Adding HTML Code to the Page Builder

By Beth Candy
Post your Page Builder Questions Here

How to Add HTML Code:

You will be given an HTML code to put your page.
To add the HTML code:
From your Homepage,
Click on "Community"
Click on "Page Builder"
Click on the page you want to put a code on.
Click on "Change Page"
Click on "Add an Item"
Click on "Text"
Paste or type the HTML code into the large text box
Press "Done"
Press "Publish" (on left sidebar)

How to Cut and Paste

Here's how to cut and paste a code:
Press your find key (or F5).
Type in the first word or symbol of the code.
Press "Find on Page."
The beginning of the code will be highlighted.
Press and hold your shift key.
Press your right arrow key -->
Continue to highlight all the code.
Then press and "hold" the cmd key
(or that Windows™ logo key).
Press the C key to copy.
Did you hear a click? You copied!
When you get to the text box:
Press and hold the cmd key
(or that Windows™ logo key).
Press the V key to paste!
That is it. You did it!

Practice Cut and Paste

Wanna practice? Cut anything off this page and paste it in the box below:

With Love from,
Beth Candy
Post your Page Builder Questions Here

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