Friday, January 1 (New Year's Day ; Kwanzaa Ends) Hundred-Acre Holiday!

Saturday, Sunday January 2/3 (Full Moon) This almost beats bouncing!

Tuesday, January 5 Hip-hip-hooray for Piglet!

Wednesday, January 6 (Epiphany) Stoutness exercise with a twist

Thursday, January 7 Pooh's secret ingredient wasn't much of a secret

Friday, January 8 Planning a pounce attack

Saturday, Sunday January 9/10 (Last Quarter Moon) In control and ready to roll

Tuesday, January 12 Think.Think.Think.

Wednesday, January 13 Snowman Pooh and Tigger, too!

Thursday, January 14 A bear and his tummy

Friday, January 15 It's a giggles-and-grins sort of day

Saturday, Sunday January 16/17 (New Moon) Proud to be Pooh's sidekick

Monday, January 18 (Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday Observed) There's always time for love

Tuesday, January 19 A bit of help is what's called for

Wednesday, January 20 A cheering sort of smile

Thursday, January 21 Working off the smackerals

Friday, January 22 TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now!)

Saturday, Sunday January 23 (First Quarter Moon) Friends are for hugging

Monday, January 25 Unmuddled days are best

Tuesday, January 26 A very small animal with a very big worry

Wednesday, January 27 Buzz to you, too

Thursday, January 28 Bounce or pounce?

Friday, January 29 A smackeral of this. A smackeral of that.

Saturday, Sunday January 30/31 (Full Moon) Special days bring special smiles

Monday, February 1 (Tu B'Shvat)It seemed like a good day for a hum

Tuesday, February 2 (Groundhog Day) Proud to be bother-free

Wednesday, February 3 Splendiferously Tiggerific!

Thursday, February 4 Never fear! Tigger's here!

Friday, February 5 Up, down, touch the ground. Almost

Saturday, Sunday February 6/7 Bother, bother, and more bother

Monday, February 8 (Last Quarter Moon) Big hearts come in small packages

Tuesday, February 9 Know-it Owl

Wednesday, February 10 Tigger was looking for a bouncing buddy

Thursday, February 11 Exercise your honey jar lifting muscles daily!

Friday, February 12 (Lincoln's Birthday) Bee my honey

Saturday, Sunday February 13/14 (Valentine's Day) Be my valentine!

Monday, February 15 (President's Day) It's a good thing all smackerals are calorie-free!

Tuesday, February 16 (New Moon) Tigger Tough. And proud of it

Wednesday, February 17 (Ash Wednesday) Proud to be cuddly

Thursday, February 18 Everything will be just fine...I hope

Friday, February 19 Wondering what I'm up to, aren't ya?

Saturday, Sunday February 20/21 Stoutness exercises improve the appetite

Monday, February 22 (Washington's Birthday) Oh dear, dear, dear, dear, dearie, dear

Tuesday, February 23 (First Quarter Moon) Bouncemeister in training

Wednesday, February 24 Yoga is tough on fluff and stuff

Thursday, February 25 Absitively, posilutely!

Friday, February 26 Pooh thought he'd have just a small helping

Saturday, February 27/28 Never underestimate the power of a big heart

Tuesday, March 2 (Purim ; Full Moon) Tigger trouble on the way

Wednesday, March 3 Hey there, Buddy Bear

Thursday, March 4 Wondering brings a smile

Friday, March 5 Razmatazz and all that jazz!

Saturday, March 6/7 To bounce or not to bounce...

Tuesday, March 9 This may require some thinking

Wednesday, March 10 (Last Quarter Moon) It's easy to be brave on a very sunny day

Thursday, March 11 A few extra smackerals to work off

Friday, March 12 Bouncing is what Tiggers do best

Saturday, Sunday March 13/14 Piglet looked forward to spring

Monday, March 15 An after-dinner think

Tuesday, March 16 Ask me about my relatives

Wednesday, March 17 (St. Patrick's Day ; New Moon) Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-rah

Thursday, March 18 Poohus Victorius

Friday, March 19 Pooh felt as wobbly as his spelling

Saturday, Sunday March 20/21 (First Day of Spring) Spring has sprung!

Monday, March 22 Have a springerific day!

Tuesday, March 23 Finding spring in every little thing

Wednesday, March 24 (First Quarter Moon) Foooey!

Thursday, March 25 No one can be uncheered by spring

Friday, March 26 Friends are for leaning

Saturday, Sunday March 27/28 (Palm Sunday) A little help is what's called for

Monday, March 29 Can do! Can do! Can do!

