Over the past 20 years I have talked with many people on the Bogart family. Have lost 2 hard drives in this time frame so some of my source notes have been lost. There are many sites that have information on the Bogart families and they go back further than what I have here. If you have additions that you would like to share I would love to have them. I descend from Nancy Bogart daughter of Abraham Bogart and Elizabeth Duncan. She married Jesse Preston. By all means if you see something that I have typed wrong or have researched wrong please bring it to my attention. Thanks
Wanda 1. Cornelis BOGEART was born in February 1685. He died on 27 April 1728 in New Jersey. Cornelis married Cornelia DELAMATER before 1711 in Somerset Co, New Jersey. Cornelia was born in Feb 1685 in New York. NOTE: (1)This marriage has not been proven by me (2)All children are found in "First Reformed Church, Raritan (Somerville) Baptisms" in the Somerset Historical Quarterly. There is an entry also, but because of the date so close to Nathaniel christening. I don't believe it is their child: 26 Jun 1726, Pieternalletje Van Middelswaert, Jan & Pieternelletje Bogaert. Known children for Cornelius and Cornelia are: 2 Johannes BOEGERT was christened on 25 April 1711 in Somerset County, New Jersey. Johannes married Peternella DENYSE. NOTE: (1)This marriage has not been proven by me. CHRISTENING: Johannes Boegert, 25 Apr 1711, Cornelis Boegert and wife, Wit: Jan Theunissen & wife; Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol 2. 2 Cornelius BOEGERT was christened on 6 August 1712 in Somerset County, New Jersey. He died about 1771. He married (1)Mary VAN SCHAIEK. He married (2)Catharine VAN NEST. CHRISTENING: (name omitted) Bogert, 6 Aug 1712, Cornelis Boegert and wife, Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol 2. DEED: Deeds on record in County Clerk dated 1752 from Cornelius Bogart to the Church of Raritan & Bedminster, deed 1752. "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol 2, pg 173. 2 Raechell BOEGERT was christened on 18 May 1715 in Somerset County, New Jersey. She married Henry VAN AUGHEN. CHRISTENING: Raechell Boegert, 18 May 1715, Cornelis Boegert and wife; Wit: Danil Sebreges & Seytie Van Neste; Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol Quarterly" vol 2. 2 Abraham BOEGERT was christened on 3 April 1717 in County, New Jersey. He married Rebecca UNKNOWN. CHRISTENING: Abraham Boegert, 3 Apr 1717, Cornelis Boegert and wife; Wit: Albert Louw & wife; Dutch-First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol Quarterly" vol 2. 2 Isack BOGAERT was born in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. He died in New Jersey. He married Neeltjen VAN NEST about 1743. She was born about 1722 in Somerset County, New Jersey. CHRISTENING: Isack Boegaert, 22 Mar 1718, Kornelis Boegert and Kornelea; Wit: Theunis Middelswaer & Rebecka Boegaert; Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol Quarterly" vol 2. Known children for Isack and Neeltjen are: 3 Sarah BOGAERT was christened on 25 Mach 1744 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. 3 Hendrick BOGART was born on 12 February 1746 in Lebanon, Somerset County, New Jersey and was christened on 27 April 1746 in Lebanon, Somerset County, New Jersey. He died in Washington County, Tennessee. He married Elizabeth RANGE about 1762 in Somerset County, New Jersey. She was born on 29 July 1742 in Somerset County, New Jersey and was christened on 9 February 1743 in Raritan, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. She died about 1826 in Tennessee. She was daughter of Noah RANGE and Elizabeth COONS. NOTE: (1)Some information on children