. Until then, cheers!....
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