The Sept of the Wealth of Nations

The Sept of the Wealth of Nations was founded in Kirkcaldy, Fife, the birthplace of Adam Smith, author of the seminal work "An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" in 1776. This landmark book was the original blueprint for the Market Ecomony - a vision of a perfect Weaver-spun future that the Iron Riders adapted as their bible. (This camp would eventually develop into the Corporate Wolves of the Glass Walker tribe). The Umbral Glass Walker homeland and Cyber-realm were pioneered in this era, laying the foundations still seen in Oldtown.

The Iron Riders managed to oust every control of every Cairn in Fife, effectively excluding Fianna and Silver Fangs from office. The Sept reached its zenith as the industrial revoulution touched every facet of everyones life, and Britain became the workshop of the world, and people like Andrew Carnagie (born a few miles away in Dunfermline) could rise from rags to riches in a matter of a few years. This remained the unchallenged status quo for over 200 years, until what little contact remained with the reclusive sect abruptly ceased on January 1st 2000.

Investigations were instigated, and are currently ongoing...

The Cairn

The Sept controlled several Cairns, but operated from Oswald House on the outskirts of Kirkcaldy. Oswald house was a Level 5 Cairn of Enigmas, with the Weaver Totem "Queer-Like Smell"

Queer-Like Smell

"And I ken ma'sel by the queer-like smell that the next stop's Kirk-kaddy"

The Boy on the Train, Scottish Poem----

Queer-Like Smell first appeared to the Wealth of Nations during the mid-19th century. For much of Kirkcaldy's industrial history, Kirkcaldy was famous for a pungeant and permeating smell - the smell of linoleum production (which used linseed oil). Locally produced Nairn's Linoleum became a world famous commodity.

However, Queer-Like Smell actually manifested BEFORE linoleum production began. It's origins are uncertain - although its Weaver connection was strong, its intelligence alien. At the fall of the Wealth of Nations, Queer-like Smell dissappeared back into the Deep Umbra.

Adam Smith

Kirkcaldy's most famous son posthumously became one of the most influential figures in the Western world, although he could not have forseen the vast impact that his philisophies would have on the world today. Interestingly, the only extraordinary event in this extraordinary mans life was being kidnapped by "gypsies" as a child...

For more information, click on the links below (this information is of a dull, non-fictional nature, and totally unneccesary for play! They are included for the sake of completeness)

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