Weissworld would like to use this section has an aid to those who are depressed and unemployed. The claim that unemployment is really a federal-paid vacation is a myth. Being broke and jobless sucks. These tips will help you deal with your unemployment in the best way possible. 1. Don't get up too early. While you may think it is important to have a productive day, remember that the ealier you wake up, the longer your day is going to be. Most people do not return phone calls until late afternoon anyway. Why spend the day anxious by the phone when you can spend your time in bed with the ringer turned off? 2. Dress up for visits to the unemployment office. While you may have to be there at 8AM, it is important to look your best. There are a record of under 35 year olds out of work, and the unemployment office has become a federal-funded Temptation Island. Whether married or singled, you may find that special someone to pass your time with during the day. 3. Get a job at a restaurant. Most restaurants will pay you under the table. This is a good evening activity and supplements your lousy checks so that you can pay your rent and your $500/month Cobra bills you need for mental health treatments and medications during this upsetting time of your life. Also, most restaurants provide free meals for their employees. 4. Do not trust headhunters or recruiters. Call these people daily. They will not call you, even if they have the perfect job for you. 5. Buy black and be upfront with your hairdresser. Make sure all of your outfits are black as you want to look good on a budget. You don't want to look unemployed and cheaper clothes look better in darker colors. I also told me hair guys that I don't have a job. Both my colorist and stylist have provided me with free services. They know once I am back on my feet, I will make it up to them, and without good hair, I may not get back on my feet. 7. Update your Palm Pilot. Use this time as a means of getting rid of the unsupportive people in your life. Being unemployed is a good time to see who your real friends are. You will be surprised who actually takes the time to help you and dissappointed in those who do not. Don't worry about being friendless. There are all kinds of new people to meet at the unemployment office, library and at your illegal job. |