Once there was a bear of very little brain and very great appeal. People of all ages loved his imginative ways, uncomplicated philosophies, and simple, unguarded sense of wonder.

Winnie the Pooh lives in the Hundred Acre Wood, a place filled with adventure, wonder, and most of all, friendship.

Pooh's special friends inclued Piglet, a very small animal with a very big heart; a sometimes grumpy but always grateful donkey named Eeyore, who desperately needs a break; Tigger, who is always in need of a bouncing buddy; and a variety of other pals who are prone to dropping in for a visit.

You can tell a lot about people (or Hundred-Acre-Wood inhabitants) by the people, places, and things they like. Here's a look at some of Pooh's and his close pal's favorite things:


  • Friends
  • The game Pooh Sticks
  • Honey
  • Honey
  • Honey
  • Adventures
  • Hugs
  • Picnics
  • Naps


  • Friends
  • Compliments
  • Flowers
  • Butterflies
  • Picnics
  • Feeling big

Some more of Pooh's and his close pals' favorite things:


  • Friends
  • Naps
  • A break in the clouds
  • A good umbrella
  • Good news
  • Feeling appreciated


  • Friends
  • Bouncing
  • Pouncing
  • Trouncing
  • Games
  • Having fun

And now, ladies and gentlemen of all ages and stated of life...prepare for a wandering, wondering journey into the wonder-fluffed and honey-stuffed world of Winnie the Pooh...

Tuesday, January 1 (New Year's Day; Holiday in NZ) There's nothing Pooh wouldn't do for honey

Wednesday, January 2 (Bank Holiday in Scotland; Holiday in NZ) Honey comes in handy once again

Thursday, January 3 Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!

Friday, January 4 Walks are for talks with friends

Saturday, Sunday January 5/6 (Epiphany; Last Quarter Moon) Sometimes we're just in the mood to be shy

Monday, January 7 "I kind of grow on you, don't I?"

Tuesday, January 8 "Oh my, Pooh, must we always take the long way?"

Wednesday, January 9 A hugging kind of happy

Thursday, January 10 Friends come in all shapes and sizes

Friday, January 11 Coming at ya!

Saturday, Sunday January 12/13 What a bother

Monday, January 14 "You're the perfect pal for leaning on."

Tuesday, January 15 Squeezably scrumptious!

Wednesday, January 16 "woo-hoo-hoo...and a doodly-doo!"

Thursday, January 17 Rise above it all

Friday, January 18 "I'm thankful for you, my good friend Pooh."

Saturday, Sunday January 19/20 A diet of honey ensures sweet dreams

Monday, January 21 "You don't say!"

Tuesday, January 22 "The way I figure it, I'm due for good news any day now."

Wednesday, January 23 Oh, happy day!

Thursday, January 24 "Well, how do you do?"

Friday, January 25 Put a little bounce in your step

Saturday, Sunday January 26/27 (Australia Day) Just one of those days

Monday, January 28 "Trust me, it'll be fun-fun-fun!!!"

Tuesday, January 29 Hula-hoopla!

Wednesday, January 30 "T" is for Tiggerific two-some!

Thursday, January 31 Learning something new can be a little scary. Be sure to bring a friend

Friday, February 1 You know what they say: "Snooze the day!"

Saturday, Sunday February 2/3 (Groundhog Day)"I'm ready to ramble."

Monday, February 4 (Last Quarter Moon) "I only answer to one bear."

Tuesday, February 5 "Did someone say 'bounce'? Count me in!"

Wednesday, February 6 (Waitangi Day NZ) Falls are so friends can lift you back up

Thursday, February 7 A little hug never hurt anyone

Friday, February 8 "I'll take whatever I can get to lift my spirits."

Saturday, Sunday February 9/10 A surprise a day keeps you young

Monday, February 11 Hundred-Acre handstand

Tuesday, February 12 (Chinese New Year; New Moon) Take life one block at a time

Wednesday, February 13 (Ash Wednesday) Easy - going Eeyore

Thursday, February 14 (Valentine's Day) Handmade hearts and faithful friends

Friday, February 15 "Make way for the Hundred-Acre-Wood crew"

Saturday, Sunday February 16/17 Honey...24/7

Monday, February 18 Ready for action!

Tuesday, February 19 A little cheer is what's called for her

Wednesday, February 20 Lookin' for smackerals

Thursday, February 21 Countdown to take-off

Friday, February 22 (Eid Al Adha Begins at Sundown) Personal piggy-back ride

Saturday, Sunday February 23/24 (Flag Day in Mexico on Sunday) Make-believe is fun at any age

Monday, February 25 (Purim Begins at Sundown) "Sometimes it's the little things that make my day."

