Whampoa Toastmasters Club
Winners speak well and lead well
Upcoming Events :
16th Chapter (Charter) Meeting - 21 Jun 2006

Div U General Council Meeting cum
Term-End-Party                          -  24 Jun 2006

Div U Club Officer Training I       -   1 Jul 2006

17th Chapter (Charter) Meeting  -  19 Jul 2006
The host club for the following events :

Combined Club Officers Installation Night 05
- Whampoa, Hong Kah North & SPAN-JOM held on 17 August 2005

Combined Area U2 & U4 Humorous Speech & Speech Evaluation Contest 2005 held on 17 September 2005

Division U Council Meeting held on 5 October 2005

"Essential Tools of Toastmasters" Talk
Brought to you by Division U Council
                                          - 18 February 2006

Combined Area U2 & U4 International Speech & Table Topics Contests
                                              - 25 March 2006

Combined Area U1 & U3 International Speech & Table Topics Contests
                                                  - 8 April 2006

Division U International Speech &
Table Topics Contests               - 29 April 2006

Division U Achiever's Day         -  3 June 2006

Division U General Council Meeting cum
Term-End-Party                        - 24 June 2006

Division U COT I                       -  1 July 2006
Division U
District 80
Toastmasters International
Executive Committee 2005/2006
Upcoming Events
Whampoa Speechcraft Workshop 2006
- 3rd Intake
For more details, email us :
Jennifer - Vice President, Membership
Norman Hassan - Vice President,
Public Relation
Past Events
Introduction of Whampoa Toastmasters Club