I believe in the wonder of the out-of-doors, in the inspiration of the stars, and in the allurements of life in the open.
I believe in the strength of the hills, in the silence of the night, and in the music of the birds and the trees.
I belive, also, that my body was made for thinking, and that my heart was made for loving in unison with life in nature.
I believe that to laugh and sing, to swim and walk, to study and play, to eat and be happy, to be kind and free, to grow strong and good is my God-given right.
I believe, too, that to be happy I must be good, that to be worthy I must be kind, and to be loved I must think of love.
I belive that God is as near as man, that I can hear Him/Her in the brooks and pines, and that happiness and lasting peace are mine, as I live in the atmosphere of kindness so near me in the life of the open world.
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