Yes, that's right. We've moved! Please change all links and bookmarks to here:
July 22, 2002: YES! The Torgo server is now back up and running smoothly! The site should be accessible now! ^^
On Friday July 19, 2002 we're having problems with the network and Torgo.
It seems that another server is intermittently stealing the IP that torgo has - and as a result randomly pops up apache install messages on websites - that disappear after a few minutes..then come back again.
We've contacted the network control center asking them to fix this and are waiting for their reply. As it stands now its hard to pinpoint the problem since it comes and goes - actually convincing them there was a problem in the first place took hours since whenever they looked it was fine.
I'll update this announcement when we know anything further.
July 20, 2002: We did NOT delete the directory on Aya's domain. The problem is stated above. There are times when the site will be up but we do not know when that would be. The problem is still being fixed as of now and we'll try to keep you guys posted whenever Shi made any new announcements. If you want to receive the updates quicker, please join the mailing list.
Also, if you know anyone that visits this site, please also inform them of this. Thank you.