Sisters Are We


Though differ in age we may,

And distance doth us separate,

This matters not,

For sisters are we.

Time spent well together,

Scarce though this may be,

Is a treasure for all to see,


For sisters are we.

A bond that lasts forever,

Nothing done and nothing said,

Can tear asunder,

 Always remember,

Sisters are we,

I write this for my sisters,

The youngest I may be,

The baby so to speak,

Without them I am like a leaf,

That floats on the wind,

Writhing through the air,

They are the tree,

Where my stem stays firmly planted,

So watch out world!

Clear a path,

Move out of the way,

Four sisters are on a mission,

Our time has come,

Let it pass?

We will not!

Behold once more,

Four sisters are we.


Poem written by Rebecca Girdauckas ©2004






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