Gain maximum HTML control over your Page Builder
Note: This is for Advanced Users with
HTML skills.
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When the above steps are completed, you have created an Advanced Editor in your Page Builder. When you go in to add HTML code, you will not have to use any work arounds. You will not have to fight with tables, alignment, centering or over-rides. Also, you will not have any ingrown HTML errors when you validate your page. There are no double tags or unclosed tags. The color codes in the body tags are used as examples. Here's 216 colors that look the same in every browser.
How to Edit
Existing Page
When the above steps are completed, you have created an Advanced Editor in your Page Builder. When you go in to add HTML code, you will not have to use any work arounds. You will not have to fight with tables, alignment, centering or over-rides. Also, you will not have any ingrown HTML errors when you validate your page. There are no double tags or unclosed tags. The color codes in the body tags are used as examples. Here's 216 colors that look the same in every browser.
IntroductionThis Advanced Editor is based on H17's post in the pagebuilder help newsgroup. He suggested using the comments tag to disable the body tag. This opened a pandora's box. Initial problems were an awkward title and address, different outcomes based on what background was selected, different outcomes if a page was created new or if you changed an existing page, and bad HTML code from disabled tags. If you follow this Advanced Editor, you will have no legitimate HTML Validator warnings or errors, or missing tags, and you will be compatible with MIE, Netscape and AOL, your title will not be affected and you will have maximum control of your page.
Tidbits of Info / Updates
with love from,
Beth Candy
Beth's Sitemap of Page Builder Help Pages