Voyager stops to help an alien named Steth, whose ship uses a warp drive that is similar
transwarp technology. Paris is assigned to help Steth. While Paris is on Steth's ship,
Steth steals
Tom's likeness. This leaves Paris in the body of Steth's last victim. Steth knocks Paris
and activates the ship's warp drive. Before he activates the warp drive, Steth beams over
Voyager. Everyone on board notices that Tom is acting a little strange. He threatens
Torres and
Seven. Later he tries to choke Janeway. While he is attacking Janeway, Steth switches
bodies with
her. Then he steals one of the shuttles that Seven is working in. The real Paris manages
to stop the
shuttle from going into warp and everyone returns to their own bodies. For those of us
whose strength does not lie in the language of French, vis-a-vis means
Airdate: 4/8/98 Written by Robert J. Doherty Directed by Jesus Salvador Trevino Producers Rick Berman Michael Piller Jeri Taylor Starring Guest Stars:
Click here for 30 sec. Movie Trailer
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events is unintentional.
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the United States and other countries.Unauthorized
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civil liability and criminal prosecution.
STAR TREK: VOYAGER(R) is a registered trademark
of Paramount Pictures registered in the
United States Patent and Trademark Office.
All Rights Reserved.Copyright (c) MCMXCVIII BY PARAMOUNT PICTURES
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