Tuesday, February 26 Best Buddies

Wednesday, February 27 (Full Moon) No doubt about it...it's time for a nap

Thursday, February 28 Feelin' wobbly

Friday, March 1 "Blustery days are the best in my book!"

Saturday, Sunday March 2/3 Anytime is a good time for a little rest

Monday, March 4 Just hangin' in there

Tuesday, March 5 "Well, aren't you pretty!"

Wednesday, March 6 (Last Quarter Moon) The original fluff-n-stuffed slugger

Thursday, March 7 It's called improvising

Friday, March 8 "Pink! And proud of it!"

Saturday, Sunday March 9/10 (Mothering Sunday UK) "I let the little bird do all the talking"

Monday, March 11 (Commonewealth Day UK) "Hold on tight!"

Tuesday, March 12 It's those bothersome bumps that get you!

Wednesday, March 13 You never know when a new friend will flutter by

Thursday, March 14 (New Moon) All aflutter with wonder

Friday, March 15 (First of Muharram Begins at Sundown) Ferrrrrocious!

Saturday, Sunday March 16/17 (St. Patrick's Day) Wandering with friends is always wonderful

Monday, March 18 (Canberra Day Austl.) Good news travels fast

Tuesday, March 19 "I'm tough to resist, aren't I?"

Wednesday, March 20 (First Day of Spring) All bounced out

Thursday, March 21 (Benito Juarez' Birthday in Mexico) 101 uses for honey...

Friday, March 22 (First Quarter Moon) A swing and a [near] miss!

Saturday, Sunday March 23/24 (Palm Sunday; Ashura Begins at Sundown) "We've got the warm 'n' fuzzies"

Monday, March 25 A day just for two

Tuesday, March 26 "I felt like I could use a lift today"

Wednesday, March 27 (Passover Begins at Sundown) "What a nice little surprise"

Thursday, March 28 (Full Moon) Friends give all the help they can muster

Friday, March 29 (Good Friday) Stop and smell the flowers

Saturday, Sunday March 30/31 (Easter Sunday) "Nowhere in particular to go...and that's how we like it!

Monday, April 1 (April Fool's Day ; Easter Monday in Canada, UK, Austl, NZ) Some bunnies love you!

Tuesday, April 2 A new friend. How grand

Wednesday, April 3 Spring is the perfect time to meet new pals

Thursday, April 4 (Last Quarter Moon) "I wasn't quite expecting this..."

Friday, April 5 Tickle time-out

Saturday, Sunday April 6/7 (Daylight Savings Time Begins on Sunday) Little friends have big hearts

Monday, April 8 Shhh....someone's sleeping

Tuesday, April 9 (Holocaust Remembrance Day) "Just dropping in to see how you're doing"

Wednesday, April 10 The only way to travel

Thursday, April 11 Hundred-Acre, high-flying bear

Friday, April 12 (New Moon) Honey's worth stretching for

Saturday, Sunday April 13/14 Gardener's little helper

Monday, April 15 Wishing my worries away

Tuesday, April 16 A Tiggerific wake-up call!

Wednesday, April 17 Honey goes with just about anything

Thursday, April 18 It's always a good time to dance

Friday, April 19 "The rumbly-bumbly in my tumbly means I need honey."

Saturday, Sunday April 20/21 (First Quarter Moon) One of life's little surprises

Monday, April 22 (Earth Day) Feeling shy

Tuesday, April 23 "So glad you dropped in for a visit."

Wednesday, April 24 (Administrative Professionals Day) Spring puts a spring your step

Thursday, April 25 (Anzac Day in Austl and NZ) "Seeds are for planting silly!"

Friday, April 26 "Welcome to The Hundred Acre Wood!"

Saturday, Sunday April 27/28 (Full Moon) "Incoming!"

Monday, April 29 Tigger's way of overcoming obstacles

Tuesday, April 30 Sometimes lunch is a bothersome procedure

Wednesday, May 1 (May Day, Labor Day in Mexico) Thank goodness for April showers!

Thursday, May 2 (National Day of Prayer) Surprise!

Friday, May 3 Slow down and stay in touch with friends

Saturday, Sunday May 4/5 (Last Quarter Moon; Battle of Puebla Day in Mexico) Hundred-Acre-Wood hip-hop

Monday, May 6 (Bank Holiday in the UK) "You've got to love nature!"

Tuesday, May 7 Join the joy ride

Wednesday, May 8 Pick a little cheer and carry it with you

Thursday, May 9 That tickles!

