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Sites that offer persons to post for e-mail support

Emergence is a wonderful site written by a young survivor. It includes her personal story and poems and the personal stories and poems of other survivors. She offers some safety tips, suggestions for coping with flashbacks, sex and relationships, and sleep and dreams. She also offers some statistics and myths about sexual abuse, and her thoughts on suicide, self-injury, and anger. She included a page specifically for male survivors, and a list of e-mail groups for survivors.

Free to Be's: Break the Silence of Abuse is a personal page done by a survivor of abuse. It includes two e-mail support lists, a booklist, a survivor's wall where any survivor can write a few words, some newsletters, and information/support regarding therapy abuse.

The Gathering Place is put together my my friends the MakersDozn. They offer an opportunity for you to learn about them through biographical and history information. There is a list of who each of them are and what they do, as well as the origins of their names. They have drawn system maps which show the changes over the past several years. There are also individual pages made by members of the inside family. Additionally, they share some of their own poetry, artwork, and essays, and offer suggestions on how to stay safe. They have a Yahoo group, which is a message board/e-mail group.

Holli's Triumph Over Tradgedy offers resources for survivors, such as facts about abuse, information on boundaries, a feelings chart, and 10 steps of recovery. There are also stories and news articles, as well as poetry by survivors, inspirational pages, a message board, and political information. Holli has spearheaded the Mint Green Ribbon Campaign for awareness of abuse.

New Hope healing Institute offers e-mail list support groups, message and chat forums, 1-800 numbers, and information on conferences and treatment.

Secret Shame is a very comprehensive site which offers information, links, a message board for those who experience self-injury, and an e-mail support group (bus list). Some of the topics covered are what self-injury is, why people self-injure, and how one can stop.

Soul's Self Help Central has links to various sites and information about sexual abuse, DID, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, codependency, and much more. It offers prose and poety, some great self-help information, and e-mail support groups.

The Survivor's Page is dedicated to survivors of sexual abuse and rape. Survivors can submit various writings, including personal experiences, letters, poetry, and stories. Also offers a page to find other survivors or partners of survivors to communicate with via e-mail.

Tesserae is a personal website which includes prose, poetry, art, and an introduction to the system.

WeRMany is a great site that offers support for persons with MPD/DID and/or BiPolar Disorder. Some of the resources available are terminology, FAQ, switching characteristics, a list of potential triggers, tips for managing triggers, suicide resources, and significant other support. There are arts and writings, as well as message forums, an e-mail support group, and a chat room.

*Note: I have tried not to use any copyrighted graphics, but I sometimes lose track of where I get things. If you notice that I am using a graphic that you have copyrighted, please e-mail me at healngwymn@aol.com and let me know. Please let me know if you wish for me to remove your graphic or to link it to your site. Thank you.