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The National Park Webring Page

denali.gifWelcome to the National Park Web Ring homepage.  This Web Ring is dedicated to the National Parks of the United States.  The National Parks are one of the United States' crowning achievements and they are well represented on many homepages on the internet.  Anybody that has a personal (non-commercial) webpage dedicated to a National Park, Monument, Memorial, or Historical Site in the United States is invited to join the ringbiscayne.gifPlease do not join if your page is a commercial venture about national parks.  After joining the ring, you will be sent the exact code to put onto your page.  The National Park Webring code should appear on your main page or on a page that is clearly marked from your main page, ie "Webrings."  There is a simple form to fill out at the link provided below.

Please join the National Park Webring.

You will receive your ring id number and appropriate webring code via email after you fill out the form.  When you have the code in place, it should look like this.

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The National Park Webring

This National Park Webring site is
owned by Webfoot. Click here to join the ring.

basin.gifOnce you have the code in place the way you want it, send an bighorn.gifemail to me and I'll look it over to make sure everything is in place.  Once that happens, you will recieve an email indicating you have been accepted into the National Park Web Ring.  Thanks for becoming part of the ring!

The National Park Web Ring is not affiliated with the National Park Service or the Department of Interior.  Its function and design is solely for the enjoyment, education and entertainment of the members of the web ring.  Any questions regarding the National Park Web Ring should be directed to the Ringmaster.

This page was last updated on October 14, 2000

Mac made 

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All photographs and written material on these pages, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted © 1997 - 2000 by Webfoot. Do not copy or use without express written permission.

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