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Araidne is probably one of the most traveled Goddess.  She existed in Crete; the Greeks borrowed her and created a place for her in their mythology and the Celts borrowed her again and gave her the role of a star goddess.  What she's always represented to me is the way-shower on the path to a stable relationship.  She risked everything for Theseus just to be left stranded on an island when he no longer needed her.   


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The Cretian Ariadne

Ruled by priestess-queens for two millennia, it was in Crete, for the last time in recorded history [that] a spirit of harmony between men and women as joyful,equal participants in life [pervades], says Eisler. Minoan culture was a Goddess-worshipping inheritance from Egypt, later passed on to Mycenaean Greece and Philistine Canaan. Ariadne, the High Fruitful Mother, is a lunar fertility Goddess whose athletic prowess evolved into huntress Diana and many-breasted Ephesian Artemis. Serpents, symbolic of rebirth, were ritually handled by her oracle-giving priestesses, whose bare-breasted costume suggest the sacred role of sexuality in the culture. Trances and ecstatic dance celebrated the annual rebirth of Ariadne's son-lover Dionysos (Deo Knossos). The sudden end of Crete's peaceful matrilineal Golden age through flood and earthquake gave rise to the Atlantis legend



celticariadne.jpg (16219 bytes) The Celtic Ariadne



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