"Somewhere out there if love can see us through then we'll be togeather, somewhere out there, out where dreams come true"

- James Ingram

Your Danny Fan # Since 10/19/97

Dear Danny,

You have no idea how much you have done for me or how you have affected my life personally. I grew up watching you on TV, struggling with my own bout wondering if I was gay. I always knew that I would be comforted with a warm smile and a beautiful face at least one night a week. I fell in love with you watching you on "Who's The Boss." If I only knew then what I know now.. It seems strange that you were going through the same struggles I was going through. I just wanted to let you know that you were never alone in your fight, I was right there with you all along. You helped me to see that it's ok to be who I am because it really doesn't matter what other people think does it? I just wanted to let you know that if our paths ever do cross, or even if by some chance you stumble upon this page, know that I owe you the biggest hug you could ever imagine. Thank you for being who you are and so down to earth. Thank you for comforting me in my time of need, even though you never knew it. Thank you for just being you. I love you Danny and hopefully we can grow from our experiences. I wish you the best of luck on your way to graduation at Stanford and I certianly hope all your dreams come true. You deserve it! *hug*

Love Always,

Joe "PintauroFan"

If any of you would like to contribute your thoughts to this page, I'd be more than happy to post them here for you. Let's let Danny know how much he's loved.. and most importantly, let's let him know that he's not alone! :)

E-mail me if you have any thought you'd like to send along to Danny! Just click on his picture to mail me.. cute huh? :)


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