.2 James M. PRESTON was born 27 May 1790 in North Carolina later became Tennessee. He died after 1860. He married (1) Jane Ginney ALLISON on 27 November 1810 in Roane County, Tennessee. Jane was the daughter of Robert ALLISON and Jane MOORE. She died before 1840 in ,Roane County. James married (2) Elizabeth Willis MCKANE on 21 January 1844 in Roane County, Tennessee. Elizabeth was born about 1807 in Tennessee. MARRIAGE: (1)James Preston married Ginney Allison; Sur: Uriah Allison 27 Nov 1810. "Marriage Records of Roane Co, TN; also Preston, James to Ginney Allison 11-27-1810 [Ro], "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler, Groom, pg 295.. (2) Preston, James to Elizabeth Willis McKane 1-20-1844 (1-21-1844) [Ro], "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler, Groom, pg 295. Another listing James Preston and Elizabeth Willis McKane, Sur: John Turner Jr 20 Jan 1844; Married by John Turner JP 21 Jan 1844; Marriage Bk 1, pg 111-112. "Marriage Records of Roane Co, Tennessee 1801-1855" by Hutcherson and McCleun. CENSUS: (1)1830 TN; Roane Co. Ro-6; James Preston 1111001-1120001 (2)1840 TN, Roane Co, Ro-84; James Preston 02111001-0011 (3)1850 TN, Roane Co, Ro-647-730; Preston, James 60, Elizabeth W 43, Robert A 19, Samuel 17. (4)1860 TN, Roane Co, 2nd dist, PO Hackberry Bend, Ro-40-121; Preston, James 70,m,w,farmer, v.R/E $100,v.pers $700,TN; Elizabeth W 53,f,w,TN. TAX LIST: (1)1857 TN, Roane Co, 2nd dist; James Preston, $50 acres-value $125. CHURCH: Cave Creek Church: (1)Friday before the 2nd Saturday in Sep 1843. James Preston a member of the Baptist Church have resided in our bounds for some time holds a letter of dismission. It is therefore agreed upon and the church appoint Bros James Breazeale and Sanfird Ingram to labour with him and report at our next meeting.. (2)2nd Saturday in Nov 1843. Called for reference and laid over the case of Br James Preston till our next meeting.. (3)2nd Saturday of Dec 1843. Called for reference and took up the case of James Preston who gave his letter to the church and requested the church not to receive him into fellowship as he considered his conduct rendered him unworthy of a place among the Baptist at this time and the church acted accordingly. This took place on Sabbath morning. Known children of James M. and Jane: …3 Uriah A. PRESTON was born about 1812 in Roane County, Tennessee. He married Abigail PARMLEY on 27 August 1831 in Roane County, Tennessee. MARRIAGE: Preston, Uriah A to Abigail Parmley 8-27-1831 [Ro] "Early East TN Marriage" by Sistler, Groom pg 295. CENSUS: (1)1830 TN, Roane Co; with father James, his age 15-20. (2)1840 TN, Roane Co, Ro-85; Uriah Preston; 10002-220110001 (3)1850 TN, Roane Co, Ro-64-651; Uriah Preston 37,T; Abigail 35,T; Katharine J HANKINS 18, Palitha PRESTON 16, Minerva 14, Samuel 13, Mary E. 10, Margaret 9, Uriah 6. (4)1860 (need) (5)1870 MO, Camden County, Adair, pg 479; Uriah Preston, 57,m,w,Farmer,v.R/E $585,v.pers $634, TN; Abagail, 58,f,w,Keeping house,KY; Maneriva, 33,f,w,TN; Mary, 24,f,w,TN. Known children of Uriah and Abigail: …… 4 Katharine J. PRESTON was born about 1832 in Roane County, Tennessee. She married Luke L. HANKINS on 2 March 1847 in Roane County, Tennessee. MARRIAGE: Preston, Catharine to Luke L Hankins 3-2-1847 (3-2-1847) [Ro]; "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler, Bride, pge 294 CENSUS: (1)1850 TN, Roane Co; with father Uriah, Catharine Hankins age 18. …… 4 Patlitha PRESTON was born about 1834 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Minerva PRESTON was born about 1836 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Samuel PRESTON was born about 1837 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Mary E. PRESTON was born about 1840 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Margaret PRESTON was born about 1841 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Uriah PRESTON Jr. was born about 1844 in Roane County, Tennessee. … 3 Jesse H. PRESTON was born about 1821 in Roane County, Tennessee. He married Elizabeth Ann BREEDEN on 11 