In the Hundred Acre Wood, in 2003, You'll learn how much fun a year can be

Over there, without a care, Is everyone's favorite "silly old bear"

Surrounded by friends, Each new day lends Fun and adventure that just never ends

Tigger just pounces and bounces and flounces; Small Piglet stays low to the ground. Everyone listens to what Owl pronounces, And Eeyore keeps glooming around

So come spend a year, And be of good cheer-- Pooh and his friendliest friends are all here!

Even though the world's favorite "silly old bear" doesn't look like it, he turned 75 in 2001. However, he manages to stay young in his many books, movies, and television shows...not to mention in the hearts of his many fans. Winnie the Pooh is one of the most popular characters in history, beloved by people of all ages around the world. Here's to 75 more years of Pooh!

Wednesday, January 1 (New Year's Day) Everything is more fun with friends
Thursday, January 2(Bank Holiday; New Moon) There's nothing we can't do together!

Friday, January 3 Come on, there's fun to be had

Saturday, Sunday 4/5 Dreaming our bothers away...

Monday, January 6 (Epiphany) I'd like a hug, if you don't mind

Tuesday, January 7 Time for tiggerific dreams

Friday, January 10 (First Quarter Moon) Hello there, friend

Saturday, Sunday January 11/12 Have you cheered a friend today?

Monday, January 13 A tip of the hat to you!

Tuesday, January 14 Big blocks make spelling less wobbly

Wednesday, January 15 Sleep tight, Eeyore

Thursday, January 16 Here's a bear named Winnie the Pooh, a cuddly friend for me and you

Friday, January 17 Think cheery!

Saturday, Sunday January 17/18 (Full Moon) Sometimes it's hard to be brave

Monday, January 20 (Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday Observed) Friends can lend a helping hand

Tuesday, January 21 Some days you feel rather muddled

Wednesday, January 22 Everything's better with honey

Thursday, January 23 Rough, tough, and stuff!

Friday, January 24 Striped and ready for action!

Saturday, Sunday January 25/26 (Last Quarter Moon) Dash, run, football fun

Monday, January 27 (Australia Day) Dreaming of friendship...

Tuesday, January 28 P is for Pooh

Wednesday, January 29 Oh, bother

Thursday, January 30 It's not much of a tail, but I am sort of attached to it

Friday, January 31 Hoo-hoo-hoo! A hug for you!

Saturday, Sunday February 1/2 (Chinese New Year New Moon; Groundhog Day) There's nothing friendlier than a book

Monday, February 3 Do you want to play?

Tuesday, February 4 What wunnerful friends!

Wednesday, February 5 No problems are too big to solve with a friend

Thursday, February 6 (Waitangi Day in NZ) All you need is honey and a friend to enjoy it with

Friday, February 7 Manners are important, even when you're sticky

Saturday, Sunday February 8/9 (First Quarter Moon) A happy day for you!

Monday, February 10 Time for tea

Tuesday, February 11 (Eid) al Adha Begins at Sundown) Every day is a surprise

Wednesday, February 12 What a tiggerific trick!

Thursday, February 13 Make way for the Hundred-Acre Express

Friday, February 14 (Valentine's Day) To get to the honey, sometimes you need to fly!

Saturday, Sunday February 15/16 (Full Moon) A big spin for a small person

Monday, February 17 (President's Day) Oh, no!

Tuesday, February 18 Looking good in the Hundred-Acre-Wood...

Wednesday, February 19 What a song!

Thursday, February 20 T-T-F-N! Ta-ta for now! Friday, February 21 Sometimes it's hard to be small

Saturday, Sunday February 22/23 (Last Quarter Moon) It's always story time

Monday, February 24 (Flag Day in Mexico) Mamas are the greatest

Tuesday, February 25 It can be good to look at things differently sometimes

Wednesday, February 26 E is for Eeyore

Thursday, February 27 Bouncing isn't the only way to fly

Friday, February 28 It's good to be together

Saturday, Sunday March 1/2 Sometimes, we all need a friend to pick us up

Monday, March 3 (New Moon) All together now!

Tuesday, March 4 (First of Muharram Begins at Sundown) Spring days are the sweetest

Wednesday, March 5 (Ash Wednesday) Hoo-hoo-hoo!

Thursday, March 6 Sweet dreams

Friday, March 7 Things are better together

Saturday, Sunday March 8/9 The best of friends

Monday March 10 Pay attention to the little things

Tuesday, March 11 A gift for Tigger!

