Old Utica NY images...(under construction)

Below are the pages of "Souvenir of Utica". There is no date of publication but the last reference is of 1903. Text is as written in the original booklet.

image1 for Oneida Co Historical Society
image2 for Oneida Co Historical Society
image3 for Oneida Co Historical Society
image4 for Oneida Co Historical Society
image5 for Oneida Co Historical Society

Title Page
Lower Genesee Street, showing Martin Building, Grace Church, New Bank, and City Hall
Genesee Street from City Hall Tower, showing Butterfield House, Grace Church, and New Bank
United States Government Building - Broad Street, contains Post-office, Custom House, Circuit and District Courts, and the U.S. Marshal's Office
City Hall - Genesee Street, Corner of Pearl Corner-stone laid in 1852
Mann Building - Genesee Street, Corner of Broad
Arcade Building and Munson Building (Oneida National Bank)
The Utica Steam and Mohawk Valley Cotton Mills and Globe Woolen Company The Utica Steam and Mohawk Valley Cotton Mills - State Street, Erected 1848 and 1868- Employs 1,800- It contains 130,000 spindles and 3,000 looms;
Globe Woolen Company - Court Street Founded 1847 - Burned and rebuilt 1871- It employs 1,100 persons and contains 166 looms
The Utica "Saturday Globe" and State Armory The Utica "Saturday Globe" - In this building the well-known "Saturday Globe" an illustrated weekly with a large circulation in the United States and Canada - Founded 1881 by William T. and Thomas F. Baker.
State Armory - Steuben Park Erected in 1893 - The home of Company A, 28th Separate Company and Company B, 44th Separate Company, 4th Battalion
The Utica City National Bank and The Savings Bank of Utica The Utica City National Bank - Genesee Street Incorporated 1848-Erected 1902-03;
The Savings Bank of Utica - Genesee Street Incorporated 1839 - Present building erected 1898
Utica Fire-Laddies and their homes No.1 Engine and Truck; No.2 Truck; No.2 Engine Company; No.3 Engine Company; No.4 Engine Company; No.5 Engine Company
State Hospital and Driveway - Court and Whitesboro Streets Building begun 1836-Opened 1843-It accommodates 1,100 patients, and was the first institution opened in New York State for the care of the insane
St. Vincent Industrial School - Rutger Street For destitute and truant children of Oneida and adjacent counties
Faxton Hospital and City Hospital Faxton Hospital - Sunset Avenue Founded by Theodore S. Faxton-Opened 1875-It has two well-equiped surgeries
City Hospital - Now known as "General Hospital" - Was erected in 1856 by the city for the care of indigent sick
Home for Aged Men and Couples and Home for the Homeless in the City of Utica Home for Aged Men and Couples- Object of the home is to shelter repectable men and couples, over sixty-five years of age (of Oneida County), in reduced circumstances Home for the Homeless in the City of Utica - The business of the association is to protect, assist, and support wholly, or in part, respectable women who are unable to support themselves
Masonic Home and Masonic Temple Masonic Home - Bleeker Street Corner-stone laid in the spring of 1891 by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York for needy Masons, their wives and children, widows and orphans Masonic Temple - Genesee Street Corner-stone laid by Grand Lodge of F.&A.M., of the State of New York, Aug 21, 1897
St. Patrick's Catholic Church and Orphan Asylum St. Patrick's Catholic Church - Corner Columbia and Huntington Streets Was organized and corner-stone laid in 1851 - Church burned in 1890- Rebuilt in 1894
Orphan Asylum - Corner of Genesee and Pleasant Streets - For boys and girls - Corner-stone laid in May, 1860
Munson-Williams Memorial and Tabernacle Baptist Church Munson-Williams Memorial- Side View The Home of the Oneida Historical Society founded in 1876 - Presented to the society by Mrs. Fredrick T. Proctor and Mrs. Thomas R. Proctor - It contains relics of Mohawk Valley
Tabernacle Baptist Church - Corner of Hopper and King Streets Was organized in 1819 - Corner-stone of the present building laid in August, 1865
St. John's Catholic Church and Grace Church and Butterfield House St. John's Catholic Church - Corner John and Bleeker Streets Organized in 1819, was the first Catholic organization in central New York - Building erected in 1869
Grace Church and Butterfield House - Genesee Street Grace Episcopal Church organized in 1838 - Building erected in 1860
Y.M.C.A. and Balliol School Y.M.C.A. - Corner Bleeker and Charlotte Streets Was erected in 1888 at a cost of $120,000
Balliol School - Washington Street (Seminary for young ladies)
Utica Free Academy - Kemble Street Completed 1899, at a cost of $135,000 - The building is 149x181 feet, and has capacity for 850 pupils
Schuyler Club - Genesee Street, corner of Court Street
New Century (Women's) Club - Genesee Street, corner of Hopper
Some Utica Residences (The Robert MacKinnon Residence(ul); Genesee Street Residences(ur), Roscoe Conking's Home(c), Baker Bro's Residences(ll), Oneida Terrace (lr)
"The Olbiston" - Genesee Street Containing 100 apartments
Rutger Street from Steuben Park
Steuben Park
Views of Summit Park
Chancellor Square Park - Bleeker Street
Trenton Falls on West Canada Creek About 18 miles of Utica - At this poin the creek descends about 300 feet through a picturesque gorge, forming a series of beautiful falls and cascades
Views of Trenton Falls Called by the Indians- Kauyahoo-ra-"Leaping Water"
Entrance to Forest Hill Cemetery

I have also been entrusted with the following:(thanks Mom!)
"Picturesque...UTICA" published and copyrighted, 1898, bu W.A. Semple, 51 Franklin Square, Utica, NY, printing by The Albertype Co., N.Y.
"Old Home Week Souvenir, Utica, N.Y. August 3-10, 1914", Thomas J. Griffiths, Utica, NY
"Points of Interest in Utica" Compliments of John A. Roberts & Co. Utica-New York
the"Saturday Globe" from Saturday, April 20, 1912, vol. XXXI no. 49, featuring "The Titanic. The Most Awful Sea Disaster on Record." headline.

These images would take up more space than my server allows. Please email me if you have a request from these publications! I'd be happy to share these as well!

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Last updated: Karen, 25 January 1999