was taken from Ancestral File. Birthplace could be Somerset Co, Readington, New Jersey.. (2) Readington Church: Witness for christening: Johannis Bogaert & wife Petronella. TAXES: 1792 Washington Co, TN; Henry Bogart, 200A, 1wp, Capt Tullis old company. Note: White Poll is only paid by males between ages 21 & 50. Known children of Hendrick and Elizabeth are: 4 Cornelia BOGART was born on 12 May 1768 in New Jersey. She married John A. ZABRISKIE on 16 April 1788 in Bergen County, New Jersey. He was born in Bergen, New Jersey. MARRIAGE: Cornelia Bogert, and John A Zabriskie, Bergen 16 Apr 1788. "Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey" vol 22 pg 50. 4 Neeltje BOGART was born about 1771 in New Jersey. 4 Cornelius BOGART was born about 1772 in New Jersey. He died in November 1809 in Washington County, Tennessee. He married Elizabeth MOFFAT on 27 August 1793 in Washington County, Tennessee. MARRIAGE: Cornelas Bogart to Elisabeth Moffet 27 Aug 1793; Washington Co, TN; "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler, groom pg 29. Also listed Connelas Bogart to Elizabeth Moffet 27 Aug 1793 Washington Co, TN. Bondsman John McIntury. "Marriage Records of Washington Co, TN 1787-1840 by Grammer & Mullin. 4 Sarah BOGART was born about 1775 in New Jersey. She died about 1835/1836. She married Jonathan HAMMER on 29 September 1812 in Carter County, Tennessee. MARRIAGE: Sarah Bogart to Jonathan Hammer 29 Sep 1812; Carter Co, TN; "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler, bride pg 28. 4 Abraham BOGART 4 Margaret BOGART was born on 8 October 1781 in Berkeley County, Virginia. She married Christofer KUHN. 4 John BOGART was born about 1782 in Virginia. He married (1)UNKNOWN. She was born before 1790. He married (2)Catharine UNKNOWN about 1830. She was born about 1800 in Pennsylvania. NOTE: (1)Not sure that the marriage for John in Carter Co is the one that was in Monroe Co, TN by 1830.... (2)The Bogart men in Monroe Co, TN are believed to be children of John and his wives. MARRIAGE: John Bogart to Martha Whitson, 2 Oct 1808, Lic 30 Sep 1808; Carter Co, TN; "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler. CENSUS: (1)1830 TN, Monroe Co, Regiment 67, pg 114; John Bogard; 11000001-11211 (2)1840 TN, Monroe Co, pg 144; John Bogart, 210000001-0110001 (3)1850 TN, need (4)1860 TN, Monroe Co, District 8, Sweetwater PO, pg 240B; John Bogart, 79,m,w,VA,No occupation; Catharine, 60,f,w,PA; Margaret, 30,f,w,TN,Laborer. (5)1870 TN, Monroe Co, District 10, Madisonville PO, pg 93B; Katie Bogart, 70,f,w,TN,Keeping house;Peggy, 40,f,w,TN. (6)1880 TN, Monroe Co, District 10, pg 73A; Mrs Catherine Bogart, head,f,w,78,Wd,TN,PA,PA,Keeping house; Margaret, dau,f,w,50,S,TN,blank. Known child of John and Unknown is: 5 Charles BOGART was born about 1810. He married Jane UNKNOWN. Jane was born about 1809 in Tennessee. CENSUS: (1)1830 TN, Monroe Co, Regiment 67, pg 112; Charles Bogard, 00001-10001 (2)1840 TN, Monroe Co, Pg 147; Charles Bogart, 110001-10101 (3)1850 TN,Monroe Co, District 13, pg 78; Chas Bagart, 40,m,w,TN, Farmer,v.R/E $1500; Jane, 41,f,w,TN; Ellbridge G, 17,m,w,TN,Student; Martha, 14,f,w,TN; Mary, 10,f,w,TN; Elizabeth, 8,f, w,TN; Synthia, 5,f,w,TN; Charles N, 2,m,w,TN; Nancy NOBLETT, 47,f,w,AL?. Known children of Charles and Jane are: 6 Ellbridge G. BOGART was born about 1833 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Martha BOGART was born about 1837 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Mary BOGART was born about 1840 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Elizabeth BOGART was born about 1842 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Synthia BOGART was born about 