Wednesday, March 12 A new friend for Piglet and Pooh!

Thursday, March 13 (Ashura Begins at Sundown) Bouncy, trouncy days!

Friday, March 14 Guess who? It's Pooh!

Saturday, Sunday March 15/16 Spelling is friendlier with blocks

Monday, March 17(St Patrick's Day, Canberra Day in Australia) Ready to talk?

Tuesday, March 18 (Purim Begins at Sundown, Full Moon) A hug for Roo!

Wednesday, March 19 Jump for joy!

Thursday, March 20 (First Day of Spring) Where's the fire?

Friday, March 21 (Benito Juaraez' Birthday Mexico) T is for Tigger

Saturday, Sunday March 22/23 Hello

Monday, March 24 We all need to dream

Tuesday, March 25 (Last Quarter Moon) Tigger tea!

Wednesday, March 26 Hugs for new friends

Thursday, March 27 Let's steer together

Friday, March 28 Easy, breezy days

Saturday, Sunday March 29/30 (Mothering Sunday) Friends help you keep your balance

Monday, March 31 Take time to look at the clouds

Tuesday, April 1 (April Fool's Day, New Moon) Tiggers are always charming

Wednesday, April 2 Sport a friendly attitude

Thursday, April 3 Friends are important on rainy sorts of days

Friday, April 4 A bunch of friends!

Saturday, Sunday April 5/6 (Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday) Let's bee friends

Monday, April 7 Catch a breeze!

Tuesday, April 8 Bee brave

Wednesday, April 9 (First Quarter Moon) Try to be a tigger

Thursday, April 10 Sorry, Gopher

Friday, April 11 Hoo-hoo-hoo pardner!

Saturday, Sunday April 12/13 (Palm Sunday) Time for a snack

Monday, April 14 A very sad sort of flower

Tuesday, April 15 A buzzy friend

Wednesday, April 16 (Full Moon) Time for hugs

Thursday, April 17 (Passover Begins at Sundown) Mother and son...together

Friday, April 18 (Good Friday) You don't have to talk to share

Saturday, Sunday (Easter Sunday) Honey is yummy in my tummy

Monday, April 21 (Easter Monday) Bouncing time!

Tuesday, April 22 (Earth Day) P is for Piglet

Wednesday, April 23 (Administrative Professionals Day; Last Quarter Moon) Bee nice!

Thursday, April 24 Friends are always there

Friday, April 24 (Anzac Day) I've got an idea!

Saturday, Sunday April 26/27 Tigger and Pooh -- there's more fun with two!

Monday, April 28 Puffed-up Piglet!

Tuesday, April 29 (Holocaust Rememberance Day) Friendship spells fun for everyone!

Wednesday, April 30 High up in the sky Pooh's kite flies by

Thursday, May 1 (May Day; National Day of Prayer; Labor Day in Mexico; New Moon) Friendly flowers are the best sort

Friday, May 2 Hang on, Roo!

Saturday, Sunday May 3/4 Havin' a ball!

Monday, May 5 (Bank Holiday; Battle of Puebla Day "Allow me to demonstrate!"

Tuesday, May 6 waiting...

Wednesday, May 7 It's Tigger Hood!

Thursday, May 8 Time to try

Friday, May 9 Hello, friend

Saturday, Sunday May 10/11 (Mother's Day in Mexico; Mother's Day)A flower to share!

Monday, May 12 It's an airborne alphabet

Tueday, May 13 Flowers are fun

Wednesday, May 14 What's the buzz?

Thursday, May 15 1-2-3...wheee!

Friday, May 16 (Full Moon) Bouncers first!

Saturday, Sunday May 17/18 (Armed Forces Day) A gift for Pooh!

Monday, May 19 (Victoria Day) Sailing the seas of honey...

Tuesday, May 20 Pooh overboard!

Wednesday, May 21 Things always work out

Thursday, May 22 A bunch of happiness

Friday, May 23 (Last Quarter Moon) Less munching --more planting!

Saturday, Sunday May 24/25 What's this?

Monday, May 26 (Memorial Day Observed; Spring Bank Holiday) Plant the seeds of friendship

Tuesday, May 27 Time for a ride

Wednesday, May 28 It's tough to pack

Thursday, May 29 Any expotition needs snacks

Friday, May 30 What a wonderful day

Saturday, Sunday May/June 31 & 1 (New Moon) A Tiggerific game!

