These are typed as written. If I can not read a word or letter I will put ____....Wanda HENRY GRUBB Wythe County, Virginia Will Book 1, pg 372 23 June 1804 I Henry Grub of Wythe County, Virginia do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say 1st It is my will that all my parisable property be sold Immediately after my Decease and out of the money arising there from all my just Debts and Funeral Expences be discharged and paid. 2nd It is my Will and order that Dorathy my Wife have the use of the Mansion House during her life or Widowhood and to be supported out of the produce of the old plantation. 3d It is my Will that my son John Grubb have One hundred Acres of my old Tract of Land to be laid off in such manner as to include his House and Improvement where he now lives and to Include all the low Ground on Tates Run below the Fence of the Meadow as it now Stands & on the north side of Said Run and Down the same to the pattent line. 4th It my will that my son Lewis have one hundred acres of Land on the south side of the above mentioned runs to begin at the pattent line & include up -------- the south side of said Run for quantity & include said Lewis’s Improvement. 5th It is my Will that my son Isaac Grub have One hundred Acres of my old Tract aforesaid to be laid Off in the following manner Viz, by a line to begin on the pattent line next to Jacob Grubs land & to run such a course as to Include the Spring now occupied by said Isaac on the south side of Tates run & continue such a course as to include all the low Ground on Said run as low as the Cleard Ground on the old plantation thence such a course to the pattent line on the North side as to include the aforesaid one hundred acres. 6th It is my Will that Jacob Grub my son have one hundred Acres of the aforesaid Land to be laid off on the South side of the last mentioned one hundred acres bequeathd to Isaac Grub. 7th It is my Will that after the above mentioned four parcels is laid off that my son Francis have the remainder, he supporting my wife during her Life or Widowhood. And it is my will and desire that if my sons aforesaid should in any manner disagree in laying off the aforesaid different parcels of Land that my executors hereafter named should superintend the runing of the aforesaid lines and see that the same be run according to the true intent and meaning of this my Will. But it is to be understood that notwithstanding the aforesaid Division be made it is my will all my Heirs Male & Female shall be equally entitled to the Benefits of the fruit of every kind growing on the Orchard at my old Dwelling for the space of ten Years. 8th It is my Will that five hundred and forty five Acres of Land lying on the south side of my old Survey be equally divided quantity and quality considered amongst my Heirs male and Female and if they should not agree after the same is Divided it is my will and order the shall Cast Lots for choice of the same. 9th It is my will and order that my son Francis have one bay mare call’d Joll provided he stays on the Old plantation & work farm and attend the same in a proper Manner Supporting his Mother as above mentioned but failing so to do in a reasonable manner then it is my Will and Order that John Leftwick, John Grub and William Ward whom I constitute & apoint to be my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament take and sell the said Mare amongst my other parisable property and lastly it is my Will that the money arising from the sale of my property after the payment of my Just Debts & Funeral expences be Distributed in the following manner, that is to say my son John shall have a Sum equal to what he shall expend for Necessaries for my Support and for any extraordinary Trouble he may have with me before or at my Death and after the same is taken out at the Discretion of my other Executor or executors the Balance to be equally divided amongst my other Heirs and my Wife. And I do hereby make Null and Void all and every other will or Wills and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in Testimony where of I have set my hand and Seal the twenty third day of June one thousand eight hundred and four.. 1804 Signed: Henry Grub {seal} Seal’d and acknowledged in presence of George (his (// a line across the center ) mark) Tawney John Walters Wythe County April Court 1807 This the last will and Testament of Henry Grubb Deceased was presented in court and proved in part by the oath of John Walters a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be continued for further proof and at May Court 1807 was again presented in court and fully Proved by the oath George Tawney an other subscribing witnes to the same and is ordered to be recorded. Teste John P. Mathews D. C. DOROTHY GRUBB Wythe County, Virginia Book ?, pg 409 19 February 1816 Know all men by these presents, that I Dorothy Grubb widow of Henry Grubb Decesed that I the said Dorothy Grubb of Wyhte County and State of Virginia for in consideration of the Lord, good Will, and affection which I have and do bear towards my three grand children, Polly Grubb Daughter of John Grubb, Polly Hilten daughter of Jacob Hilten, and Milenda Cline Daughter of Nicholas Cline Junr. – have given & granted, & by these presents do freely give & grant unto the sd Polly Grubb, Polly Hilton and Milenda Cline, their Heirs, Executors and administrators all and