September 1841 in Roane County, Tennessee. Elizabeth born about 1823 in Tennessee. MARRIAGE: Preston, Jesse H to Elizabeth Ann Breeden 9-11-1841 [Ro], "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler, Groom, pg 295. Another listing also had the following Jessee H Preston to Elizabeth Ann Breeden; 11 Sep 1841 bond missing no return on book. Marriage bk 1, pg 45. CENSUS: (1)1850 MO, Greene Co, Finley, pg 633B; Jesse H. Preston, 35,m,w,Farmer,TN; Elizabeth, 27, f,w,TN; Rebecca J., 8,f,w,TN; Mary M., 6,f,w,TN; William A., 5,m,w,TN; James G., 3,m,w,MO; Martha B., 4/12,f,w,MO. Note: Living next door to James Preston. (2)1860 MO, Dallas Co, Green, pg 292; Jesse Preston, 45,m,w,Farmer,v.R/E $500,v.pers $306,TN; Elizabeth, 38,f,w,Housework,TN; Mary, 16,f,w,Househand,TN; William 14,m,w,TN,; James, 12,m,w, MO; Martha, 10,f,w,MO; Melinda, 7,f,w,MO; Margaret, 3,f,w,MO; Susan, 4/12,f,w,MO. Known children for Jesse H. and Elizabeth: …… 4 Rebecca J. PRESTON was born about 1842 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Mary M. PRESTON was born about 1844 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 William A. PRESTON was born about 1845 in Roane County, Tennessee. He married Adaline UNKNOWN. Known children of William and Adaline: ……… 5 Mary PRESTON was born about 1868 in Missouri ……… 5 Thomas PRESTON was born about 1869 in Missouri. …… 4 James G. PRESTON was born about 1847 in Missouri. …… 4 Martha B. PRESTON was born about 1850 in Missouri. …… 4 Melinda PRESTON was born about 1853 in Missouri. …… 4 Margaret PRESTON was born about 1857 in Missouri. …… 4 Susan PRESTON was born about 1860 in Missouri. … 3 Nancy A. PRESTON was born about 1826 in Roane County, Tennessee. She married Andrew Jackson FARMER on 12 March 1843 in Roane County. Andrew was born about 1824 in Tennessee to Archelaus Valentine FARMER and Lurana BOGART. He died about 1862 in Missouri. MARRIAGE: Nancy Preston to Andrew J Farmer, 3-6-1843 (3-12-1843) [Ro]; "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler NOTE: (1)Nancy and Andrew moved to MO about 1845 making the trip by wagon, and took up land near the present site of Sparta. They raised a family of five children. They were members of the Baptist Church. (2)Write up on Andrew and Nancy Preston Farmer in "The Ozark Region" 1864 Reminiscent History. (3)In write up on Andrew J Farmer (deceased) and the Preston's in "The Ozark Region" 1864 Reminiscent History. He was a prominent man of the county, held a number of local offices and was county assessor at the time of his death, being elected to that position by the Republian party. He became one of the substantial men of the county. He made agricultureal pursuits his life work. The old home place is within sight of Sparta and was one of the first farms of the county.... (4)Move to Christian Co, MO about 1845. Known children of Andrew and Nancy: …… 4 Lorena J. FARMER. Note: The mother of Dr Hedgpeth. …… 4 Margaret A. FARMER died about 1885. Margaret married J. J. BRUTON. …… 4 James W. FARMER. Note: A farmer, lived on the old home place outside of Sparta. …… 4 A. V. FARMER. Note: Lived on the old home place outside of Sparta. …… 4 J. N. FARMER. Note: Druggist of Sparta. …3 James E. PRESTON was born 26 December 1828 in Roane County, Tennessee and died 13 July 1880 in Christian County, Missouri. He married Phoebe Catharine ISBELL. She was born 25 June 1832 in Jackson County, Missouri to William Elliott ISBELL and Dorcas Covington COX. She died 14 October 1908 in Christian County, Missouri. NOTE: Note of thanks to Donna Hutson for bringing this James to my attention. Some information from Donna. After finding Jesse H and James living next door in 1860 I did not realize that he was a son of James M and Jane until then. Donna has information on the ISBELL family if anyone is from this line. Her email address is ducroid@kc.rr.com CENSUS: (1)1850 MO, Greene Co, Finley, pg 633B; James Preston, 22,m,w,Farmer,TN; Catharine, 18,f, w,TN. (2)1860 MO, Christian Co, Linden Twp, pg 515; (James living in same household with Henry Adams) Henry