I have enjoy surfing all around the world visiting sites, chatting with other Net users and making friends. I thought it was time I made my own Home Page, firstly as a challenge to see if I could do it and secondly to stake my piece of cyber space.

I am really interested in Women's Issues but have decided to learn more about page construction before I leap in further. Therefore, I have decide to break it into manageble tasks starting with a simple page with a few links and loading it into Geocities.

I believe that the Internet is not just for males and have found many competent females with high quality pages!

That was the ideology side but here is the facts: I'm a working mother who naturally has to share my time around my different responsibilities and interests. But wait....... here is a list of proposed improvements to this site........any suggestions would be welcomed. Mail me or put a comment in the guest book if you like.

Proposed Improvement

Latest Update

Add a variety of links to women's issues, reference material, and places of interest to me.

I have started this reference.

Perhaps add the ability to leave messages and let you review those left by others.


How about learning to create multiple pages and adding split screens or frames.

I had to wait weeks for the book I requested from the Local Library but I had to return it as someone else wanted it. HTML must be popular!!! etc.

How about learning to create graphics so it is not so boring.

Added some minor graphics so that I know how to do it. Doesn't it feel good when these things work!! I even read up how to create tables, lists, etc and I can also create these now - all without the use of an editor.

19 July '97, added graphics I actually created.

I might even put a counter to see the number of hits.

Did this change first.

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