Male Models - Gary Garrett

Born Julian Garrett, he was always known as Gary. In the postwar period, when modeling was becoming a true profession, Garrett was one of the leading fashion models. Possessed of an excellent physique, he was able to move easily from high fashion to sports advertising. His friends remember him best for the Jolly Green Giant outfit, nothing more than some green paint and a few pea pods, that he wore to a costume party. Garrett continued in modeling once he moved to San Francisco, where he still lives at age 74.

His professional modeling sheet, football player photo, in Look Magazine 1952, photographed by George Platt Lynes 1954, in Singapore1961, magazine advertisement.

1998 photograph by: Arthur Tress

last updated 07 MARCH 1999 by friends of homosexual male models. (F.O.H.M.M.) founder Moon trent
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