Action For Reach Out
Rights of Entertainers in Asia to Combat Human
Oppression and Unjust Treatment
This project was developed to assist women working within the commercial sex industry (CSI) in Hong Kong.
Action For Reach Out's (AFRO) main goal is to form a support network for women working within the CSI in Hong Kong.
We are a group of people who offer an environment of openness and honesty where women can turn in times of need.
Action for REACH OUT believes that:
- every woman has the right to fair and just treatment under the law, no matter what her educational, social, religious or occupational background.
- every woman has the right to have the terms of her contract honoured and not changed without her prior consent.
- every woman has the right to be free from violence and coercion.
- every woman has the right to safeguard her own health.
- every woman has the right not to be used as a commodity.
Nature of Services
As a client driven organisation we are constantly creating, adding, and modifying our services, based upon what our clients have expressed as helpful and necessary. Presently, we are helping women with the following:
- information on HIV/AIDS
- limited legal advice
- accompanying women through the police and legal systems
- giving information on support groups in the women's home countries.
We have a Hotline that is open 2 nights a week for 3 hours a night, staffed by trained volunteers. The Hotline is open to all women working in the CSI who need advice, counselling or just an open, non-judgemental person to talk to. Additionally, a pager is held by a trained volunteer 24-hours a day to handle any emergencies.
We organise face to face outreach with the women in various Hong Kong districts.
We have members who can give legal and medical advice when necessary. We will act as a referral agency on the following topics:
- health screening and AIDS/STD testing
- temporary shelter
- short term professional counselling intervention
- support groups and agencies in other countries
- legal advice
Research on the needs of women working in the CSI.
Create an ongoing database of information on women in the CSI to be used in future research. The identities of all clients will always remain strictly confidential .
Create and publish a network newsletter four times a year, covering topics such as the history of the CSI in Asia, information, letters and helpful hints from other groups in Asia, information gathered by the outreach workers, and newspaper articles of interest.
Form a network of organisations in Asia working in the same or similar areas.
Form a loose network on people within Hong Kong who are doing research on, or working with, women in the CSI.
Public Education
Sponsor guest speakers to talk on specific issues relating to the CSI, for example, AIDS/HIV education, research carried out in Hong Kong, and the experiences of other groups worldwide.
Use the mass media to improve public attitudes towards commercial sex workers.
Drop-in Centre
We hold classes on a variety of issues, including 'Know your legal rights.' HIV/AIDS awareness, money management and employment skills.
Reaching Out:
Action For Reach Out's Monthly Newsletter
Contact us
P.O Box 98108. T.S.T Post Office
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 27701065 Fax: (852) 27701201
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