The Ryan Family Tree

William Ryan;
father of ten.

His daughter Catherine, known as Kate.

from left front clockwise: son John, son Mick and friend, son Bill

Daniel and Mary (Neal) Ryan were the parents of my great great grandfather, WILLIAM. He was born about 1837 and arrived in Australia approx. 1863 from County Tipperary, Ireland.  He moved to the district of Bathurst in NSW, where he worked as a farmer in the area known as O'Connell Plains. William married Honora WILLIAMS (1854-1945) on 9th February 1873. He died  aged 74 on 25th February 1911 (information from death certificate).

They raised ten children:
Daniel (1873-1960) married Lucy Chown in 1905
Mary (1874-1916) married Herbert Mitchell in 1900
Margaret (1878-1882)
Ellen (1880-1925) married Alfred Smith in 1908
William (1883-1960) married
Michael (1885-abt.1970) Harriett Stapley
Catherine (1887-1966) married Alfred Dennis in 1910
John (my great grandfather) (1889-1976) married Kathleen COSGROVE(1893-1969) in 1915
James (1892-1974)married Lillian Bronson  in 1914
Hanora Annie.(1895-1963) married Patrick Lavelle in 1916

Ryan Family Genealogy Forum
The Ryan Clan

County Tipperary, Ireland