Wee's Climbing School
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Deep Water Soloing Trips
Warm weather, great rock, super deep natural crash pads....
- Deep Water Soloing has been described as the purest form of climbing:  it’s always
   free solo, onsight, ground-up, and first ascent.
- We have been organising DWS trip for four years and know the good sites for both
   beginners and advanced! Try problems from as low as grade 5 up to grade 8a.
- Our trips are environment-friendly, we avoid all garbage.
- Get a taste by watching our DWS video, it’s shown daily at our school after sunset.
- Please sign up at the shop one day before, the trip last 5 to 6 hours and the exact time
   depends on the tides.

What to bring:
- Swimwear, sunlotion and dry clothes for the trip back  
x Please don‘t bring any garbage (plastic bootles, chip bags, candy wrapers) out to the sea!
Our DWS Trips include:   
-  English-speaking guide
-  Kayak to ferry between rock and boat    
-  Old climbing shoes
-  1 Block of chalk & 2 chalk bags
-  Lunch in re-usable boxes (to reduce rubbish)
-  20l Drinking water (to reduce rubbish)
-  First aid kit and rescue-trained boat driver

Sunset Trips
We run sunset trips at half moon twice each month. We leave around 2pm and after deep water soloing, relax on the deserted beach of Chicken Island with food and a sunset drink. Please check at our shop for dates.

Wee’s Climbing School is located on the main road in Ton Sai at the t-junction next to Ton Sai Bay Resort. From the
beach walk up 2 minutes on the wide dirt road. 
We are open daily from 8am to 10pm.
Deep Water Soloing: FAQ
Q: It’s my first try at DWS, how hard are the climbs?
DWS is more like bouldering than route climbing, there is no anchor, there is no finish. You make your own problem, easy or hard, up to you. You can climb in circles, there are no rules. For the first time, define yourself a traverse at a moderate height to get used to climbing over the water without a rope. Just try, forget about grades, get wet and have fun. BTW, don’t worry if you are travelling solo, it’s a great trip to find a climbing partner.

Q: Does DWS damage my climbing shoes?
If you use them only once, it’s ok. Rinse them in fresh water and dry in the shade. You are welcome to use our DWS shoes, if you want to keep your shoes dry.

Q: What about chalk?
We provide chalk, chalk bags and liquid chalk on the boat, you can can store chalk on your forearms for during the climb or use our special DWS chalk bags.

Q: Does it hurt to fall into the water?
Depends on how high you were and in what position your body hits the water surface. However, under 10m a human body can pretty much fall into the water in any position without harm. Nevertheless, you should always try to hit the water upright, press your legs together (specially if you are a guy) and your arms to your body. Do not look down, this only allows water to shoot up your nose.

Q: What about safety?
We use a kayak to ferry the climber between the boat and the rock to avoid climbers falling onto the longtail boat. If you are getting on the rock, you should wait a few seconds to allow the kayak to back up before climbing on. If you are in the water, you should swim out of the fall line of other climbers or possible loose rock, same as when you are at a climbing crag. We have never had a serious accedent in over four years, but, of course, we have a first aid kit on board and in case of an emergency, we will call an ambulance speedboat for help.

Q: What about hitting something in the water?
The DWS sites we go to have all been checked by divers. However, if you want to try something away from an established crag, ask the guide first and then use our snorkel masks to check for boulders under the water.

Q: I am vegetarian or allergic to seafood, what about lunch?
Just write your diet requirements next to your name on the sign-up sheet.

Q: I want to go but have a friend who does not climb. Can he or she join as well?
Yes! There are snorkel on the boat and the sites offer much better snorkeling than any organised snorkel trip where you only see your neighbours fins. Your friend can also swim, kayak, and, unlike normal climbing, DWS is a great spectator sport!

Q: Can we ask the boatman to go where we want?
Yes and no. The boatman knows what sites are safe at what tide levels and also has to check for the strength of the waves. If you like to try a certain area, please check with the guide if it’s possible or if he can recommend something similar.

Q: What happens if it rains?
You get wet. If it’s a short shower, there may be some rock roofs the boat can park under. However, DWS will get you wet anyway... The only reason for which we cancel trip are the waves, if they are too high and rough due to strong winds we need to wait for better weather..