Hello, and welcome to our homepage. For those of you who have been here before, I'm sure it looks quite different, but I thought it was time for a face lift. Change is good in life sometimes. :0) I hope you all still enjoy what you see, and continue to come back often to see us.

For those of you who have never been here before. Welcome!! My name is Amy, I have been married to my husband Steven for 5 years. We have 2 beautiful daughters, named Macayla, who will be 4 on January 11,2003, and Alexis (better known as Lexie) Jordyn will be 1 year old on November 1st, 2002.  As you tour through our pages you will find our wedding album, Macayla's album, Alexis album. See her announcement page my dear friend Miriam put together for her, and also gifts from others. Among those I also have a few pages dedicated to my friends I have met all over the world, and I cherish everyone of them, and glad that they are part of my life even though we are all so far away, a page for our favorite places to go on the internet and much more. I hope you all enjoy your visit, and please don't forget to sign our guestbook before you leave to let us know that you stopped by. Thank you, take care, and God Bless!!


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