1845 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Charles N. BOGART was born about 1848 in Monroe County, Tennessee. Known children of John and Catharine are: 5 Margaret BOGART was born about 1830 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 5 Samuel BOGART was born in July1837 in Monroe County, Tennessee. He died about 1917 in Monroe County, Tennessee. He married Mary Ann STAKELY on 30 April 1857 in Monroe County, Tennessee. She was born in June 1841 in Tennessee and died about 1917 in Monroe County, Tennessee. MARRIAGE: Samuel Bogart to Mary Ann Stakley, 30 Apr 1857; Monroe Co, TN; "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler. CENSUS: (1)1860 TN, Monroe Co, District 7, Sweetwater PO, pg 237; Samuel Bogart, 23,m,w,TN,Farmer, v.pers $100; Mary A, 18,f,w,TN; Amanda, 2,f,w,TN. (2)1870 need (3)1880 TN, Monroe Co, District 7, pg 43B; Samuel Bogart, head,m,w,42,M,TN,MA,TN, Farming; Mary A, wife,f,w,38,M,TN,TN,TN; Mandy J, dau,f,w,21,S,TN,TN,TN; Molly C, dau,f,w,18,TN,TN,TN; Angaline, dau,f,w,16,TN,TN,TN,Farming; Arlando, son,m,w,13,TN,TN,TN, Farming; John C, son,m,w,11,TN,TN,TN; Lisy, dau,f,w,4,TN,TN,TN. (3)1900 TN, Monroe Co, District 7, pg 146B; Samuel Bogart, head,m,w,Jul 1837,62,M-43,TN,MD,TN, Farmer; Mary A, wife,f,w,Jun 1841,58,M-43,9-8TN,TN,TN; Mandy J, dau,f,w,Jun 1858,41,S,TN,TN,TN; Mary C, dau,f,w,Jan 1861,39,S,TN,TN,TN; Louise A, dau,f,w,Aug 1863,36,S,TN,TN,TN; Ollie E, dau,f,w, Jun 1880,19,TN,TN,TN; Andrew J, son,m,w,Jun 1883,16,TN,TN,TN,Farm laborer. (4)1910 TN, Monroe Co, District 7, pg 63B; Samuel Bogart, head,m,w,72,M-50,TN,US,TN, Farmer; Mary A, wife,f,w,68,M-50,9-4,TN,TN,TN; Angie L, dau,f,w,46,S,TN,TN,TN; A James, son,m,w,26,S,TN,TN,TN, Farm laborer. MILITARY: Civil War - "Confederate Pensioners" Samuel Bogart, #6324 DEATH: "Index to Monroe Co, TN Death records" - Samuel Bogart, age 82, 1917, Monroe Co, TN #287 DEATH: "Index to Monroe Co, TN Death records" - Mary Bogart, age 74, 1917, Monroe Co, TN #249 Known children of Samuel and Mary are: 6 Amanda J. BOGART was born in June 1858 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Mary C. 'Mollie' BOGART was born in January 1861 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Angeline Louise BOGART was born in August 1863 in Monroe County Tennessee. CENSUS: (1)1920 TN, Monroe Co, Distrct 3, pg 157A; James A Bogard, head,m,w,36,S,TN,TN,TN,Farmer; Louisa A, sister,f,w,56,S,TN,TN,TN. 6 Arlando BOGART was born about 1867 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 John C. BOGART was born about 1869 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Lizy BOGART was born about 1876 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 Ollie E. BOGART was born in June 1880 in Monroe County, Tennessee. 6 James Andrew BOGART was born in June 1883 in Monroe County, Tennessee. CENSUS: (1)1920 TN, Monroe Co, Distrct 3, pg 157A; James A Bogard, head,m,w,36,S,TN,TN,TN,Farmer; Louisa A, sister,f,w,56,S,TN,TN,TN. 5 John BOGART was born about 1834 in Monroe County, Tennessee. He married Mary Ann J HALCOMB. She was born about 1842 in Tennessee. MARRIAGE: John Bogart to Mary Ann Halcomb, 29 Oct 1857; Monroe Co, TN; "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler. CENSUS: (1)1860 TN, Monroe Co, District 14, Sweetwater PO, pg 282; John Bogart, 26,m,w,TN,Farmer, v.pers $100; M J, 18,f,w,TN. 4 Henry BOGART was born on 18 October 1783 in Virginia. He died after 1860 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He married (1)Hannah WATSON. Hannah was born about 1780/1790. She died before 1840 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He married (2)Frances 'Fanny' UNKNOWN. Frances was born about 1794 in North Carolina. NOTE: (1)Settled in Washington Co, TN, later in Vermillion Co, IN .