Friday, May 10 (Mothers Day in Mexico) "What did I do to deserve this?"

Saturday, Sunday May 11/12 (Mother's Day; New Moon) "I'm speechless"

Monday, May 13 "Bunnysitting is harder than it looks"

Tuesday, May 14 Honey brings friends together

Wednesday, May 15 The famous Tigger torpedo

Thursday, May 16 A honey of a catch

Friday, May 17 Real friends talk with their hearts

Saturday, Sunday May 18/19 (Armed Forces Day; First Quarter Moon) Such a bashful bear!

Monday, May 20 (Victoria Day in Canada) "A friend just my size"

Tuesday, May 21 "So what do you have planned for today?"

Wednesday, May 22 "Oh, yes...I'm smitten with small critters"

Thursday, May 23 "I'll catch you, little one"

Friday, May 24 "Some of my best friends are butterflies"

Saturday, Sunday May 25/26 (Full Moon) Everyone's got a job to do

Monday, May 27 (Memorial Day Observed) Sometimes Mondays can really sting

Tuesday, May 28 The Tigger Express

Wednesday, May 29 Think positive!

Thursday, May 30 A friendly spot to land

Friday, May 31 The good things in life friends and flowers

Saturday, Sunday June 1/2 "Listen closely, summer's coming"

Monday, June 3 (Last Quarter Moon) The fluff in stuffed fastball

Tuesday, June 4 (Spring Break Holiday UK) Greetings from Team Tigger

Wednesday, June 5 Bee-watching weather

Thursday, June 6 "Do you ever wonder how wings work?"

Friday, June 7 Every season is the season for making friends

Saturday, Sunday June 8/9 "Let's talk honey"

Monday, June 10 (New Moon) "I'm confuzzled"

Tuesday, June 11 Pint-sized and positively pleased

Wednesday, June 12 The Hundred-Acre dancing duo

Thursday, June 13 Each day brings new surprises

Friday, June 14 (Flag Day) Just squirreling around

Saturday, Sunday June 15/16 (Father's Day) Up, up, and away!

Monday, June 17 "So good to see you, friend!"

Tuesday, June 18 (First Quarter Moon) Friends let friends be silly

Wednesday, June 19 "You flutter, I'll bounce"

Thursday, June 20 Showers of flowers

Friday, June 21 (First Day of Summer) Tigger's trademark tee

Saturday, Sunday June 22/23 "Smackerals taste better with a friend"

Monday, June 24 (St Jean Baptiste Day Quebec; Full Moon) "I've been expecting you"

Tuesday, June 25 Hugs make any-bunny happy

Wednesday, June 26 It's a bouncy, pouncy, trouncy kind of day

Thursday, June 27 "Show them what you can do!" said Pooh

Friday, June 28 "ready, set...sing!"

Saturday, Sunday June 29/30 "Squeezes give me the giggles"

Monday, July 1 (Canada Day) Teamwork in the name of togetherness

Tuesday, July 2 (Last Quarter Moon) Everyone has something interesting to say...

Wednesday, July 3 The perfect spot to rest

Thursday, Juy 4 (Independence Day) "I wonder what butterflies wonder..."

Friday, July 5 You meet friends in all kinds of places

Saturday, Sunday July 6/7 He may be small, but he's got big moves

Monday, July 8 If you want to win, you've got to sport a winning attitude

Tuesday, July 9 "Welcome to the world, little pal"

Wednesday, July 10 (New Moon) "I'm thinking of a word that begins with an "H", ends with a "Y", and has "U-N-N" in the middle"

Thursday, July 11 One wiggly, wooly visitor

Friday, July 12 "Thanks for cheering me up"

Saturday, Sunday July 13/14 Playful pals. Memorable moments

Monday, July 15 Drifting and daydreaming

Tuesday, July 16 Being a buddy is the best thing to be!

Wednesday, July 17 (First Quarter Moon) "You're my kinda pnik!"

Thursday, July 18 "Sweet dreams, little duckling"

Friday, July 19 Two hoppers at heart

Saturday, Sunday July 20/21 Friends are our shelter when storm clouds rumble in

Monday, July 22 "Not quite what I had expected"

Tuesday, July 23 All the ingredients for a perfect picnic

Wednesday, July 24 (Full Moon) "I suppose I'm not the only one who loves honey"

Thursday, July 25 Think happy!

Friday, July 26 "Are you here about the honey?"

Saturday, Sunday July 27/28 Tigger 'tude

Monday, July 29 You can never have too many friends or too much honey

Tuesday, July 30 You're never too old to learn a new trick

Wednesday, July 31 "How're you doing, little fellow?"

