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Press and Reviews
50th Anniversary Gala Rview

The Queen’s Theatre 50th Anniversary Gala was a spectacular affair featuring the London Pops Orchestra, members of the theatre’s resident company Cut to the Chase and actors who have appeared at the theatre over the years.

The night started with a champagne reception and Bob Carlton mingled with the audience, there were photos in the foyer showing the various productions that had played at the theatre and they features some very well known household names.

I noticed that Kraig Thornber (Ariel in the West End) was there and quite a few people were talking to him.  Soon we got told that the auditorium was open and people made their way in and took their seats.

The show started with footage of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1952, there was some narration about the history of the theatre and then Liz Marsh and Antony Hunt (Bosun Arras in the original West End production) sang a song from Private Lives.

Then came Phil Reed’s first song of the evening, a song from Salad Days which was very funny and let Phil have a go at a comedy role, a bit more of the history followed and then Phil came on and sang Any Dream Will do from Joseph, he was absolutely fantastic and looked very sexy in his dinner jacket and black tie.

Wendy Parkin was the next Planet performer, playing guitar with Julian Littman on Pinball Wizard from Tommy, there was some fun when the orchestra played a medley from My Fair Lady and the audience had to sing along.

The final Planet performer in the first act was Jane Milligan who sang the title song from Cabaret, she was just fantastic and Jane has a truly amazing voice.

More champagne flowed during the interval and lots of people were talking about how good it was.

More audience participation in the second half with a Sound of Music medley and the audience not only joining in with the singing but with some actions as well – it was quite funny seeing everyone joining in with this and I noticed that some of the cast were watching from the wings.  We were, apparently, so good that we had an encore of it with the leader of the orchestra telling Celia White, who had come back on to narrate some more of the story to go off again.

Jane and Phil joined others for a tribute to Fings Ain’t Wot They Used T’Be and then came, in my opinion the highlight of the show, Matt Devitt, Julian and Phil all performing She’s Not There and the standard of guitar playing was out of this world, it was odd seeing it performed in DJ’s but it was a absolutely fantastic performance.

I must also mention Matt Devitt again as he narrated some of the story and was absolutely hilarious and they had given him the majority of the comedy lines, also Steve Edwin was hilarious, he didn’t say much but what he did say was very funny.

In conclusion it was an excellent night and a fantastic way for The Queen’s Theatre to celebrate its 50th Anniversary.

Sue Churchill