until the end of time

chapter four

Kellie was still in shock when Anna went into her room and said "I just called my mum to say that I'll sleep over at your house ... Hey Kel, what's wrong?" then Anna patted Kellie's shoulder gentley. "Anna!" cried Kellie "Look what I found..." then Kellie handed Anna the article and told her about the conversation she had with Mark. "Kel ... look at the picture carefully! This is Shane and this is Kian ... 3 of them used to be in "IOU"!!!" said Anna very excitedly. "What should we do next time we meet them?" asked Kellie anxiously. "We can't ask them for autographs..." replied Anna. "I agree," nodded Kellie, "what if we act the same, like nothing happened?" "Good idea..." agreed Anna.

The next day, when Kellie arrived home from school. She saw Nicky walking to her house. "Hey Nicky.", said Kellie taking off her school hat. "Hi Kellie. Just came back from school?" asked Nicky stopping to chat with Kellie. "Yeah..." replied Kellie, "How about you?" "Your mum invited us for tea," answered Nicky then he handed Kellie some biscuit. "Want some?" "No, thanx. Not feeling hungry now," replied Kellie. "Nicky, can I ask you something?" "Sure" answered Nicky, his mouth full with biscuit. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about this?" said Kellie seriously. "OK...." replied Nicky looking at Kellie, interested now. "I promise." Kellie took a deep breathe and asked "Does Mark have a girlfriend?" "Nope. You fancy him?" asked Nicky curiously. "Uh...nope, just wondered." answered Kellie very nervously. "Come on...admit that! I won't tell Mark!!!!" promised Nicky. "Really?"

"Really!" "Yeah...but don't tell him OK!?!" answered Kellie blushing. "I already promised you so don't worry. Super Nicky won't let you down!" He acted like superman. Both of them laughed out loud. "So how about Shane? Is he single?" asked Kellie, still giggling. "Yeah, he's single...do u like him as well?" wondered Nicky. "I'm not THAT bad, Nick. Actually it's Anna who fancies Shane but I don't think she'll take it seriously 'coz she's dating someone from school now," explained Kellie. "OK. Won't you ask me too?" asked Nicky. "All right, Nicky, do you have a girlfriend?" grinned Kellie. "Yes." grinned Nicky. "Is she beautiful?" "She's the most beautiful person I ever met." Nicky said very proudly. "That's very sweet Nicky," replied Kellie. "How about you Kel? Have you got a boyfriend?" asked Nicky. "Never," replied Kelly,shaking her head. "For real?" asked Nicky surprised! "Yeah. I guess I'm not that attractive. But I don't really care 'coz I never fancy anyone that much," answered Kellie playing with her hair. "Including Mark?" wondered Nicky. "Erm...apart from Mark that is!" smiled Kellie. "Oi, we'd better get in side now. I'm so thirsty." "Yeah." nodded Nicky. 'I'll help you Kellie. I'll try my best' Nicky thought to himself while they walked inside the house.

The next day after Kellie got back from school, she saw Nicky in front of her house again. "Tea time huh?" asked Kellie jokingly when she approached him. "No but can you do me a favor? Me and the lads are hitting the town but Mark won't come with us so would it be all right if you can take care of him while we're out? I mean just get him dinner and keep him company...." asked Nicky. "Sure." replied Kellie. "I knew you would say yes!!!!" he teased. Kellie grinned. So after Kellie had changed her uniform and told her mum about where she was going, she went to the lads' house, bringing some snacks and her homework with her. When she was in front of the boys' house, she rang the doorbell and soon Mark opened the door. "Hi Kellie..." greeted Mark. "Hiya. Nicky told me to be here and..." "Nicky already told me so don't worry. Come on in," invited Mark.

Kellie walked inside the house. "Oh almost forgot, don't forget to warn me about the dinner. Mum said it'll be ready in half an hour," said Kellie, following Mark to living room. "You'd be a great mum, Kel." smiled Mark. Kellie was a bit surprised about what Mark said, "Uh...thanks, I take that as a compliment," replied Kellie. "What are you doin' now anyway?" "I'm planning to watch the videos I rented the other day, wanna join me?" replied Mark when he sat down on the couch. "Sorry, I can't. I've got homework to do," replied Kellie while she put her stuff on table. "Which subject?" "Irish" "Perhaps I can help you," said Mark walking to the table. "That would be great. I'm pretty lousy when it comes to Irish, thanx a lot." smiled Kellie. "My pleasure." Then both of them started working on Kellie's homework.

"It's 6.30 pm now. I'll be right back OK?" Kellie said when she got up from the table. "Uh huh..." nodded Mark, still working on Kellie's homework. When Kellie came back from picking up dinner at her house, she saw Mark sleeping on the couch. She didn't want to wake him up so she prepared the food by herself. When she finished, she was about to wake him up but all she could do was stare at him. She looked at him closely and examined his face. Kellie knew she couldn't resist those lushous lips nor his gorgeous pink-ish cheeks. She knew she was in love for the first time in her life. As soon as she realized this it was almost 7 o'clock. She didn't want Mark to be starved so she woke him up for dinner. After they had finished their dinner and cleared up everything, both of them sat down on the couch. "I'm so full..." said Kellie. "Do you want to watch the movie with me now?" asked Mark, walking to VCR. "Um, OK so what are we going to watch?" asked Kellie. Then Mark gave 3 videos to her. "Choose one" said Mark. "Let see...Romeo & Juliet, My best friend's wedding and Robin Hood: Prince of theives..I'll say "Robin Hood"...what do u think?" Kellie looked at Mark for answer. "Yeah...Robin Hood," then Mark grabbed a video from Kellie's hand and put it into the VCR.

In 2 hours of movie the only thing Kellie did was stare at Mark. But everytime he turned to her, she just pretended that she's watching the movie. "I like Kevin Costner" said Kellie, breaking the silence. "He's a good-looking lad esp. in this movie. I wish I could have my own Robin Hood like that." "Don't you have a boyfriend?" asked Mark as he popped some popcorn into his mouth. "Nope," replied Kellie drinking soda. "How about you?" "Nah. Maybe we should get together," said Mark jokingly. "Yeah, maybe," laughed Kellie but inside her heart, she knew that was what she really wanted.

chapter five