Adams, 22,m,w,Farmer,v.pers $40,KY; Elisabeth 19,f,w,MO; James Preston, 32,m,w,Farmer, v/R/E $1500,v.pers 1230,TN; Phebe, 28,f,w,MO; Richard, 8,m,w,MO; William, 5,m,w,MO; Nancy, 2,f, w,MO; Margaret, 4/12,f,w,MO (3)1870 MO, (need) (4)1880 MO, Christian Co, Benton, pg 81A; James Preston, head,m,w,52,M,TN,(blank),Farmer; Phebe, wife,f,w,48,M,KY,(blank)Keeping house; Jesse, son,m,w,25,S,MO,TN,KY,Farmer; Margaret, dau,f,w, 20,S,MO,TN,KY,at home; James , son,m,w,17,MO,TN,KY,Farm laborer; John ISBELL, nephew,m,w, 22,S,TN, KY,TN,Blacksmith. Known children of James and Phoebe: …… 4 Richard PRESTON was born about 1852 in Missouri. He married Dovie UNKNOWN. She was born about 1856 in Tennessee. CENSUS: (1)1880 MO, Christian Co, Benton, pg 81A; Richard Preston, head,m,w,28,M,MO,TN,TN, Farmer; Dovie, wife,f,w,24,M,TN,TN,TN,Keeping house; Sidney, son,m,w,5,MO; Clara, dau,f,w,4,MO; Elizabeth, dau,f,w,2,MO. Known children of Richard and Dovie: ……… 5 Sidney PRESTON was born about 1875 in Christian County, Missouri. ……… 5 Clara PRESTON was born about 1876 in Christian County, Missouri. ……… 5 Elizabeth PRESTON was born about 1878 in Christian County, Missouri. …… 4 William J. PRESTON was born about 1855 in Missouri. He married Ella May ISBELL. daughter of John Phineas ISBELL and Paralee MELTON. NOTE: John Phineas Isbell is brother to Sarah F. and Pheobe C. all children of William E. and Dorcas C. (Cox) Isbell. …… 4 Nancy PRESTON was born about 1858 in Missouri. …… 4 Margaret PRESTON was born about 1860 in Christian County, Missouri. …… 4 James PRESTON was born about 1863 in Christian County, Missouri. … 3 Robert A. PRESTON was born about 1831 in Roane County, Tennessee. He married Mary NARRAMON on 25 August 1856 in Roane County. MARRIAGE: Preston, Robert to Mary Narramon 8-23-1856 (8-23-1856) [Ro] "Early East Tn Marriages" by Sistler,Groom, pg 295. CENSUS: (1)1840 TN, Roane Co, with father James, his age 5-10. (2)1850 TN, Roane Co, Ro-647-730; with his father James and step-mother Elizabeth, his age 19. (3)1860 TN, Roane Co, 6th dist, PO Wrightsville, Ro-121-162, #903-840; Preston Robert, 30,m,w, Laborer,v.pers $25, TN; Mary, 20,f,w,TN; John W, 3,m,w,TN. TAX LIST: (1)1857 TN, Roane Co, 2nd dist; Robert Preston, 1 poll. Known children of Robert and Mary: …… 4 James W. PRESTON was born about 1857 in Roane County, Tennessee. … 3 Samuel A. PRESTON was born about 1834 in Roane County, Tennessee. He married Minerva LITTLETON on 22 January 1854 in Roane County. Minerva was born about 1829 in Roane County, Tennessee to THOMAS LITTLETON and Mary 'Polly' MATLOCK. MARRIAGE: Preston, Samuel A to Minerva Littleton 1-20-1854 (1-22-1854) [Ro], "Early East TN Marriages" by Sistler, Groom, pg 295; in book "Marriage Records of Roane Co, TN." Surety James Preston 20 Jan 1854, mar by Benjamin Coward MG. 22 Jan 1854, bond an licenses. Marriage Bk 2 pg 304-305. CENSUS: (1)1840 TN, Roane Co, with father James; his age 5-10. (2)1850 TN, Roane Co, Ro-647-730 with father James and step-mother Elizabeth, his age 17. (3)1860 TN, Roane Co, 2nd dist, PO Wrightsville, Ro-29-116 (abt book pg 28) #224-802; Preston, Sam'l, 26,m,w, farmer,v.per $250,TN; Manervy, 31,f,w,TN; Mary J, 4,f,w, TN; Jesee C, 3,m,w,TN. (4)1870 TN, Roane Co, 3rd dist, pg 1 (Abst book pg 61) Dwelling 6-6; Preston, Samuel, 37,m,w,farmer, TN; Manervia, 40,f,w,keeping house,TN; M J, 14,f,w,TN; Jessee, 12,m,w,TN; M E, 10,f,w,TN; Samuel, 7,m,w,TN; George, 3,m,w,TN. TAX LIST: (1)1857 TN, Roane Co, 2nd dist; Samuel Preston, 1 poll. MILITARY: Civil War, Co I E Tn Inf. Known children of Samuel and Minerva: …… 4 Mary J. PRESTON was born about 1856 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Jesse C. PRESTON was born about 1857 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 M. E. PRESTON was born about 1860 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 Samuel PRESTON was born about 1863 in Roane County, Tennessee. …… 4 George PRESTON was born about 1867 in Roane County, Tennessee. (updated June 2003) |
James M. PRESTON |
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