Canadian Confederations
For a Civilized Land
There is no way of knowing exactly when the first Canadian Confederation was formed, though it would appear to be about 1300.   What we do know is that at least four existed in Canada before the first European involvement; and that both the Euro-Americans and Euro-Canadians, based their own system of government, on the ones already in place upon their arrival.

These confederacies were first formed amoung tribes who shared the same language and spiritual beliefs, as a means of protecting each other in times and war; but perhaps more importantly; to prevent the necessity of war with one another.  Very much like the United Nations of today, where a stong case has to made, before permission is granted for any acts of aggression (at least that's how it's supposed to work). 

Unlike European nations at the time, Canadian nations did not have clear-cut boundary lines, since land ownership was a foreign concept; but rather respected each other's hunting grounds, fishing districts and trade routes; or be dealt with severely.  There was also no Canada/US border, since all of North America (Turtle Island), belonged to the Creator and it was up to the Human Beings to find a way to live in harmony with nature and each other.  This doesn't mean that there weren't wars, but enemies were clearly defined.

The links below provide information on all the major Canadian Confederations, up to and including the
Victorian Era.
The Ouendat (Wyandot) Confederacy - Those Living in the Separated Land
The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois)  - The People of the Long House
The Attiwandaronk (Neutrals) - Those Who Speak a Little Differently
The Wapna'ki - Keeping Peace in the East
The Dominion of Canada - The Euro-Canadian Confederation
Evolution of Canada Home Page
Uniquely Canadian Site Map
Victorian Canada Home Page