Tuesday, March 30 Friends make you smile from ear to ear

Wednesday, March 31 (Full Moon) No rush. No fuss. No bother

Thursday, April 1 (Passover Begins ; April Fool's Day) Giggles and grins are good for the heart

Friday, April 2 (Good Friday) A good day for a small friend

Saturday, Sunday April 3/4 (Easter Sunday ; Daylight Saving Time Begins) A happy day starts with honey

Monday, April 5 Hundred-Acre hikes are bother-free

Tuesday, April 6 Buns of fluff

Wednesday, April 7 You make me feel good all over

Thursday, April 8 (Passover Ends) Yoga is tough on fluff and stuff

Friday, April 9 (Last Quarter Moon) Unbounced? Don't be ridickerous!

Saturday, Sunday April 10/11 Buddies...that's what Tiggers like best

Tuesday, April 13 (Holocaust Remembrance Day) A tummy is a good thing to think about

Wednesday, April 14 Where is everybody?

Thursday, April 15 A handy time for a little hum

Friday, April 16 (New Moon) Yahoo! It's a beautiful day for bouncing

Saturday, Sunday April 17/18 It's the size of my heart that counts

Monday, April 19 Jammin' Tigger

Tuesday, April 20 This is not at all what I had in mind
br> Wednesday, April 21 (Secretaries Day) What's the buzz?

Thursday, April 22 (Earth Day ; First Quarter Moon) Days like this sorta spring up on ya!

Friday, April 23 Pooh moved from bother right into angst

Saturday, Sunday April 24/25 Pooh has an ear for music and a taste for honey

Monday, April 26 Genius, pure genius!

Tuesday, April 27 You make me feel brave all over

Thursday, April 29 Have you bounced a friend lately?

Friday, April 30 (Full Moon) Stoutness exercise with a twist

Saturay, Sunday May 1/2 (May Day; Labor Day in Mexico) Time for an unbotherment break

Monday, May 3 Hundred Acre weight training

Tuesday, May 4 (Lag B'Omer) Think before you bounce

Wednedsay, May 5 (Battle of Puebla Day in Mexico) Let's jam!

Thursday, May 6 (National Day of Prayer) Friendship is a special kind of sharing

Friday, May 7 Very small animals are easily surprised

Monday, May 10 Ready for action, little budy?

Tuesday, May 11 Fresh out of yahoos

Wednesday, May 12 Together through stuff and fluff

Thursday, May 13 Golf is less bothersome without the ball

Friday, May 14 The Hundred-Acre Honey Run

Thursday, May 20 A clebration? Told ya!

Friday, May 21 Piglet watched the butterflies flutter by

Saturday, Sunday May 22/23 (First Quarter Moon) What should I do now?

Monday, May 24 You can't lift honey on an empty tummy

Tuesday, May 25 Bouncing-best buddies

Wednesday, May 26 Dreaming through the bothers

Thursday, May 27 Hundred-Acre hug

Friday, May 28 This may require some thinking

Saturday, Sunday May 29/30 (Full Moon) A very small animal with a very sunny heart

Monday, May 31 (Memorial Day Observed) M.V.P....Most Valuable Pooh

Tuesday, June 1 The secret to a sandy tan

Wednesday, June 2 A honey of a catch

Thursday, June 3 Small words. Big thoughts

Friday, June 4 A bold and gallant Piglet

Saturday, Sunday June 5/6 Tiggerific fashion statement

Tuesday, June 8 Oh bother

Wednesday, June 9 No more rumbly in my tumbly. For now.

Thursday, June 10 Holy Heffalumps--that's a bounce!

Friday, June 11 The very best times are spent with friends

Saturday, Sunday June 12/13 (New Moon) The great outdoors is Pooh's to explore

Monday, June 14 (Flag Day) Hooray for today!

Tuesday, June 15 A garden is a thoughtful spot

Wednesday, June 16 A Hundred-Acre stroll

Thurdasy, June 17 Summer is full of wonder

Friday, June 18 Never underestimate the power of a green thumb

Saturday, Sunday June 19/20 (Father's Day ; First Quarter Moon) Baseball with a bounce

Monday, June 21 (First Day of Summer) A garden full of flowers to wonder in for hours

Wednesday, June 23 No bothers here

Thursday, June 24 Tiggers are bundles of bounces

Friday, June 25 Tigger lilies are tiggerific!