(2)I have seen where he was born in Washington Co, TN .but he states on 1850 and 1860 census records he was born in Virginia. CENSUS: (1)1830 IN, Vermillion Co, pg 230; Henry Bogard, 1111101-0112001 (2)1840 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, pg 486; Henry Bogart, 00020001-00011 (3)1850 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, pg 33; Henry Bogard, 67,m,w,VA,Farmer,v.R/E $2000; Frances, 56,f,w,NC; James HOOD, 22,m,w,IN,Laborer; Marcus, 20,m,w,IN; Isabel, 16,f,w,IN; Frances, 12,f,w,IN. (4)1860 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, Toronto PO, pg 141; Henry Bogart, 77,m,w,VA,Farmer,v.R/E $2725,v.pers $200; Francis, 67,f,w,NC; Isabella HOOD, 25,f,w,IN. Known children of Henry and Hannah are: 5 Silas BOGART was born on 20 November 1806 in Tennessee. He married Sarah JORDAN on 30 Decenber 1835 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She was born about 1817 in Kentucky. She died before 1880. MARRIAGE: Silas Bogart to Sarah Jordan, 30 Dec 1835; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1840 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, pg 486; Slas Bogart, 100001-10001 (2)1850 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, pg 25B; Silas Bogard, 43,m,w,TN,Farmer; Sarah, 33,f,w,KY; Alphous, 13,m, w,IN; Trifasa, 11,f,w,IN; Serphina, 9,f,w,IN; Hannah, 7,f,w,IN; Henry, 5,m,w,IN; Roudolf, 3,m,w,IN; Mary, 1,f,w,IN. (3)1860 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, Toronto PO, pg 141; Silas Bogart, 53,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.pers $1000; Sarah, 43,f,w,KY; Alpheus A, 23,f,w,IN,Farmer; Seraphina, 18,f,w,IN; Hannah E, 17,f,w,IN; Samuel H, 15,m,w,IN; Randolph, 13,m,w,IN; Mary J, 11,f,w,IN; Nancy, 7,f,w,IN; Delila, 4,f,w,IN. (4)1870 IA, Appanoose County, Douglas, Unioinville PO, pg 417A; Silas Bogart, 63,m,w,TN,Farmer (renter), v.pers $1030; Sarah, 53,f,w,KY; Alpheus A, 33,m,w,IN,v.pers $300; Mary Jane, 21,f,w,IN; Nancy, 17,f,w, IN; Delilah, 14,f,w,IN; Randolph, 23,m,w,IN. (5)1880 KS Cloud Co, Center, pg 264D; Samuel H Bogart, head,m,w,35,M,IN,TN,KYFarmer; Lucinda, wife,f, w,33,M,PA,PA,PA; Silas BOGART, father,m,w,73,Wd,TN,TN,TN (White Sadling). Known children for Silas and Sarah are: 6 Alphous A. BOGART was born about 1837 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He married Martha E. NELSON on 4 January 1866 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She was daughter of Samuel NELSON and Mary Ann UNKNOWN. NOTE: Could only find this child on the census after their marriage. But it appears that Marthae E born about 1868 was their daughter. MARRIAGE: Alphens A Bogart to Martha E Nelson, 04 Jan 1866; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1870 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, Newport PO, pg 135; Martha E Bogart, 2,f,w,IN Enumerated with Samuel Nelson age 55 and Mary A age 50. (2)1880 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, Village of Dana, pg 64A; Mary Ann Nelson, head,f,w,60,Wd,IN,IN,SC, Keeping house; William M, son,m,w,33,S,IN,IN,IN,Saloon Keeper; Mary Jane, dau,f,w,25,S,IN,IN,IN; Martha E BOGART, gr/dau,f,w,12,IN,IN,IN. 6 Iryphosa BOGART was born about 1839 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She married Thomas J. BROWN Jr. on 2 May 1858 in Vermillion County, Indiana. CENSUS: Iryphosa Bogart to Thomas J Brown Jr, 02 May 1858; Vermillion Co, IN. 6 Seraphine BOGART was born about 1841 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She married William F. S. STEWART on 27 July 1865 in Vermillion County, Indiana. MARRIAGE: Sersphine Bogart to Wm F S Stewart, 27 Jul 1865; Vermillion Co, IN. 6 Hannah E BOGART was born about 1843 in Vermillion County, Indiana. 