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~There are currently 26 stories in the archive.

Forced Affair-(NC-17)
Hercules/TPM crossover
Qui-Gon has an encounter with the God of War
Author: Kayla

Blame it on the wine
NC-17/ BDSM/ rape: Autolycus trespasses and must pay the price
Cheyenne Dancer

Of Fate and War-(NC-17)
Joxer/Ares, Hercules/Iolaus,Xena/Gabrielle
When Ares loses his Godhood, he must find learn to live as a mortal.
Author: Viccy

Chained Heart-(NC-17)
A not entirely consensual seduction
of Hercules by everybody's favorite insane goddess
Chris M.

Comparing Notes (R )
( Xena/Gabrielle)
Xena finds a druken Gabrielle joining in on Hercules'
and Iolaus' recollections of the Warrior Princess' many skills
Hope's Cocoon

Imagos-( R)
While Hercules and Iolaus are fighting a minotaur, they accidentally spring a trap that may have been set by an unknown enemy from an alternate reality. Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer also appear in this story. This story is rated for strong language and nonexplicit slashy subjects.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Author: Randy Dumois

Iolaus watches Herc and Ares. 
Web Page:
Thamiris' Ares Slash

Perjured Eye(NC-17)
Ares watches Hercules and Iolaus make love,
then reacts with violence. 
Web Page:
Thamiris' Ares Slash

Hide the Soap
A silly Hercules and Iolaus adventure

Can Iolaus control his desire before it ruins the
most important relationship in his life?
Author: Nephele

Bath of Eros( NC-17)
Iolaus and Herc get lost in snowstorm.

At Last (NC-17)
It's all too easy to get carried away when one is enjoying a new experience
as Hercules discovers, having finally got the disobedient hunter into a position
where he has no choice but to co-operate.
Warning: This story contains d&s and ambiguous consent
Author: Aramis

The Lure(NC-17)
Trying to find a murderer, Iolaus and Hercules discover more than they had expected.
Warning: This story contains violence and non-consensual sex.
Author: Aramis

The Centaurs(R)
This is a sequel to The Lure. Iolaus and Autolycus find themselves
reassessing their opinions of each other when they are forced by circumstances
to work together.
Author: Aramis

A Thief's Confession( NC-17)
Unable to forget his feelings for Iolaus, Autolycus resolves to seek him out.
A sequel to The Centaurs
Author: Aramis

The Charioteer(NC-17)
Iolaus hopes that the excitement of chariot racing will distract him from his
thoughts of Hercules. A sequel to A Thief's Confession.
Warning: This story contains non-consensual sex.
Author: Aramis

Iolaus and Alcmene are kidnapped by bandits. A sequel to The Charioteer
Author: Aramis

A Golden Opportunity(NC-17)
Gold of any kind is always too much of a temptation for Autolycus.
A sequel to Reconciliation?
Warning: This story contains non-consensual sex.
Author: Aramis

Out into the Daylight(NC-17)
Lord Demos fancies the idea of a demigod for a son-in-law, but there's
one small (blond) problem to be dealt with first.
Warning: This story contains non-consensual sex.
Author: Aramis

This is a sequel to Out Into The Daylight. Iolaus discovers there are
some definite drawbacks to being the acknowledged lover of a demigod.
Author: Aramis

The Fountain of Salmacis (NC-17)
Hercules/Iolaus NC17 - Iolaus' plan to use the fountain's legendary
powers to help him gain Hercules' love goes wrong.
Author: Aramis

Unconcious Desires(NC-17)
Hercules and Iolaus' friendship is tested and long suppressed feelings
are exposed when a woman's plotting goes awry.
Warning: This story contains non-consensual sex
Author: Aramis

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