Saturday, Sunday June 26/27 The 100 Acre Wood Open is in full swing

Monday, June 28 (Full Moon)A smackeral of a day

Tuesday, June 29 A wobbly sense of direction

Wednesday, June 30 Persnickety and precise

Thursday, July 1 Quiet times are often the loudest

Friday, July 2 Bounce your troubles away

Saturday, Sunday July 3/4 (Independence Day) A holiday smackeral is what's called for

Monday, July 5 Rhapsody in Pooh

Wednesday, July 7 Small face. Big smile

Thursday, July 8 Serving up trouble

Friday, July 9 An unbotherment break for two

Saturday, Sunday July 10/11 Real bears never ask for directions

Monday, July 12 I won't bounce for just anybody

Tuesday, July 13 (New Moon) Giggles and grins are good for the tummy

Wednesday, July 14 A garden full of flowers to wonder in for hours

Thursday, July 15 Hundred-Acre hike-a-thon

Friday, July 16 Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, I've been waiting for this!

Monday, July 19 Let's go!

Tuesday, July 20 (First Quarter Moon) Pooh aimed for the beehive and held his breath

Wednesday, July 21 The picnice picked the picnic spot

Thurdsay, July 22 It's easy to be happy on a warm summer day

Friday, July 23 It's a stretching sort of day

Saturday, Sunday July 24/25 It seemed like a good day for a hum

Monday, July 26 Off to explore

Tuesday, July 27 No bothers here

Wednesday, July 28 (Full Moon) Tigger Tough. And proud of it

Thursday, July 29 Standing still can be a moving experience

Friday, July 30 It makes me very happy to see you so very happy

Saturday, Sunday July 31/1 (Friendship Day) Today is a day for friends

Monday, August 2 It's friendlier with two

Wednesday, August 4 (Last Quarter Moon) Best friends until forever

Thursday, August 5 Full of joy in every ounce, Tigger's heart is packed with bounce

Saturday, Sunday August 7/8 Rabbit's garden grows in perfect rows

Monday, August 9 The original Bouncemeister

Tuesday, August 10 I forgot my bothers

Wednesday, August 11 (New Moon) Little friend, big heart

Thursday, August 12 Music is a little smackeral for your ears

Friday, August 13 Did somebody say, bounce?

Saturday, Sunday August 14/15 Proud to be bother-free

Monday, August 16 This is terribibble

Tuesday, August 17 Sleepy old bear

Thursday, August 19 (First Quarter Moon) Never hum on an empty tummy

Friday, August 20 Think thin

Saturday, Sunday August 21/22 Oh, you don't need to thank me

Monday, August 23 It's a bouncing sort of day

Tuesday, August 24 Special delivery

Wednesday, August 25 All bounced out

Thursday, August 26 (Full Moon) Is there any better way to spend the day?

Friday, August 27 It all comes of liking honey so much

Saturday, Sunday August 28/29 More bounce per ounce

Tuesday, August 31 Stuck in a muddled sort of thought

Wednesday, September 1 Exercise should be followed by a reviving bit of honey

Friday, September 3 Bounce or pounce? Decisions, decisions

Saturday, Sunday September 4/5 No rush. No fuss. No bother

Monday, September 6 (Labor Day) This has gone far enough

Tuesday, September 7 I love to hear the birds sing the dawn chorus

Wednesday, September 8 Hundred-Acre smiles are contagious

Thursday, September 9 (New Moon) If you're lost, you've come to the right place

Friday, September 10 Where would a woozle be, being a woozle?

Monday, September 13 Working off the smackerals

Tuesday, September 14 Mr. Splendiferous

Wednesday, September 15 Smackeral Attack!

Thursday, September 16 (Independence Day in Mexico) If there's anything I can do just call

Friday, September 17 (First Quarter Moon) No hurry, take your time

Saturday, Sunday September 18/19 It's unbelievacable

Monday, September 20 (Yom Kippur) Oh help and bother

Wednesday, September 22 Happy Windsay!

Thursday, September 23 (First Day of Fall) I d-d-don't want to know

Friday, September 24 It's a good day for a ride

Saturday, Sunday September 25/26 Stretching is very useful for reaching honey pots

Monday, September 27 The biggest heart around!