Thursday, August 1 (Last Quarter Moon) Feeling fluffed and stuffed is a fun sort of feeling

Friday, August 2 "You're back for more?"

Saturday, Sunday August 3/4 Find cheer in the little things

Monday, August 5 (Civic Holiday Canada) "Did I miss something?"

Tuesday, August 6 Smells as sweet as honey

Wednesday, August 7 Bother-free days

Thursday, August 8 (New Moon) Peek-a-Piglet!

Friday, August 9 "I could use a little help"

Saturday, Sunday August 10/11 With love, from Pooh

Monday, August 12 Always take time to play!

Tuesday, August 13 Who's catching who?

Wednesday, August 14 Serious about his swing

Thursday, August 15 (First Quarter Moon) The way to win a Pooh Bear's heart is with honey (Flowers are good, too!)

Friday, August 16 Have you cheered a friend today?

Saturday, Sunday August 17/18 The Hundred-Acre two-step

Monday, Augusty 19 "We thought it was time for a little visit"

Tuesday, August 20 You make the call!

Wednesday, August 21 Cute and concentratin'!

Thursday, August 22 (Full Moon) Keep looking toward the bright side of the Wood

Friday, August 23 Tigger goes in for the tickle

Saturday, Sunday August 24/25 "I was just looking for you!"

Monday, August 26 (Summer Bank Holiday in UK) Practice makes Pooh hungry

Tuesday, August 27 "What's the newest buzz, little buddy?"

Wednesday, August 28 Let's be friends

Thursday, August 29 No bothers here

Friday, August 30 "Faster! Faster!"

Saturday, Sunday August 31/1 (Last Quarter Moon) When packing a lunch, more is always better than less

Monday, September 2 (Labor Day) Company-in this case- is definately a good thing!

Tuesday, September 3 "Baseball anyone?"

Wednesday, September 4 The secret to a good catch

Thursday, September 5 Appreciate the little things in life

Friday, September 6 (Rosh Hashannah Begins at Sundown) It's nice when friends fly in for a visit

Saturday, Sunday September 7/8 (New Moon; Grandparents Day) The perfect size friend

Monday, September 9 Pooh scrunched his nose and raised a brow, "Where has that Tigger gone to now?"

Tuesday, September 10 One splendiferous stroke

Wednesday, September 11 You don't need a reason to hug someone special

Thursday, September 12 You're on Tigger turf now!

Friday, September 13 (First Quarter Moon) "I've come to a conclusion: life is good"

Saturday, Sunday September 14/15 (Yom Kippur begins at Sundown; Declaration of Independence in Mexico) Give it your best shot!

Monday, September 16 (Independence Day in Mexico) It's not what you share, but that you care!

Tuesday, September 17 Think of the possibilities

Wednesday, September 18 You never know how far you can go until you stretch yourself

Thursday, September 19 Surprises come in all different shapes and sizes

Friday, Septemeber 20 Ready for a couple of carefree afternoons

Saturday, Sunday September 21/22 (Full Moon) Wander and wonder and you'll always meet new friends

Monday, September 23 (First Day of Fall) Fall is in the air

Tuesday, September 24 "I bet I know who's looking for this"

Wednesday, September 25 Topsy-turvy Tigger

Thursday, September 26 The perfect hiding spot

Friday, September 27 What a bright idea!

Saturday, Sunday September 28/29 (Last Quarter Moon)"Let's play!"

Monday, September 30 What more could a bear possibly wish for?

Tuesday, October 1 Hundred-Acre-Wood hikers

Wednesday, October 2 Smiles lift your spirits

Thursday, October 3 Take a moment to make someone's day

Friday, October 4 Momentarily unbounced

Saturday, Sunday October 5/6 (New Moon)"Is it OK to look?"

Monday, October 7 (Labour Day in Australia) I like the way you move

Tuesday, October 8 "The leaves are leaving the trees"

Wednesday, October 9 Tigger meets up with a curious critter

Thursday, October 10 "What can we say, we're happy!"

Friday, October 11 Make stand

Saturday, Sunday October 12/13 (Day of the Race in Mexico; First Quarter Moon) Thank goodness for the Tiggers of the world!

Monday, October 14 (Columbus Day Observed; Thanksgiving in Canada) Goin' the whole One Hundred acres!

Tuesday, October 15 "Where shall we wonder to today?"

Wednesday, October 16 (National Boss Day) Think P-P-Positive

Thursday, October 17 "I'm so bouncy, I float!"