6 Samuel Henry BOGART was born in July 1844 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He died before 1930 in Red Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska. He married Lucinda UNKNOWN. She was born in February 1847 in Pennsylvania. She died before 1920 in Red Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska. CENSUS: (1)1870 IA, Appanoose Co, Walnut, Walnut PO, pg 532; Samuel Bogart, 25,m,w,IN,Farmer,v.R/E $1000,v.pers $290; Lucinda, 23,f,w,PA. (2)1880 KS Cloud Co, Center, pg 264D; Samuel H Bogart, head,m,w,35,M,IN,TN,KYFarmer; Lucinda, wife,f, w,33,M,PA,PA,PA; Silas BOGART, father,m,w,73,Wd,TN,TN,TN (White Sadling). (3)1900 KS, Norton Co, Center, pg 47B; Samuel C Bogart, head,m,w,Jul 1844,55,M-30,PA,TN,KY,Day laborer; Lucinda, wife,f,w,Feb 1847,53,M-30,1-1,PA,PA,PA; Edward MCCALISTER, m,w,May 1879, 21,S, KS,IN,PA. (4)1910 NE, Webster Co, Red Cloud Ward-2, pg 212A; Samuel H Bogart, head,m,w,65,M-40,IN,TN,KY, Laborer-Odd jobs; Lucinda, wife,f,w,63,M-40,0-0,PA,PA,PA. (5)1920 NE, Webster Co, Red Cloud, pg 238B; Samuel Bogart, head,m,w,75,Wd,IN,TN,KY; Note: Living next door to Edward McAlister who was living with them in 1900. 6 Randolph BOGART was born about 1847 in Vermillion County, Indiana. 6 Mary J BOGART was born about 1849 in Vermillion County, Indiana. 6 Nancy BOGART was born about 1853 in Vermillion County, Indiana. 6 Delilah BOGART was born about 1856 in Vermillion County, Indiana. 5 Delilah BOGART was born on 20 October 1809. She married James OSBORN on 26 December 1833 in Vermillion County, Indiana. MARRIAGE: Delila Bogart to James Osborn, 26 Dec 1833; Vermillion Co, IN. 5 Julius BOGART was born on 16 June 1811 in Washington County, Tennessee. He married Lucinda CARMACK on 17 March 1835 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She was born about 1812 in Tennessee the daughter of Mary UNKNOWN. She died before 1880 in Vermillion County, Indiana. MARRIAGE: Julius Bogart to Lucinda Carmack, 17 Mar 1835; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1840 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, pg 467; Julius Bogart, 20001-00001 (2)1850 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, pg 97; Julius Bogart, 38,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.R/E $2500; Lucina, 38,f,w, TN; Isaac, 12,m,w,IN; Henry, 10,m,w,IN; William, 8,m,w,IN; Amanda, 6,f,w,IN; Mary C, 7/12,f,w,IN. (3)1860 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, Newport PO, pg 123; Julius Bogart, 45,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.R/E $11,600, v.pers $2000; Lucinda, 43,f,w,TN; Isaac, 22,m,w,IN,Farmer; Henry D, 20,m,w,IN,Farmer; William, 19,m,w, IN; Amanda, 16,f,w,IN; Mary, 12,f,w,IN; William P ALLEY, 10,m,w,IN. (4)1870 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, Newport PO, 122; Julius Bogart, 59,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.R/E $5275, v.pers $1450; Lucinda, 48,f,w,TN; Isaac, 33,m,w,IN,Farmer,v.pers $1250; Line left blank; William, 29,m,w, IN; Jerry JONES, 25,m,w,IN,Laborer; Mary CARMACK, 75,f,w,TN,v.R/E $1500; Sallie FULTON, 19,f,w, KY,Domestic Servant. (5)1880 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, pg 53A; Henry Bogart, head,m,w,40,M,IN,TN,TN, Rented Farmer; Emma M, wife,f,w,34,M,KY,KY,KY; Julius A, son,m,w,11,IN,IN,KY; Ella G, dau,f,w,7,IL,IN,KY; William F, son,m,w,5,IL,IN,KY; Claude M, son,m,w,3,IL,IN,KY; Julius BOGART, father,m,w,69,Wd,TN,TN,TN, Farmer retired (Rheumatism). Known children for Julius and Lucinda are: 6 Isaac BOGART was born about 1838 in Tennessee. He married Elizabeth GALISPIE on 24 December 