singular my Goods and Chattles that I shall have in my possesseion at my decease for them to have and to hold the said Goods and chattles, as their Goods and Chattles, absolutely without any manner of condition. In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal, this nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. Signed: Dorothy (her X mark) Grubb {seal} Ssigned & sealed and delivered in the presence of us James Sleater Cathy (her X mark) Sleater Clerks Offices of Wythe County 6th May 1816. This deed of Gift from Dorothy Grubb to Polly Grubb, Polly Hilton, & Malinda Cline was acknowledged before me by the said Dorothy Grubb as her act and Deed the same is admitted to be Recorded in my office. Jacob T. Fishback D.C. JACOB GRUBB Wythe County, Virginia Will Book 3, pg 105 31 January 1825 In the Name of God Aman I Jacob Grub Senr of Wythe County and State of Virginia now in Sound mind and disposing Memory to this Instrument of Writing to be my last Will and Tastement. Imprimis at my will that my Just dabts and funerel Expance be puntively paid and discharged. First I give to my son Gordis Grub the plantation I now live on supose one Hundred acer to the said Gordis Grub his Heirs for aver. Except all the Clear land on the said Plantaton my wife Elisabeth is to Maniage during her naturel life then and not before the said Gordis Grub is to have poschon of said Clear land, she the said Elisabeth my wife is to Engoy all the clear land on the other tract of land during hir Natrall life – Sacendly, I give unto my sons Jacob Grub and William Grub and their heirs for ever one Hundred and fifty acers ajining the lands of Gordis Grub, Isaac Grub, Fransus Grub and Jacob Hildon to be Equally Devited betene the said Jacob and William Grub as soon said William arisses to the age of twenty one year, the Clear land on the said Bounderey to Jacob and William Grub my wife Elisabath is to injoy as before mentioned during hir natrel life Thirdley I give unto my three dothers, Catey, Ester, and Elisabeth, two Hundred and fifty acers of land which I possessed of Jacob Hildin to them and their heirs for aver to deveid the said land Equeley in three shirs or Salee the said land to the bast advintich and Devide the money Equelley between the said Cattey Patton, Ester Johnson and Elisabath Grub. Fourthly I give to my grandson Epfrom Patton fiften acrs of Land joining my one and Jacob Hilden to Enjoy the said fifteen aces him and his Heirs forever fiftleey I give to my Wife Elisabath hir Spinning weel and hir Bad and Badstat which is not to be sold, Sixtley all my personally Estate is to sold my wife Elisbath after my dabts and Expense is paid is to throw the thirts and the remainder is Equal Devided beteen my Childern that is to say Jacob Grub, William Grub, Gordis Grub, Cattey Patten, Ester Jonson, and Elisabath Grub --- Savently I give for good and all to my wife Elisabath and Gordis Grub one plow and the yong mare and 1 Broun old hors and there Ga_s. I forther appind as Exutors my wife Elisabath and Christian Catring to act in my last will and tastement revoking all other wills January the 31, 1825. Signed Jacob (his X mark) Grubb {seal} Leonard Straw Isaac Grubb Peter (his X mark) Grub Virginia: At a Court held for Wythe County the 8th day of February 1825. This the last will & Testament of Jacob Grubb Decd, was proved in Court by the Oaths of Leonard Straw Senr & Isaac Grubb two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded. And on the motion of Christian Catring one of the Executors named in Said Will Who Entered into Bond with John Catron his Security in the sum of four hundred Dollars Conditioned as the law directs and took the Oath required by Law Probate of said Will is granted him in due form. Teste J P Mathews D C LEWIS GRUBB Wythe County, Virginia Will Book ?, pg 123-124 14 Jul 1853 I Lewis Grubb of the County of Wythe and State of Virginia do make and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner as follows: In the first place, I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. 2nd I give to my wife Elizabeth Grubb fifty dollars one beadstead and furniture also my chest and Spinning wheel. I also direct that Shall be decently supported as long as she remains my Widow, and hereby charge my estate for that purpose. In the event that she marries after my death I then revoke the above devise to my wife and direct that she shall take that portion of my estate, to which the statues of Virginia entitle her. 3 I give to my sons Thomas F. Grubb and Isaiah Grubb all the lands of which I did possessed, all my slaves and their increase, all my stock of horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, grain, farming utencils, household and Kitchen furniture except the devise to my wife above. To them and their heirs forever (with the following conditions) I direct that the land be divided between my two above named sons as follows that Isaiah F. Grubb is to have all that portion of my lands lying south of the present lane running through my lands and just a little south of the house in which I now reside togather with that portion acquired by me from the estate of my Brother Francis Grubb decd. I direct that my son, Thomas Grubb take all that portion of my lands lying north of said lane. 4th I direct that my slaves and their increase if there be any be equally divided between my two above named sons, Thomas and Isaiah F. Grubb. 