There are so many species of wildlife that are endangered in the world....
and it is OUR responsibility as humans to
preserve our wild life and heritage,and to learn about the process of conservation.
I believe that every country has the respective organisations for this purpose
and the info is being spread to the nations in order to create an awareness
and also instill the responsibility in each and every being.....
of the importance of wildlife preservation.With this awareness and education,I believe
that the various endangered wildlife can and will be saved from extinction.This
education should be instilled in everyone, especially our young ones from an early
age itself,for they are our future.
A number of non-profit organisations have been formed to protect and conserve
wildlife, and with this,SOME improvement is seen......but there
are still many irresponsible and cruel beings out there who persist on
capturing and killing animals for their own profits and
interests.We should all be responsible people and not let this happen.
There are so many ways that one can get involved and help.Some have
devoted their time and efforts in the preservation of wild life.
The rest of the world should not just sit back and do nothing.
We can help,by donating
to these devoted bodies,by educating and instilling the awareness in our
young ones,by spreading the news to others through media
as well as our personal writings and HomePages,and so many other ways. I have listed a few organisations devoted to this cause,so please do visit them and find out how you can support them. Every country has it's own organisations devoted to this cause, and I strongly feel that EVERYONE should at least be aware of it and learn of it, even if unable to help in any way.If we let these species go extinct, then soon we will allow all other wildlife to perish too.....making a great imbalance in nature, hence causing other ecological problems worldwide,making our earth slowly yet surely,eventually,a place unsuitable to live in.We must be responsible for our earth...if not us humans,than who? |
My crutch in life is that
"Whatever is meant to be,will be"
meaning that everything is in the hands of God,
BUT I also believe that
"God helps those who help themselves."
This is my first page about endangered species of wildlife. The first wildlife that I will highlight on here will be the Orangutan, an endangered species of wild life in wildland rainforests of my country, well as in Indonesia. |
The orang utan is found only in Sarawak (Malaysia) and Sumatra, almost exclusively in lowland rainforest areas. One of the world's largest primates, it is second only to the gorilla in size.The orang-utan is literally a "man of the woods", also called Mawas. It is a great ape with long reddish hair. Unlike the other great apes, the adult orang utan is a shy and solitary animal. Males prefer their own company except when mating, although females can sometimes be seen in groups of four or five. This behaviour reflects the relative scarcity of food in the orang utan's habitat. To survive they must browse for fruits and other edible plants across a vast range of forest, making a new nest each night in the crown of a tree. The orang utan is almost completely arboreal (tree-dwelling), which is unusual for such a large animal.It spends its time mostly moving about in the trees and less on the ground. Orang-utans live in the wet and hot forests. It moves steadily and cautiously from tree to tree, testing each branch for strength before moving. This arboreal lifestyle has given the orang utan incredibly strong arms.Despite this awesome strength, orang utans are gentle creatures, and it is almost unheard of for them to attack humans or other animals, and then only in self-defence. The major threats to orangutan populations are illegal pet and souvenir trade, and loss of natural habitat. For every baby that reaches market, three to five other orangutans may have died. Young orangutans can be caught only by killing the mother.Souvenirs, such as carved skulls, both antique and "fresh", can be found in art shops thoughout Kalimantan. Although it is illegal to own, hunt, or transport an orangutan in Indonesia, the trade continues. Suitable orangutan habitat in Indonesia and Malaysia has declined by more than 80% in the last 20 years.The species is also at risk because road construction fragments populations. The impact on the species goes beyond the removal of trees. Malesia (the bioregion consisting of Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and New Guinea) has at least 25,000 species of flowering plants. By contrast, the British Isles are home to fewer than 1,500 types of flowering plants. More than 633 bird species breed in Malesia, which is about the same number as in all of North America. More than 4,000 species of moths have been recorded in Borneo. According to a tropical forest expert: "even the incomplete data available clearly suggests that small areas of a few hectares in these hyper-rich rain forests are in fact the most species-rich communities known anywhere in the world." |
CREDITS DUE TO: Balikpapan Orangutan society(BOS)
World Society Of The Protection Of Animals.(WSPA)
LINKS AND REFERENCES LINK & RESOURCES For Animal Activists Earththrust Orangutan Foundation International Grungy
Lots of animal resouces here.
Earthtrust programs in Asia stress innovative strategies to
support the reduction of wildlife trade, and the protection of
endangered species and their habitats.
The mission of the OFI is to support the conservation and understanding of the orangutan and its rain forest habitat while caring for ex-captive individuals as they make their way back to the forest.
Interesting site.
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