1874 in Vermillion Co, Indiana. She was born about 1848 in Kentucky. MARRIAGE: Isaac Bogart to Elizabeth Galispie, 24 Dec 1874; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1880 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, pg 53A; Isaac Bogart, head,m,w,42,M,IN,TN,TN,Farmer; Elizabeth, wife,f,w,32,M,KY,KY,KY; Sarah S, dau,f,w,3,IN,IN,KY; Bettie M, dau,f,w,7,IN, IN,KY. 6 Henry Dalton BOGART was born about 1840 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He married Emma M. BANTA. Emma was born about 1846 in Kentucky. CENSUS: (1)1880 IN, Vermillion Co, Vermillion, pg 53A; Henry Bogart, head,m,w,40,M,IN,TN,TN,Rented Farmer; Emma M, wife,f,w,34,M,KY,KY,KY; Julius A, son,m,w,11,IN,IN,KY; Ella G, dau,f,w,7,IL,IN,KY; William F, son,m,w,5,IL,IN,KY; Claude M, son,m,w,3,IL,IN,KY; Julius BOGART, father,m,w,69,Wd,TN,TN, TN,Farmer retired (Rheumatism). 6 William Carmack BOGART was born about 1842 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He married Sarah SHAW on 4 February 1875 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She was born about 1859 in Virginia. MARRIAGE: William Bogart to Sarah Shaw, 04 Feb 1875; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1880 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, pg 82D; William C Bogart, head,m,w,38,M,IN,TN,IN,Stock trader; Sarah, wife,f,w,21,M,WV,VA,IL; Charlie W, son,m,w,3,IN,IN,VA; Isaac J, son,m,w,2,IN,IN,VA; Mattie GHALISPIE, niece,f,w,10,IN,KY,VA. 6 Amanda BOGART was born about 1844 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She married Theodore A. SIMEN on 16 April 1866 in Vermillion County, Indiana. MARRIAGE: Amanda Bogart to Theodore A Simen, 16 Apr 1866; Vermillion Co, IN. 6 Mary C. BOGART was born about 1849 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She married Miles GALISPIE on 6 August 1868 in Vermillion County, Indiana. MARRIAGE: Mary Bogart to Miles Gelaspy, 06 Aug 1868; Vermillion Co, IN. 5 Tabitha BOGART was born on 22 September 1813. She married Abial MILES on 9 November 1837 in Vermillion County, Indiana. MARRIAGE: Tabitha Bogart to Abial Miles, 09 Nov 1837; Vermillion Co, IN. 5 Alpheus BOGART was born on 28 July1815. 5 Lorina BOGART was born on 12 July 1817. She married John HOPKINS on 24 February 1842 in Vermillion County, Indiana. MARRIAGE: Lorina Bogart to John Hopkins, 24 Feb 1842; Vermillion Co, IN. 5 Emeline or Elizabeth BOGART was born on 22 April 1819. She married William C. GROVES on 17 March 1841 in Vermillion County, Indiana. CENSUS: Emeline Bogart to William C Groves, 17 Mar 1841; Vermillion Co, IN. 5 Henry BOGART was born on 2 January 1822. He died before 1850 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He married Sarah J. WISHARD. Sarah was born in March 1821 in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. MARRIAGE: Henry Bogart to Blank, 01 Dec 1842; Vermillion Co, IN.....After the death of Henry, Sarah remarried. Sarah J Bogart to Benjamin F Morey, 28 Jan 1852; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1850 IN, Vermillion Co, Clinton, pg 1;...living with her brother?.... Wm W Wishard, 31,m,w,KY, Carpenter-House,v.R/E $1200; Sarah J BOGARD, 29,f,w,KY; James H WISHARD, 20,m,w,IN,Carpenter; Margaret WISHARD, 18,f,w,IN; John BOGARD, 5,m,w,IN. (2)1860 IN, Vermillion Co, Clinton, Clinton PO, pg 198 Benjamin F Moorey, 32,m,w,KY,Blacksmith,v.R/E $200,v.pers $900; Sarah, 35,f,w,KY; John H BOGART, 15,m,w,IN; William L MOOREY, 6,m,w,IN; Frank MOOREY, 4,m,w,IN; Several other people in household. (3)1870 IN, Vermillion Co, Clinton, Clinton PO, pg 10; Benjamin F MORTY, 42,m,w,OH,Blacksmith,v.R/E $11,500,v.pers $200; Sarah J, 45,f,w,KY; William, 15,m,w,IN; Frank, 14,f,w,IN (marked female); John H BOGART, 23,m,w,IN,Physician,v.R/E $1500,v.pers $200; Martha ANDERSON, 25,f,w,IN,Does housework. Known child for Henry and Sarah is: 6 John H. BOGART was born in June 1845 in Vermillion County, Indiana. He married Malissa A. NEBEKER on 14 May 1872 in Vermillion County, Indiana. She was born in January 1852 in Indiana. MARRIAGE: John H Bogart to Malissa A Nebeker, 14 May 1872; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1880 IN, Vermillion Co, Clinton, pg 123A; John H Bogart, head,m,w,35,M,IN,IN,KY,Physician; Mellisia, wife,f,w,28,M,IN,DE,NY; Zona, dau,f,w,5,IN,IN,IN; Paul, son,m,w,2,IN,IN,IN; Allice CHASE, servant,f,w,24,S,IN,IN,VA. (2)1900 IN, Vermillion Co, Clinton, pg 177B; John H Bogart, head,m,w,Jun 1845,54,M-28,IN,IN,IN,Physician; Mellsa A, wife,f,w,Jan 1852,47,M-28,2-2,IN,DE,NY; Zona, dau,f,w,Mar 1875,25,S,IN,IN,IN; Paul N, son,m, w,Jul 1878,21,S,IN,IN,IN,School. 5 William Watson BOGART was born on 5 October 1825. He married Sabella HOOD. She was born about 1828 in Indiana. MARRIAGE: William Bogart to Sabella Hood, 05 Oct 1845; Vermillion Co, IN. CENSUS: (1)1850 IN, Vermillion Co, Helt, pg 33; William Bogard, 21,m,w,TN,Farmer; Cirilla, 22,f,w,IN; Malissa, 3,f,w,IN; Mary, 9/12,f,w,IN. Known children for William and Sabella are: 6 Malissa BOGART was born about 1847 in Vermillion County, Indiana. 6 Mary BOGART was born about 1849 in Vermillion County, Indiana. 4 Daniel BOGART was born about 1787 in Tennessee. 4 Hannah BOGART was born about 1789 in Tennessee. 4 Nathaniel BOGART was born about 1791 in Tennessee. 4 Elizabeth BOGART was born about 1793 in Tennessee. She married George Washington COOPER. 3 Cornelius BOGAERT was christened on 10 July1748 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. 3 Elizabeth BOGAERT was christened on 22 April 1753 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. She married Nathaniel EDGAR. 3 Ruth BOGAERT was christened on 30 November 1755 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. She married Benjamin STOUT. 3 Maria BOGAERT was christened on 17 December 1758 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. She married William ROBENSON. 3 Abraham BOGAERT was christened on 12 April 1761 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. 3 William BOGAERT was christened on 6 November 1763 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. 3 Annetje BOGAERT was christened on 12 March 1769 in Readington, Somerset County, New Jersey. 2 Jacob BOAGERT was christened on 12 August 1720 in Somerset County, New Jersey. He married Marie BUNN. CHRISTENING: Jacob Bogaert, 12 Aug 1720, Cornelis Bogaert & wife Cornelia; Wit: Henderick Reiniersen & Gridje ______; Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol Quarterly" vol 2, pg 210. 2 Maerten or Martin BOGAERT was christened on 6 May 1722 in Somerset County, New Jersey. He died about 1795 in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary COOK. CHRISTENING: Maerten Bogaert, 6 May 1722, Cornelis Bogaert & Cornelia; Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol Quarterly" vol 2, pg 210. 2 Samuel BOGAART was christened on 27 September 1724 in Somerset County, New Jersey. CHRISTENING: Samuel Bogaart, 27 Sep 1724, Cornelis Bogaert & Cornelia; Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol Quarterly" vol 2, pg 210. 2 Nathaniel BOGAERT was christened on 2 October 1726 in Somerset County, New Jersey. CHRISTENING: Nathaniel Bogaert, 2 Oct 1726, Cornelis Bogaert & Cornelia; Dutch - First Reformed Church Raritan (Somerville). "Somerset Historical Quarterly" vol Quarterly" vol 2, pg 210 Last update 1 October 2006 |
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