
moments - chapter seven

Outside in the cold November air Esther calmed down a bit while Bryan and Nicky expressed their amazement. "I just can't believe what bitches those girls are. I mean, just leave her alone or so but not this!" "I sure liked the trick you pulled off in there though. I bet you hurt that girl quite a lot!" Bryan grinned. "I sure hope so!" Esther turned at them. "Look guys, sorry for not saying hi right away, and thanks. Thanks a lot." Bryan was the first to answer. "Hey, don't bother, you're forgiven." "And you're welcome. More than!" The three of them walked into the park that surrounded Esther's school. "So how's it been here?" Esther shrudded a bit. "Good I guess. Well, better. Everyday is a bit better than the previous one. But it's not over yet. Can't be right?" Bryan and Nicky just nodded. Behind them the other students were coming out of the school
"Listen, I've got an idea. Why don't we take you back home and talk some more there? It's a bit more quiet than here..." Bryan looked at the students who were passing them by. "Sure, why not?" Esther started to follow Bryan. "Bry, wait a second. Can I please speak with Esther for a sec before we go?" Bryan didn't really understand Nicky, but decided it wouldn't do any harm. "Sure. I'll just wait over by the car okay?" Then he turned round and began to look for the way out.

Nicky sat down beside Esther on the bench. He wasn't feeling too comfortable with the situation. He hadn't seen her since the day of Kian's funeral, and he had absolutely no idea what her thoughts of him were, what role he had in the accident in her eyes. "What did you want to say to me Nicky?" He looked up at her face. She was so pale... Like a ghost almost. Nicky often wondered how Esther got through without Kian. "Es, I... just wanted to say... I know I... I should have done something. I mean, I was there when it happened and..." Esther didn't give him the chance to finish. "Nicky it's not your fault. There's no one to blame." Nicky took her hand in his. "Yes, there is one..."

"Nobody ever told you this. We thought you had enough to deal with already, but the report on the accident came in last month." Esther stared at him in disbelief. "And you're telling me now? Nicky that's the one thing that can clarify this whole thing and you..." He put his hand on her lips. "Listen first. Bryan thought I shouldn't tell you but I think you have the right to know. The driver that hit Kian was not just careless Esther, he was drunk." She couldn't believe her ears. "No Nicky, he... not because some moron had a little too much to drink. That can't be the reason why he died. Not because of alcohol..." She started to cry again and buried her head in her hands. Nicky knew that this was a very hard thing to deal with for her. On top of all the other things. Her father had been an alcoholic for years...

"Shh girl. Don't cry now..." Nicky didn't know what to say. He took her in his arms and gave her a friendly hug. After a while she sat back up again. "So he died for no reason in fact. If it had been a doctor on his way to an emergency I would have... But now it's just some idiot that doesn't... KIAN!!!" Her cry echoed through the empty park. Nicky took her in his arms again. He had seen Kian do this often when she cried so he figured it would help. "I miss him so! I just miss him so. I wish I was with him..." "You are..." She looked up at Nicky and saw he wasn't joking. "Kian never left you girl. Do you remember what Shane used to say when we had to go somewhere and you and Kian had to say goodbye?" "Something about the fact that we are one but we were split in two for a while..." "Right. You remember! That was true you know... your love made you part of each other. You had a part of him and he had a part of you. And that's something nobody can ever take away from you. That part of him is still here, in your heart. And that way you are with him as well, where ever he may be now." She smiled at Nicky and hugged him.

He hugged her back gently. "I bet he's looking at us right now, wishing he was the one that is holding you instead of me." "I wish it was him... You have no idea what I would give for a hug, a sign, anything. Just a little something to..." Her tears ended her sentence. Nicky took something out of his bag. "I can't perform miracles. If I could I would bring him back, turn back time... but maybe I can help you a little bit." She saw that he was holding an album. "This is for you... from Kian..." She started leaving through the pictures. She came across every picture that was taken of the two of them. The ones when they first had met at the meet & greet, the ones in Sligo, the ones at Shane's house with the horses, the ones in Disneyland last Christmas. "I had no idea there were so many... He really collected them all." On the last page, she saw he had written down something. "Nicky what is this? What..." "This album was supposed to be a gift for you. I think he was going to give it to you when you last went home." She began reading it. Nicky left her alone for a while, thinking that it would be best...

My dearest Essie,
I know this will come as a surprise for you, or at least I hope it will. Every day you were here I wanted to tell you so many things but I never came round to doing so. I just want to say... well, thank you. For all the good times and bad times we've had together, for letting me be a part of your life. You have no idea what you mean to me. I know there are people who try to make your life a hell just to amuse themselves (you know who I'm referring to) and that you think I deserve better. You told me so... But Es, there is nobody who can possibly take your place. I don't deserve any better, even if I did I wouldn't want to change a thing. I will always be there to help you out, even if you can't see me all the time. You'll probably think I'm being very pessimistic about this, but if there's one thing the death of my best friend taught me, is that you never know when it's over. So I just hope that, if it all should end tomorrow, I can be with you, in your arms. That's where my heaven lies. I will always love you.
forever yours,

She saw there was also a poem written on the back. It was entitled "Moments"

If I die tonight,
I'd go with no regrets.
If it's in your arms,
I know that I was blessed
And if your eyes, are the last thing that I see
Then I know the beauty heaven holds for me.
But if I make it through
if I live to see the day, if I'm with you
I'll know just what to say
The truth be told,
girl you take my breath away.
Every minute, every hour, every day.
'Cause every moment we share together
is even better than the moment before.
If every day, was as good as today was
then I can't wait till
tomorrow comes...

She couldn't read any further. It was as if she could actually hear Kian speak those words. After sitting on the bench a while longer she decided it would be best if she joined Bryan and Nicky again. As she was standing up she saw that the first star had already emerged. She watched it for a while as it was twinkling so high above her head. Esther held the album close to her heart, like a treasure. A tear began to make it's way down her cheek. "Thank you Kian. I love you too. Always will..."

~ End ~

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