Friday, October 18 "Good, you're still there!"

Saturday, Sunday October 19/20 "This guy is by far my favorite bear!"

Monday, October 21 (Full Moon) "I wonder just how much honey I'll need this winter?"

Tuesday, October 22 Visitors are always a welcome sight

Wednesday, October 23 "Anyone in there?"

Thursday, October 24 Tigger Tough

Friday, October 25 "How about a chat, little friend?"

Saturday, Sunday October 26/27 (Daylight Saving Time Ends; Mother-In-Law Day) Pint-size pals

Monday, October 28 (Labour Day in NZ) "Can't bounce me!"

Tuesday, October 29 (last Quarter Moon) Just because he's little doesn't mean he can't be scary!

Wednesday, October 30 "That's a little...(gulp)...creepy!"

Thursday, October 31 (Halloween) Time for some treats!

Friday, November 1 (All Saints Day) "One of my fall friends"

Saturday, Sunday November 2/3 (Day of the Dead) "Oh, goodie...someont littler than me!"

Monday, November 4 (New Moon) "All I need is a pile to pounce in"

Tuesday, November 5 (Election Day; Ramadan, 1 Begins at Sundown) Friends through thick and thin

Wednesday, November 6 What a grand way to travel

Thursday, November 7 Pumped and ready for adventure!

Friday, November 8 Just resting my eyes

Saturday, Sunday November 9/10 (Remembrance Sunday in UK) Eeyore's staying open to new ideas

Monday, November 11 (Veterans day; Rememberance Day Canada; First Quarter Moon) Tigger lends a helping...tail

Tuesday, November 12 "I'm sure I saw honey somewhere"

Wednesday, November 13 Striped Spinner

Thursday, November 14 "This is almost better than honey, Almost"

Friday, November 15 "Can't stop us from having fun"

Saturday, Sunday November 16/17 Hundred-Acre explorers

Monday, November 18 Being bashful again

Tuesday, November 19 All afternoons should be this bother-free

Wednesday, November 20 (Mexican Revolution Day; Full Moon) "Let's Float!"

Thursday, November 21 Pull up a Pooh Bear and relax

Friday, November 22 There's nothing a hug can't fix

Saturday, Sunday November 23/24 A fun little game of hide and seek

Monday, November 25 "Feelin' silly"

Tuesday, November 26 Temporarily tukered out

Wednesday, November 27 (Last Quarter Moon) Friends...any way you stack 'em

Thursday, November 28 (Thanksgiving Day) "I'm a big fan of fall"

Friday, November 29 (Hanukkah Begins at Sundown) "Well, look who's here!"

Saturday, Sunday November 30/1 "And that's the way I see it..."

Monday, December 2 Waiting for the first snowflake to fall

Tuesday, December 3 Why, Piglet, I think you're blushing!

Wednesday, December 4 (New Moon) Just chugging along

Thursday, December 5 ((Eid) al Fitr Begins at Sundown) Friends are always there to listen

Friday, December 6 You can do it, Pooh!

Saturday, Sunday December 7/8 (Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day) What a grand ol' group!

Monday, December 9 Always keep your eye on the ball

Tuesday, December 10 Grateful for the letter "P"

Wednesday, December 11 (First Quarter Moon) It's a jolly ol' jig

Thursday, December 12 (Virgin of Guadalupe) Going in for the big hug

Friday, December 13 It's all about Eeyore

Saturday, Sunday December 14/15 Always take a moment to ponder

Monday, December 16 "Oh, dear, this isn't as easy as it looks!"

Tuesday, December 17 Pooh feels all wobbly on skates...

Wednesday, December 18 Tigger moves in for the slapshot!

Thursday, December 19 (Full Moon) "Christmas is coming!"

Friday, December 20 Piglet learns that skating isn't always a snap

Saturday, Sunday December 21/22 (First Day of Winter) Pooh makes his list and checks it twice. (Don't Forget "Hunny"!)

Monday, December 23 The perfect little holiday caroler

Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) Friends are like snowflakes...they're all different and special in their own ways

Wednesday, December 25 (Christmas Day) "Merry Christmas, folks!"

Thursday, December 26 (Kwanzaa Begins; Boxing Day) Winter is for bundling

Friday, December 27 (Last Quarter Moon) "I've had a real super-duper year, how 'bout you?"

Saturday, Sunday December 28/29 It's Pooh to the rescue

Monday, December 30 "Oh, dear...we've almost come to the end..."

Tuesday, December 31 (New Year's Eve "Happy New Year, everybody! (At midnight of course!)"

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