Monday, June 2 The wrong sort of catch...

Tuesday, June 3 Another member of the Hundred-Acre Fishing Club

Wednesday, June 4 Jump into the fun

Thursday, June 5 A Tiggerific day

Friday, June 6 Tea for three!

Saturday, Sunday June 7/8 (First Quarter Moon) Bee what you want to bee

Monday, June 9 The summer's full of butterflies, bugs, and bees

Tuesday, June 10 A flower for you!

Wednesday, June 11 Dozin' and dreamin'..

Thursday, June 12 Each day is filled with the bestest surprises!

Friday, June 13 "Wake up, Pooh boy!"

Saturday, Sunday June 14/15 (Flag Day; Full Moon; Father's Day) Butterflies tickle your nose

Monday, June 16 We make a terrific team

Tuesday, June 17 Pop fly Pooh!

Wednesday, June 18 Fast ball Tigger!

Thursday, June 19 It's a close finish!

Friday, June 20 Sour stripes

Saturday, Sunday June 21/22 (First Day of Summer; Last Quarter Moon)Catch some light

Monday, June 23 Hey, pardner Pooh!

Tuesday, June 24 (St.Jean Baptiste Day in Quebec)Let's ride

Wednesday, June 25 A lucky smile!

Thursday, June 26 Ready for Round 1!

Friday, June 27 Sport a winning attitude

Saturday, Sunday June 28/29 (New Moon) Put 'em up!

Monday, June 30 It's a thoughtful sort of day

Tuesday, July 1 (Canada Day) What a fantastic family

Wednesday, July 2 Time to bee napping

Thursday, July 3 Bounce, bounce, bounce, I win

Friday, July 4 (Independence Day) Bee yourself

Saturday, Sunday July 5/6 Well, hello there

Monday, July 7 (First Quarter Moon) Friends of the same stripe

Tuesday, July 8 Think bouncy!

Wednesday, July 9 Sail away on the S.S. Pooh!

Thursday, July 10 Racing stripes!

Friday, July 11 Um, Pooh...

Saturday, Sunday July 12/13 (Full Moon) Just us two!

Monday, July 14 A useful sort of club

Tuesday, July 15 Fore!

Wednesday, July 16 Heads up!

Thursday, July 17 That's a fair trade

Friday, July 18 Splendiferous strokes...

Saturday, Sunday July 19/20 Tigger's using the woods!

Monday, July 21 Tiggerific spelling

Tuesday, July 22 Splash in!

Wednesday, July 23 It's the Hundred-Acre Beach!

Thursday, July 24 Piglet's so shy!

Friday, July 25 Would you want to be friends?

Saturday, Sunday July 26/27 Bounce training!

Monday, July 28 Sometimes you have to share

Tuesday, July 29 New discoveries are everywhere

Wednesday, July 30 Just hopping along

Thursday, July 31 Draw!

Friday, August 1 C'mere and fight like a tigger!

Saturday, Sunday August 2/3 Take aim!

Monday, August 4 (Civic Holiday) Looking for treasure!

Tuesday, August 5 (First Quarter Moon) What a honey of a catch!

Wednesday, August 6 Tigger's wound up and ready

Thursday, August 7 Where'd it go?

Friday, August 8 Pooh's got a secret

Saturday, Sunday August 9/10 Who, me?

Monday, August 11 Think friendly

Tuesday, August 12 (Full Moon) Silly old bear!

Wednesday, August 13 Sing it, Tigger!

Thursday, August 14 Flouncy, pouncy,and ready to go!

Friday, August 15 It's time for a show

Saturday, Sunday August 16/17 Look at the lights!

Monday, August 18 Are you Tigger tough?

Tuesday, August 19 Summers sweet as honey

Wednesday, August 20 (Last Quarter Moon) Time to play!

Thursday, August 21 A sweet balancing act

Friday, August 22 Hold on tight!

Saturday, Sunday August 23/24 Sunny days chase clouds away

Monday, August 25 (Summer Bank Holiday) Fly away!

Tuesday, August 26 August is filled with butterfly skies

Wednesday, August 27 (New Moon) This is nice, I guess

Thursday, August 28 Time to try

Friday, August 29 Baseball's a sweet sport