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Press and Reviews
Ellenby Review

When I heard that Jane was performing with a band, I knew I had to go, it had been too long since seeing Jane performing in Planet in Wolverhampton, so a couple of hours after setting off I arrived at the Chapel Bar in Islington.

The bar was smaller than I had imagined, and as I walked in the set for Golda Rosheuval was being set up and pretty soon Golda and her band were warming up and singing some of the best Jazz I have ever heard, that lady had a fantastic voice.  

A bit later I noticed Jane had arrived so said hello and watched the band set up so was surprised to see not only Jane getting ready, but the lovely Wendy Parkin and the unmissable Ben Fox (Damage Control West End), I knew that I was in for a real treat tonight.  As soon as they started warming up, everyone in the pub took notice and feet were tapping away, the songs were very catchy, melodic and a real treat to listen to.  Ellenby is fronted by Liz Poulter and Ben Goddard, both have amazing voices but it is Liz who leads the singing, she has a great uplifting voice that is in true harmony with Ben.

Jane played the keyboards and vocals, once again a real treat, I love listening to Jane singing and this was no exception, Jane was in great form, her only worry was that she had cut her thumb earlier in the day and was worried it would harm her playing, but the true artiste and professional that she is, she carried on in fine form.

Wendy played the guitar and vocals, it was great to see Wendy on the guitar again, as a budding guitar player myself, it always fascinates me to watch a professional in action making it look so easy and although there was to be no amazing solos that we loved in Planet, her playing was on top form and a joy to listen to.

Ben fox played the guitar and trumpet, Jane had mentioned earlier that he was exceptional on the trumpet and she was not wrong, I did not catch the name of the song that Ben played a haunting solo to, it was amazing and I sincerely hope that Ben will be playing on this track when it goes into recording for the album. 

In all, I had a fantastic night, it was worth the trip to see Jane alone, but with the added bonus of seeing Jane, Wendy and Ben all playing together was a dream come true, this topped off with Ben and Liz was a night not to be forgotton, my friend and I would like to put our names down for the album when it is released!

Another highlight for the night was to see Kraig Thornber, sadly I did not get to speak to him, but to have 4 ex planet cast members of different tours and casts was the cats whiskers for me, I came home, grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat!

If you get the chance, do go and see Ellenby, I am not sure of any other upcoming gigs, but check out their website:

Amanda Westlake