Other various sites related to healing from sexual abuse and MPD/DID
David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages is an excellent resource with lots of information. This website deals with many types of traumas as well as responses to trauma. There are multiple online articles about trauma, a listing of symptoms, including physical and emotional, information about PTSD and DID, and some suggested coping stratigies and treatment guidelines and standards of care for traumatologists. There are links to pages dealing with stress management/reduction and relaxation, various treatment approaches and places, and other resources, support and organizations. There is also an online bookstore.
Multiple Personality and Dissociation Booklist has an excellent book list with reviews for some of the books.
Sidran has resources and articles on childhood trauma related topics. Please be aware that sometimes this link works, and sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't work, you may try to type the address in yourself. It is http://www.sidran.org
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