Our Puppy

Gillie the Dog

GILLIE is the Gaelic word for FOLLOWER, and he lives-up to his name!! We picked up Gillie in Detroit, Michigan when he was 3 months old. He is a Shih-Tsu and has "bulked-up" to 17lbs. He is black VERY difficult to photgraph. HE LOVES THE SNOW!!!!

Here is a shot of him DEMANDING that our son-in-law SHARE his ice cream bowl.

Here is a pic of Gillie with his FIRST bone. He does well with them, IF you hold it for him.*S*

This is Gillie with his buddie, BUDDY!! Buddy is my Grandson's Yellow Lab. They get along FAMOUSLY (after the first day).

This pic is in FONDEST MEMORY of Nicki who died in May of 2002.


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