Tuesday, September 28 Friends makes the day seem brighter

Wednesday, September 29 I hear my tummy calling out for honey

Thursday, September 30 Clouds are fluff and stuff in the sky

Friday, October 1 Friends warm you up inside and out

Saturday, Sunday October 2/3 (Last Quarter Moon) Bundly walks

Monday, October 4 A very small animal who is very fast, indeed

Wednesday, October 6 It's a sunny, friendly sort of day

Thursday, October 7 You never can tell with bees

Friday, October 8 It's a good day for sharing

Saturday, Sunday October 9/10 (New Moon) Having fun with friends is what Tiggers do best

Monday, October 11 (Columbus Day Observed) A balanced diet starts with honey

Tuesday, October 12 (Columbus Day in Mexico) More bounce per ounce

Wednesday, October 13 Pooh stretched as high as he could go

Thursday, October 14 What Pooh bears like best is honey

Saturday, Sunday October 16/17 (First Quarter Moon) The forecast calls for blustery

Monday, October 18 Thing have turned out quite nicely, indeed

Tuesday, October 19 Almost time to stop for a smackeral

Wednesday, October 20 It seemed like a good idea

Thursday, October 21 Blustery can botch your bounce

Friday, October 22 Today is too fine a day to do anything

Saturday, Sunday October 23/24 (Mother-In-Law Day ; Full Moon) Watch very closely and do just as I do!

Tuesday, October 26 Hooray for today!

Wednesday, October 27 It was a puzzlement

Thursday, October 28 The wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one

Saturday, Sunday October 30/31 (Halloween ; Daylight Saving Time Ends; Last Quarter Moon) Pooh felt a laugh coming on

Monday, November 1 Feeling blustered

Tuesday, November 2 (Election Day) What modesty. That's Piglet

Wednesday, November 3 You don't become a skilled bouncer overnight

Thursday, November 4 Stuck in a hum that won't get started

Friday, November 5 Pooh has an ear for music and a taste for honey

Saturday, Sunday November 6/7 I'm in a YAHOOOOO mood!

Monday, November 8 (New Moon) Time for something sweet

Tuesday, November 9 What shall I? Who shall I? Oh, my

Thursday, November 11 (Veterans Day) Stretching is useful for reaching honey pots

Friday, November 12 Dreaming through the bothers

Saturday, Sunday November 13/14 It's very large and very fierce

Monday, November 15 Oh dear. I'm afraid it's up to me

Tuesday, November 16 (First Quarter Moon) Rain is quite a friendly thing

Wednesday, November 17 Getting ready for holiday smackerals

Thursday, November 18 The best thing about flowers is sharing them

Friday, November 19 Time for a stripe-squashing "How-do-ya-do!"

Saturday, Sunday November 20/21 (Mexican Revolution Day) Pooh wondered where his waist went

Monday, November 22 It's a honey of a day

Tuesday, November 23 (Full Moon) A little to the, no, a little to the right

Wednesday, November 24 A celebration? I'll bounce right over!

Thursday, November 25 (Thanks giving Day) Time for a thankful feast with friends

Friday, November 26 Thinking through the muddlement

Saturday, Sunday November 27/28 Packed with joy in every ounce, Tigger's heart is full of bounce

Monday, November 29 (Last Quarter Moon) Bother-free is the way to be

Tuesday, November 30 A blustery day can get in your way

Wednesday, December 1 When your ears blow inside out, you know it's a blustery day

Tuesday, December 2 Time for a little something special

Saturday, Sunday December 3/4 (Hanukkah Begins) Pooh felt as wobbly as his spelling

Monday, December 6 A smackeral of this

Tuesday, December 7 (Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day ; New Moon) Oh dear. Oh gracious

Wednesday, December 8 Hundred-Acre Glide

Thursday, December 9 Little presents are the sweetest

Friday, December 10 Ho, ho, ho for snow!

Saturday, Sunday December 11/12 (Hanukkah Ends) Bounce into the season

Monday, December 13 Humming all the way

Tuesday, December 14 A very small animal with a very merry heart

Wedneday, December 15 Stuff and fluff on the go

Thursday, December 16 (First Quarter Moon) Trees and holly make Pooh jolly

Saturday, Sunday December 18/19 Bouncing in the snow makes Tigger's nose glow

Monday, December 20 Time for a bother-free holiday

Tuesday, December 21 What Pooh likes best about Christmas is everything

Wednesday, December 22 (First Day of Winter; Full Moon) If I was wearing socks, they'd be knocked off

Thursday, December 23 Time for a little holiday something

Friday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) Fa-la-la-la-la

Saturday, Sunday December 25/26 (Christmas Day; Kwanzaa Begins) Carols sound best when you sing them with friends

Monday, December 27 A cheering sort of smile

Tuesday, December 28 Some people have no sense of humor

Wednesday, December 29 (Last Quarter Moon) Huggerific!

Thursday, December 30 I must have been thinking in my sleep

Friday, December 31 (New Year's Eve) Best friends until forever

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