5 I direct, I direct my two above named sons to pay to pay Barnabas Grubb fifty dollars three years after my death. 6th I direct that my two above named sons Thomas & Isaiah F. pay my daughter Eve Doritty Wampler forty dollars Three years after my death I also direct that they pay my Daughter Mary Cline ten dollars three years after my death. Also to pay my son John Grubb forty dollars three years after my death also my daughter Mahala Kinser to have five dollars three years after my death. Also to pay my daughter Rachael Cline one dollar three years after my death. My daughter Catey Hillenburg to have forty dollars three years after my death. Lastly I constitue and appoint my sons Thomas Grubb and Isaiah F. Grubb executors of this my last will and testament. Signed and sealed by me this 14h day of July 1853. Lewis Grubb {seal} Signed sealed and acknowledged as and for the last will and testament of the testator in our presence and we have subscibed our names as witnesses thereto at his request and in the presence of each other. R. Crockett Jacob (his X mark) Lanter Codicil: Having omitted to dispose of my money, bonds, notes, and account in my last will and testamet hence the necessity of this Codicil I give and devise to my two sons Thomas Grubb and Isaiah F. Grubb all the money on hand at my diath togather with all my bonds, notes, and debts of whatsoever character due me. Further it is my intention that a straight line running, throug the center of the lane mentioned in my last will and testament. Shall be extended from one side of my land to the other Shall constitute the division lane between my two sons Thomas Grubb & Isaiah F. Grubb. Signed and sealed this 14th day of July 1853 Lewis Grubb {seal} Signed sealed and acknowledged in our presence by the testator and we have witnessed the same at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other. R Crockett Jacob (his X mark) Lanter Virginia: In the County Court of Wythe March Term 1861 The last will and Testament of Lewis Grubb deceased with a codicil thereto annexed was presented in Court proved by the oath of Robert Crockett one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and continued for further proof. And in the County Court of Wythe April Term 1861. It appearing to the Court that Jacob Lanter a witness to a writing purposting to be the last will and testament of Lewis Grubb decd. Is a resident of Sullivan County State of Tenessee on motion of the executors named in said writing it is ordered that said writing be recorded by the Clerk and that the original will be sent to the Clerk of the County Court of Sullivan County State of Tenessee by Mail for the purpose of taking the deposition of said Lanter in regard to said writing and a commission is awarded to take said deposition. Teste H L Mathews CC NOTE: In the margin of the first page is written this note: “Decr 18, 1861 paid Jos Corvin two dollars”. NICHOLAS GRUBB Wythe County, Vriginia Will Book 7, pg 121 In the name of God Amen I Nicklos Grubb of the county of Wythe and state of VA; being of sound mind and disposing memory and con cidering the unertainty of this frail and mortal life do therefor make and declair this my last will and testament in manor as follows First: I direct the payment of all my past debts and funeral expenses to be paid Second: I give all the property owned by my daugher Delily Grubb in her life which fell to me at her death to my daugher Juliy A Grubb. Third: I direct and give the land on which I now live to my daughter Julia A. Grubb containing seventy acres to her her lifetime and her her lifetime and her ____ after ___ and I furhter give and direct sayed Julia A. Grubb is to have my ____ black maire called pass when sayed Julia A is tenty one years old and my wife Catherine is to have the use of said mair till Julia A. is twenty one years old. Fourth: I give unto my sons, Canaro A Grubb one bed and my ____ kown as the ________. Fifth: I give unto my daugher Elizabeth Walters sum of five dollars. Sixth: I give to my daughter Mariah C. Grubb one bed and fifty dollars. Seventh: I give to my daughter Persilda E. Snavely five dollars. Eight: Igive to Wiley W. Grubb five dollars. Ninth: I gve to my beloved wife Catharine Grubb one white heefer in addition to which the law allows to her = real & other I will make no apointment of anyone as my executor and leave that to the choice of my wife and children to have who they want to administer on my estate when I am gown Witness my hand and seal this the tenth day of October 1878 Nicholas Grubb {Seal} Witnesses J G Haller Joseph S. Hounshell Virginia In Wythe County Court Nov Term 1878 The last Will and Testament of Nicholas Grubb deceased was this day fully proved by the oaths of J G Haller and Joseph S. Hounshell the subscribing witnesses thereto and was therefor ordered to be recorded. And there being no executor named in said will on the pr__ion of William P. Cooper who made oath as the law directs and entered into a bond in the ___ of $700 conditional according to law with Joseph S. Hounshell as his surity thereown certificate is granted the said Wm P.Cooper for obtaining letter of administration upon the estate of the said Nicholas Grubb decd with his said will ___ of in due form. Teste: Jas A Richin D.C. |
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