Winnie the Pooh makes every day a bit more special just by being That Sort of Bear.

Everyone loves a celebration, and a Certain Kind of person knows that with the right friend, every day is worth celebrating. Luckily, we all have one friend who is always ready to celebrate.

Pooh thought hard. "We do? Who?"

You, of course! You make people everywhere feel a little more like celebrating all year round

"I am? I mean, I do that?" Pooh asked with a puzzled sort of smile.

Indeed. Even a Bear of Little Brain knows that some days are more special than others. Whether it is a holiday, birthday or a seasonal celebration, Pooh makes everything more fun by being a Silly Old Bear everyone loves.

"Oh," said Pooh, eyeing a honey jar nearby. "Hunny reminds me of celebrations. Or is it the other way around?"

Pooh leaned over and fell headfirst into the honey jar--which was just the sort of place he wanted to be anyway.

Now that you've had a little introduction to Winnie the Pooh Calendar style. I am putting the quotes from each of the Calendar Year's on this page. There won't be any pictures though, just the quotes that each of the characters say and I am hoping to add a special touch to them with each and every quote. I do hope you enjoy this page since this will be the second time I've had to put it together.

Instead of putting all the calendar dates and quotes on one page I put them on seperate pages. Not only that but the hassle of putting them on one page was beginning to really get on my nerves...hahaha. PLUS, geocities didn't like having so much information on one page for some reason. Well, here are the links to those wonderful Caldendar Years!!!!!

1999 Year-In-A-Box

2000 Year-In-A-Box

2001 Year-In-A-Box

2002 Year-In-A-Box

2003 Year-In-A-Box

©Disney (All rights are reserved by Disney)
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