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● Contact address:

Strada Nicolae Sebe numarul 1,

bloc W2, scara B, etaj 5, apartament 65,

sector 3,  030451 Bucharest, Romania

Telephone: +40213245540 fix home

                   +40751896741 mobile phone

                   +40213157949 office/work

E-mail: opera@itu.dk    academic related
            coprea@ccss.ro    office/work
            catalin_gabriel_oprea@yahoo.com    private

Spirit:  http://www.fibc.dk/








URL: http://www.itu.dk/people/opera/


IM: catalin_gabriel_oprea  YAHOO Messenger
      catalin_gabriel_oprea@hotmail.com  MSN Messenger
      opreacatalin  SKYPE
      catalingabrieloprea  GOOGLE TALK

Blog: http://www.facebook.com/people/Catalin_Gabriel_Oprea/719923974







Curriculum Vitae ( Resume )


● Title: MSc engineer


● Degrees and qualifications:


Civil engineer (MSc) in electronics with specialization in communications (radio -communications)


Master of Science degree in medical electronics


Master of Science degree in multimedia technology   


▼ Pedagogical diploma (i.e. the certificated legal right to teach)


Translator from English to Romanian (i.e. certificated with exams and diplomas)


● Education:


▼ 1983 In Jully I passed the exam “First step”(treapta I” so called in Romnian language terminology) after finishing the Primary School ( 8 years) called Scoala Generala nr. 58 Bucuresti.  


▼ 1987 School-leaving examination (baccalaureate) I finished the Alexandru Ioan Cuza alias mathematics-physics no.3 secondary school. In Jully 1985 I passed the exam “Second step”(treapta II” so called in Romnian language terminology).


▼ 1994 - I was honored with the pedagogical diploma from Polytechnic University of Bucharest and the right to teach.


▼ 1995 - I finished my first master degree in radio-communications from the Electronics and Telecommunications Department of Polytechnic University of Bucharest


▼ 1996 - I was honored with the diploma for art design of photos and movies from the students house of Bucharest.


▼ 1997 - Romanian Minister of Culture granted me after passing 3 exams with 3 certificates in making legal translations from English to Romanian.


▼ 1998 - I finished my second master degree in medical electronics at the DSP division of the Department of Engineering Science from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. In the last part of this degree I spend 4 months at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) as an exchange TEMPUS student at Department of Information Technology.


▼ 2001 - I finished a research project for DentalMan International A/S and Technical University of Denmark


▼ 2005 - I finished my master degree in multimedia technology from of the IT University of Copenhagen


▼ March 2006 ... October 2006 I was studying Danish language at StudieSkole and Bethesda church from Copenhagen


▼ October 2007 ... 2010 I am PhD student in biomedical image processing at Politehnica University of Bucharest at Department of Engineering Science


● Employment history:


1995 (July-August) Radio-communications engineer at Motorola Bucharest


1995-1998 Radio-communications engineer at IEMI-SA Bucharest. I was assigned in several projects regarding PCB design, documentation and product standards, translations, electronic measurements, etc.


 ▼ 1998-2001 Researcher for a joint project between Repuir Technology A/S (as part of DentalMan International A/S) and DTU - Technical University of Denmark. My main research was focused on modeling and software design for multilayer transient heat flow in a 6 layers cylindrical structure. My research assignment required physical modeling (temperature waves and heat flow), mathematical modeling, solving partial differential equations in transient time and in 3D, advanced DSP (digital signal processing) of the analytical solutions, software design and OOP (object oriented programming), software testing, implementations, error checking, optimization for a 100 KB microprocessor memory without floating point operations facilities, etc. Software used: Matlab and toolboxes, C, C++, assembler, a special C code for microprocessor. 


2001 2006 several concurrent part-time jobs including programming (for Danish Dictionary at Progresso A/S Company from Denmark, supervisor BO), instructor (ITU) regarding making homepages, paper delivery, cleaning service, and standby computer games programmer (Pollux Gamelabs December 2005 - March 2006).


September 2006 November 2006 Standby Radio-communications engineer at IEMI-SA Bucharest.


November 2006 – March 2007 engineer at SWS International Bucharest. Main responsabilities: Programming, IT assignments & service, graphics and design in Photoshop, Illustrator etc


March 2007 … present engineer at Centrul Naţional pentru Organizarea şi Asigurarea Sistemului Informaţional şi Informatic în Domeniul Sănătăţii from the Romanian Ministry of Public Health.


● Master Theses:


    1 Subject MSc radio-communication: Radio-receiver synthesis (finished in July 1995)


Specification: Design of a heterodyne AM/ Digital PLL FM synthesis radio in the band 100 kHz -100 MHz having 3 intermediate frequencies for AM. The design work included also the modulation / demodulation part, RF filtering block, RF amplifier and the antenna. The project was performed individual.


    2 Subject MSc medical electronics: “Analogue to digital filter conversion using one to one correspondence between the analogue components and digital ones.” (Finished in September 1998)


Specification:  Research for finding a mathematical bijective function able to make the conversion. After gathering different solutions the optimal one was chosen. Finally I made software developed and designed in Matlab which generated Symulink blocks and created Schematic interface design in both domains: analogue and digital. The project was a TEMPUS mobility funded by European Union and conducted at Technical University of Denmark under the supervision of Signal Processing team. The project was performed individual.


     3 Subject MSc in multimedia technology: “Making expression in natural synthetic speech with Java Speech API Markup Language” (finished in December 2005)


Specification: Testing and developing in Model Talker and Mbrola of different synthetic natural voices, compiling the open source software: Festival and Flinger for Linux towards the windows platform. Development of Flinger and Festival for networking and client-server applications, compelling Flinger and Festival to exchange data and use voices from Cloudgarden and other TTS applications, software development in Java for generating MIDI file and adding lyrics in the MIDI file using Jfuge and Java sound, integrating several TTS and music applications to work together under various operating systems platforms using networking and client-server communication protocols, integration with mark-up languages like JSML, artificial intelligence, and like. 


● Programming languages: Java, Turbo Pascal, Matlab and Toolboxes, C, C++ and related, Visual Basic,  FOX PRO, Web programming like HTML, Java script, applets, style sheets, Php, ASP, MySql,  SML, GNU make, VHDL, UPAL, Delphi, AutoCAD, Corel Draw and related


● Software tools: PCB Design tools: PADS, CADSTAR and ORCAD, Microsoft Office, Adobe Technology, Neural Networks, Text to speech programs and sound editors, Model talkers and artificial generation of natural voices


● Additional skills: Networking and protocols (client-server applications, TCP-IP, etc); System administration: installing operation systems (Windows 9X, XP, 2003 server, vista, Linux), wiring and configuring LAN, adding printers, scanners, wireless, etc. Ability to install, debug and configure software, antivirus & anti-spy programs, firewalls, games, troubleshooting deadlock problems, TTS and video peripherals, etc, Medical software and appliances (like CT_Scan, RMN, EEG, MEG, EKG, image processing and analyzing, etc); Testing software and electronic devices; Writing and designing professional documentation in English and Romanian (reports, product standards, manuals, etc); Excellent communication skills in English and Romanian (fluency in written, spoken and reading language in a broad domain like: technical, reading newspapers, magazines and journals, radio and television); Teaching and pedagogical skills;


Personality: I am a sociable person and I have good skills to work individually or in teams. I have a good sense of humor and positive personality. I am able to work under pressure, meeting the deadlines and mile stones in different working circumstances and co-workers cultural/national backgrounds. I like going out in nature, mountain hiking, swimming, tennis, skating and cycling and I enjoy singing in quires.